meet Tasneem, the new addition in the family.
Alhamdulillah, all thanks to Him, dated 11th July 2011, Tasneem was born. :)
Tasneem is my sister's daughter, so that makes me an official Aunt or as they say, mak lang, mak for mother or aunty, and lang for being the third children in the family, so mak lang = the third auntie. but mak insisted her to call me khala (auntie in arabic)
my feelings? excited of course! she's my first niece! hehe. i hope that i will pass this year successfully and i can go back home and meet Tasneem, si kecil!
some pictures the family sent to me or posted in the facebook. :)
masya-Allah~ how cute...
akak da jd mak cik da ye.. hehe..
yup. dah pangkat makcik dah.tua dah rasanya. thanks paat! ;)
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