yes.i'm back..sleepover at the hospital tiring giler..i slept at the hospital yesterday..jaga my daddy..the room was dad je sorg dlm 1,we've made it like a hotel room..ala..buat macam rumah sendiri..mak,kak ngah n luqman x tidur situ last night sebab they only let 1 waris to,last night was my lucky day la bassically..haha..nasib the room ada astro..konsert prelude dpt tgk!!yezza...waited for diddy gile lame..x suke zila coz die nampak mcm cheap..anyone agree with me?..diddy was in the last group..ah..ku tertawan!!i lurve his voice! wonder die dpt..hehehe..haziq's voice pon okay!he's cute also..hehehe..amirul made it..via sms..good news for zati n for diddy people!!
jeff x dpt..huhu..suara dia tidak kedengaran pon tapi..tasha mak lurve faizal..juz because faizal is sudirman's fanatic fan..good news for her,faizal pon dpt jugak..haha..
my team kalah..ah..tidak..benci..x tgk sgt pon tapi.malaysia menang 2-1...syaf,ean n ghazali pergi tgk..kasihan mereka my team kalah..but then,alonso menang!!yeeha!!i lurve alonso!!dia sgt handsome dan hebat!go alonso!go!!hannah x paham y sumue org x suka alonso..i dun care..hannah still support alonso!!
hospital,i love hospital..i admirer the hebat2 doctors..but i'm afraid of surgery..that's y i wanna b a dentist..simple yet cool..i bet all kanak2 will hate's doctor is a razak i merawat prof..he said that dad's surgery is tomorrow..paling awal pon afternoon coz my dad's name dekat bawah in the list..paling lewat the day after tomorrow la..i ate the hospital's was ok..hukm punye makanan x brape sedap..but pantai has the best hospital food ever!haha..
morning,had hospital breakfast again..mak,kak ngah n luqman came..we went to the icu..mak's friend is there..he's in a coma..yet,good news,he opened his eyes just now..what a relief!!sebab anak2 die all kecik2 lagi..kasihan..then,we went to the obstatrik[spelling?] to see kak bakal delivered tak lama lagi!!yeay!!then,met abang irwan..wah..baru kerja!!he said:i'm a doctor now,so call me doctor irwan..ah.berlagak!benci!nak jer sepak2 muka die..nasib baik kamu handsome..bluek!,abang irwan took me to lunch!yeay!makan lagi!kak ngah n luqman tidak dibelanja coz they had their lunch dekat rumah..padan muka x dpt!haha..semua mcm tgk hannah jer mase hannah makan dgn abg irwan..sebab abg irwan pakai kot doctor tu..segan sih!!abg irwan buat bodo je..sepak karang!pasti gedebuk jatuh kerusi..cis!abg irwan visited my dad..aka his uncle..lama!menyampah la pulak!nasib baik his beeper bunyi..baru bla..aman dunia..^.^..then,went to see kak ngah's friend..dia doktor is like the merapatkan silaturahim place la..semua org ada..semua org sedang sakit..haha..mak made me jumpa the skin specialist..i have this skin problem since leg.yeah.but,the doctor tidak ada semasa kitog cari dia..alhamdulillah..selamat aku!hehe...6 o clock,it's time to go home..mak's her turn to jaga my dad..tommorrow will be kak ngah's..
esok,kena pergi sekolah..booklet iu day to design..50 of them..argh..perah otak!wednesday pon kena pergi..preparation for iu day..n thursday,the iu day itself..oh ya,iu day means international understanding day!..bedebar2! week for me it is!later!afundi diddy!n haziq!n rich the estranged vocalist!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
from atheera..
1. Song playing at the moment?
bad day..i miss american idol..huhu..
2. Reasons for living?
3. Do you think you're ok?
4. Ever donated blood?
i cant donate blood.i was in london year 1993.mad cow desease at that time.
5. Favorite color(s)?
6. Accessories you usually wear?
7. One song to describe a heartbreak in the past?
tiada heartbreak.
8. Last place you went to?
kuala kangsar.
9. Last person you went out with?
my crazee classmates.
10. The most exciting sport?
net ball!
11. Ever had a baby?
nope.still studying.
12. Movie you want to watch?
the da vinci code.
13. Any piercings?
14.The most romantic gift(s)?
a dozen of roses [dah tiada tapi..huhu..]
15. Acted on stage before?
banyak kali.
16. Struck by lightning before?
17. Danced with your loved one before?
danced with my handsome junior pernah.loved one tidak lagi.
18. Ever wished you could turn back time?
19. What would you do if you woke up one day to
find yourself to be with someone from the opposite
20. One song that's meaningful to you?
21. Last person you met for the first time?
22. What will you be doing tomorrow?
hospital esok.
23. Ever thought of robbing a bank?
24. One thing you totally regret doing/done?
haha countless la babe.
25. Do people like you?
ask them.
26. What was the last game you played on the internet?
i dont play games la deng.
27. Someone who means a lot to you at the
28. The color of your mobile phone?
29. Do you hate someone at the moment?
yezza..god knows who.
30. What do you wish to happen now?
demamku hilang serte merte.
31. Last time you ate pizza?
mother's day aritu.
32. Ever been given a ring? sis.
33. Do people think you're weird?
always.ask my seniors.
34. Movies now showing that you hate?
man laksa.
35. Most important thing in your room?
36. Last movie watched?
alexandria..i just bought the cd!!yeay~awesome!
37. Last television show watched?
debaran prelude.
38. Who is the person you want to see right now?
god knows who..i wont tell.
39. Ever called a person useless?
yes.kasihan my bro..huuhu..
40. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
yezza..saya dpt degree dlm perkara ini.
1. Song playing at the moment?
bad day..i miss american idol..huhu..
2. Reasons for living?
3. Do you think you're ok?
4. Ever donated blood?
i cant donate blood.i was in london year 1993.mad cow desease at that time.
5. Favorite color(s)?
6. Accessories you usually wear?
7. One song to describe a heartbreak in the past?
tiada heartbreak.
8. Last place you went to?
kuala kangsar.
9. Last person you went out with?
my crazee classmates.
10. The most exciting sport?
net ball!
11. Ever had a baby?
nope.still studying.
12. Movie you want to watch?
the da vinci code.
13. Any piercings?
14.The most romantic gift(s)?
a dozen of roses [dah tiada tapi..huhu..]
15. Acted on stage before?
banyak kali.
16. Struck by lightning before?
17. Danced with your loved one before?
danced with my handsome junior pernah.loved one tidak lagi.
18. Ever wished you could turn back time?
19. What would you do if you woke up one day to
find yourself to be with someone from the opposite
20. One song that's meaningful to you?
21. Last person you met for the first time?
22. What will you be doing tomorrow?
hospital esok.
23. Ever thought of robbing a bank?
24. One thing you totally regret doing/done?
haha countless la babe.
25. Do people like you?
ask them.
26. What was the last game you played on the internet?
i dont play games la deng.
27. Someone who means a lot to you at the
28. The color of your mobile phone?
29. Do you hate someone at the moment?
yezza..god knows who.
30. What do you wish to happen now?
demamku hilang serte merte.
31. Last time you ate pizza?
mother's day aritu.
32. Ever been given a ring? sis.
33. Do people think you're weird?
always.ask my seniors.
34. Movies now showing that you hate?
man laksa.
35. Most important thing in your room?
36. Last movie watched?
alexandria..i just bought the cd!!yeay~awesome!
37. Last television show watched?
debaran prelude.
38. Who is the person you want to see right now?
god knows who..i wont tell.
39. Ever called a person useless?
yes.kasihan my bro..huuhu..
40. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
yezza..saya dpt degree dlm perkara ini.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
kuala kangsar.
yeay..dah balik rumah..ah.tersangatlah,my family n i pulang ke perak..balik kampung gile hebat!pergi eepoh..visit aunties n uncles..then pergi kuala kangsar..pasar tak bukak la today..frustated giler..we had kampung style lunch..i'm not a big fan of kampung food so x makan banyak..then,of coz,pergi my dad's skool MCKK...we thought mase cuti budak koleq semua dah pulang rite?so,me n kak ngah dgn x malunye went for a walk dekat sane..ronde2..x takut sesat pon sbb each month pergi..took sum pics with my bro..he said nak blaja there lepas pmr..ah,bercita2 tinggi betol adikku..upsr pon belom amek dah pikir pasal pmr..
so,kami berjalan2 macam sekolah tu kami punye..then,jeng jeng jeng...ade like 5 guys in front of us..semua like n kak ngah terase malu yg amat sekali!!but,dalam 5 tu,3 hot!haha..sempat lagi tgk..bluek..dgn semalu2nye tu,kitorg bla..x sangke dlm perjalanan tu,ade lagi budak koleq..apsal la diorg x balik2,kami pon like terus tanye my dad what is happening?apsal ramai org?my dad kate diorg tu ade sports ade competitions..that's y diorg stay..argh..malunye!!dah la terserempak kat dorm diorg!oh tidak...
dlm tangkap2 gamba tu,there's a stage in the middle of the padang.the stage macam last year punye coz it's written '100 years malay college'..the stage macam made out of papans,like diorg buat utk temporary[spelling?] je..kami took photos kat situ rite,then,mase nak pulang,hannah terpijak this papan yg mmg dah nak,the papan ranap la,selipar tersekat pulak kat situ..omg!totally malu sbb ade org tgh tgk..argh!!geram!geram!luckily,seliparku dpt diselamatkan..aiyo..what a day!after that,my dad mcm xnak balik..merenung the big tree n the big skool..pastu,crite balik the exact same story all over again..haiz...nak muak mendgrnye.. mak pakse daddy balik..n we had,not laksa..must pronounce it betul2..awesome la laksa tu..the best in town..haha..
ayah ngah came back from umrah today but x jengok die lagi..but i will next week.i'm away for tomorrow n monday..i'll b staying at the hospital with my dad..nasib baik my dad dpt 1st class..k,later!chiowz!
so,kami berjalan2 macam sekolah tu kami punye..then,jeng jeng jeng...ade like 5 guys in front of us..semua like n kak ngah terase malu yg amat sekali!!but,dalam 5 tu,3 hot!haha..sempat lagi tgk..bluek..dgn semalu2nye tu,kitorg bla..x sangke dlm perjalanan tu,ade lagi budak koleq..apsal la diorg x balik2,kami pon like terus tanye my dad what is happening?apsal ramai org?my dad kate diorg tu ade sports ade competitions..that's y diorg stay..argh..malunye!!dah la terserempak kat dorm diorg!oh tidak...
dlm tangkap2 gamba tu,there's a stage in the middle of the padang.the stage macam last year punye coz it's written '100 years malay college'..the stage macam made out of papans,like diorg buat utk temporary[spelling?] je..kami took photos kat situ rite,then,mase nak pulang,hannah terpijak this papan yg mmg dah nak,the papan ranap la,selipar tersekat pulak kat situ..omg!totally malu sbb ade org tgh tgk..argh!!geram!geram!luckily,seliparku dpt diselamatkan..aiyo..what a day!after that,my dad mcm xnak balik..merenung the big tree n the big skool..pastu,crite balik the exact same story all over again..haiz...nak muak mendgrnye.. mak pakse daddy balik..n we had,not laksa..must pronounce it betul2..awesome la laksa tu..the best in town..haha..
ayah ngah came back from umrah today but x jengok die lagi..but i will next week.i'm away for tomorrow n monday..i'll b staying at the hospital with my dad..nasib baik my dad dpt 1st class..k,later!chiowz!
matriks seniors dah pergi..ah..kebosanan melanda..the melayu of coz dpt matriks..chinese like always,pergi private or masuk lower six..sekarang dah x boleh laypark dgn mereka lg..huhu...kak lily dpt uia buat law..kak aida dpt uitm sarawak,kak najwa pon dpt uitm but not in sarawak.shai din take the offer n go to taylors instead buat bisnes.timothy is now at sunway college.kenneth n the gang r still in yu hua[lower six].my xfresh frens,ayu n sha dpt matriks pahang..congrats!!clap!clap!..i dunno what r the differences in matriks n upu..confuse babe!still,kene study hard for spm..bagus.
new xfresh website.i luv!but complicated sikit.nevermind.hannah still cinta xfresh.i dun care.kechomelan melande abg rizal tatkala he sent me an email yg tersentuh.menyampah!
kesedihan melanda jiwaku!!the pictures that i took dekat school,mcd n kfc dah hilang!!my gatal tangan brother terdelete all of them.there's 1 pic that i really2 luv sbb pic tu sgt2 kelaka n hebat pon dah hilang.sedehnye.i hate my brother.argh!!geram!
tomorrow,balik kampung,pergi eepoh..seronok.lame x jenjalan ngan ckp nak pergi kuala kangsar.again? mckk's old boy tak pernah serik2 dgn their xpe,boleh pergi pasar seni.sadly,kak yong xde.she will b back pada 11th june for summer holiday but dat day,the exact same day,kak ngah have to balik kuching.ah,my family dah x complete.btw,my dad bakal masuk hospital this sunday.operate tiroid.hormon byk sgt keluar.metabolisme byk[cheyh bio].so,kalau panas je my dad dah gatal2.that's y kene operate.buang terus his tiroid.hope die sehat.i luv u daddy!
dat's all for now,sudah melepaskan kerinduan pd blog.heh.tomorrow kene bangun pagi.ah tido.selamat tidur!
new xfresh website.i luv!but complicated sikit.nevermind.hannah still cinta xfresh.i dun care.kechomelan melande abg rizal tatkala he sent me an email yg tersentuh.menyampah!
kesedihan melanda jiwaku!!the pictures that i took dekat school,mcd n kfc dah hilang!!my gatal tangan brother terdelete all of them.there's 1 pic that i really2 luv sbb pic tu sgt2 kelaka n hebat pon dah hilang.sedehnye.i hate my brother.argh!!geram!
tomorrow,balik kampung,pergi eepoh..seronok.lame x jenjalan ngan ckp nak pergi kuala kangsar.again? mckk's old boy tak pernah serik2 dgn their xpe,boleh pergi pasar seni.sadly,kak yong xde.she will b back pada 11th june for summer holiday but dat day,the exact same day,kak ngah have to balik kuching.ah,my family dah x complete.btw,my dad bakal masuk hospital this sunday.operate tiroid.hormon byk sgt keluar.metabolisme byk[cheyh bio].so,kalau panas je my dad dah gatal2.that's y kene operate.buang terus his tiroid.hope die sehat.i luv u daddy!
dat's all for now,sudah melepaskan kerinduan pd blog.heh.tomorrow kene bangun pagi.ah tido.selamat tidur!
merdeka n cuti.
merdeka!!weehoo!!setelah sebulan menanti,seksaan telah lepas!oh ya!examku telah tamat pd hari jumaat pd pukul 1.10 ptg!!yes!yes!i m soo tired!lack of sleep for 1 month!imagine,tido pukul 2.30 bangun pukul 5.00 for da whole month.tension till pimples semue keluar!urgh!cuti ni kene manjakan diri plak..heh.i just came back from celebrating our merdeka's merdeka day..heh.anyway,kami celebrate bagai nak gile..
1st,jerit sekuat2 hati the minute cik chow kasi permision utk keluar kelas..main air till basah2 badan..[x payah pon pergi party klik tu..haha]..2nd,the whole class pergi makan di fav. place.gile di sana.pepsi kitorg tambahkan dgn sos cili then minum..fuh!pedas!3rd,dari mcd,kami berkonvoi to kfc..makan pulak ayam..ah..kenyang!..byk lemak ku makan!there,kacau cashier baru tu..kasihan die..haha..kejahatan melanda lagi..buat bising at kfc..ramai org bengang..haha...x kesah..release tension ma...haha..bully budak junior ngan bdk lower six yg baru masuk..perasaan hebat!haha..
biology:i did the wrong experiment..ah!malas nak cerita.
physics:dalam nyata n dalam ketara tersalah tulis..adeke patut dalam ketara ditulis dalam nyata?argh!!
chemistry:i wanna kill pn raziah..paper 1,2,n 3 susah to da max!main tulis je ape yg ingat.the whole class was like sgt frustated.
addmaths:kertas 2,x payah cerita.kertas 1,ok..1st time cukup mase utk buat..yeay!
modern maths:i'm loving it.papparappapa!
agama:heh!pernah keluar time ujian..semue the same sahaja..1 jam siapkan,1 jam lagi,tido!
b.melayu:i hate peribahasa.
english:yezza...i think i can score!
est:x gune scientific knowledge..argh!luper!
history:tersangatlah susah..sesuai dgn diriku yg x baca sejarah.
chinese:ok!boleh buat!yezza...
pjk:yes!nota pn wong berguna!
sudah!books kene rehat.buhbye books..after 3 hari,i'll visit u again..
1st,jerit sekuat2 hati the minute cik chow kasi permision utk keluar kelas..main air till basah2 badan..[x payah pon pergi party klik tu..haha]..2nd,the whole class pergi makan di fav. place.gile di sana.pepsi kitorg tambahkan dgn sos cili then minum..fuh!pedas!3rd,dari mcd,kami berkonvoi to kfc..makan pulak ayam..ah..kenyang!..byk lemak ku makan!there,kacau cashier baru tu..kasihan die..haha..kejahatan melanda lagi..buat bising at kfc..ramai org bengang..haha...x kesah..release tension ma...haha..bully budak junior ngan bdk lower six yg baru masuk..perasaan hebat!haha..
biology:i did the wrong experiment..ah!malas nak cerita.
physics:dalam nyata n dalam ketara tersalah tulis..adeke patut dalam ketara ditulis dalam nyata?argh!!
chemistry:i wanna kill pn raziah..paper 1,2,n 3 susah to da max!main tulis je ape yg ingat.the whole class was like sgt frustated.
addmaths:kertas 2,x payah cerita.kertas 1,ok..1st time cukup mase utk buat..yeay!
modern maths:i'm loving it.papparappapa!
agama:heh!pernah keluar time ujian..semue the same sahaja..1 jam siapkan,1 jam lagi,tido!
b.melayu:i hate peribahasa.
english:yezza...i think i can score!
est:x gune scientific knowledge..argh!luper!
history:tersangatlah susah..sesuai dgn diriku yg x baca sejarah.
chinese:ok!boleh buat!yezza...
pjk:yes!nota pn wong berguna!
sudah!books kene rehat.buhbye books..after 3 hari,i'll visit u again..
Friday, May 26, 2006
af4 n worldcup
demam af n worldcup..banyaknye dugaan n cobaan nk spm ni!!!oh tidak!!!

vote for diddy people!!diddy!!diddy!!diddy!!..also,jeff!jeff!..but,vote diddy lebih!!
world cup!saya sokong england!england baby!!yeeha!!the place where i grew up..tadika..playschool...oh!england the bomb!!

vote for diddy people!!diddy!!diddy!!diddy!!..also,jeff!jeff!..but,vote diddy lebih!!
world cup!saya sokong england!england baby!!yeeha!!the place where i grew up..tadika..playschool...oh!england the bomb!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
happy mother's day..

mak,hepi mak's day!!dat's what i told my mother.diraikan oleh kami..we bought cake from secret recipe n presents for her..mak dun wanna go,instead of pergi makan di luar,we called the pizza-hut delivery n ordered 2 large pizzas:xtra hawaiian n peperoni[spelling betul ke?]mak juz came back from kuala kangsar..banyak alasan!penat la..itu la ini la...saje je xnak makan!so,kitorg pakse her to eat..haha..anak yg cukup mithali..then,mak said:mak xnak semue bende ni.doakan mak je mase semayg dah cukup.i will mak.kak lang slalu doakan mak..dun worry..x brape meriah coz kak yong tiada..the 1st mother's day yg kak yong missed.yet,kak yong called.via's easier that way.x payah,we talked.sekejap.after that,dad suruh pegi study.ah.exam da day after dat.oh tidak!!..simple promised to take her out after all things settled.haha.pergilah dating!!! :p
my mak
noor ashikin bt abd manan.
23rd july 1957.
she studied food science in u.k.m.
worked as a pegawai makanan for some time.
got married on 7th august 1983.
berhijrah ke london.berhenti kerja.
housewife till now.
mak,hope mak sehat2 selalu..dan x jemu dgn kerenah kitorg..i'll try my best to get 11As utk mak!
mak!!!kak lang cinta mak!!!
p/s:exam blom habis lagi!!arrggghhhh!!
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