Thursday, November 20, 2008

of kuliah arab and gigi.

wanna know how a kuliah arab sounds like?

the lecturer is not included in this video,takut kena saman. :p

notice how bored we were?sampai boleh sambung tidur yang tak cukup,main bingo,dan sebagainya(tak sempat menangkap gambar-gambar tersebut)

chubby back there was concentrating the lecture but when she were asked,faham tak?

chubby: *geleng-geleng kepala* apa dia merepek?

jangan tertipu dengan gaya Nadia.she was not,i repeat,she was not jotting down notes,she was..err..text messaging(without moving)

Kadang-kadang,tiba-tiba lecturer panggil
Malaysians,come here!
baru terkocoh-kocoh menggelabah ke depan.

this is what we have to face everyday since last year.Kalau lecturer baik hati,he/she will make extra class for Malaysians only..or 50% english,50% arabic in the lecture itself(bersyukur~)

So why do we still attend the lecture even though we didn't understand anything?
like Kak Ainaz said,untuk berkat.Jangan sampai nanti tiba-tiba lecturer terasa hati sebab Malaysians tak datang.Kata Kak Ainaz lagi,nanti lecturer tu bermonolog dalaman 'penat-penat aku buat kelas,diorang menyombong tak nak datang'.
Then you wont get the berkat,and berkat is really important because you might actually fail your exam without that particular berkat.Dan siapa mahu gagal,betul?

fail->repeat paper->kena balik mesir awal than expected->raya without family->Major sadness!(mintak jauh..mintak jauhh)

of gigi.
we carved some gigi!maxillary central incisor,maxillary lateral incisor,mandibular central incisor..ahh senang2 saya kata gigi kacip tengah atas,gigi kacip kecil atas dengan gigi kacip tengah bawah.Kurang faham lagi?arrr...senyum,biar saya tunjukkan.hoho.

materials needed for carving gigi:pelita and minyak tanah (or simply,candle),carver,knife,lighter,small graph paper as measurer,wax blocks(black rounded wax) and special clothe(underneath everything).

after 1 to 2 hours of measuring and carving the rounded black wax blocks,it became something like these...

maxillary central incisor,gigi kacip tengah atas

maxillary central and lateral incisor,gigi kacip tengah dan tepi atas

and this is..hehe..oreo..i bought it here(even though i brought 6 bungkus of them),it cost me L.E 3 for just 3 piece of cookies...but it tasted different.(menangis guling-guling)

now meet the new cat!

remmy,Hanzala's new pet.

Monday, November 17, 2008

meet Dr Ebraheem.

the man who taught us organic chemistry's 1 year syllabus in just 2 months.

if it wasn't for him,i doubt that i would get the chance to pass last semester.

as everybody knows,my classes last year (this year,still)were all in arabic,and we have no clue on what's going on in the lectures especially organic chemistry.And everytime we attend the fully arabic lectures..

'weh,tidur jom!'


'weh,orang arab tu kata rupanya ada homework laa...petang ni kena hantar..jom buat sekarang!'

how pathetic.ada homework pon taktau.

Lucky us,our egyptian friends helped us alot throughout the whole year.Especially those who can speak english fluently,and introduce us some doctors who can help us.And Dr Ebraheem is one of them.

thanks to him,almost everybody got jayyid for chemistry (2 of us got jayyid jiddan,serious tak tipu)

All hail Dr Ebraheem!

so,last week,after studying dental biomaterial with my study group friends,i called him.To my surprise,he still recognise me (and the rest).He invited us to come over for some homemade kusyairi .

the homemade kusyairi taste better than any other kusyairi i've ever tasted before.
y-u-double m-y!

Sadly,Dr Ebraheem didn't teach biochemistry,he couldn't teach us this'll be missed,Dr Ebraheem!

Dr Ebraheem,us,and the juniorsssss

kacak kan cikgu saya?ROFL. ;p

*kusyairi-one of egypt's famous delicacies.contain of some pasta,spaghetti,some rice,fried onion,some kacang,and tomato paste as the sauce.

more to come....

Thursday, November 06, 2008

hello :)

senyum untuk gigi! :D

apa khabar semua?ini merupakan update.

Rindu tahun lepas.Sebab semua orang duduk dekat-dekat.buka pintu,dah nampak orang yang dikenali.Sekarang,duduk jauh,tak dapat jumpa semua orang dah.Lagi-lagi menjadi seorang pelajar pergigian yang mempunyai schedule yang sangat hectic.

Rindu tahun lepas.Sebab bila habis kelas malam,boleh balik rumah,sebab semua rumah dekat-dekat.Balik rumah pada malam hari beramai-ramai tidak menakutkan.Study group boleh buat bila-bila saja.Kelas malam pon boleh attend semua tanpa risau apa-apa.Sekarang,bila sorang-sorang duduk jauh,susah nak bergerak.Ada kelas malam,kena fikir,balik nanti macamana?Apa cara yang bagus untuk balik rumah tanpa menyusahkan orang untuk teman?bila ada study group,kena fikir 2 3 kali samada mahu join.Sebab rumah jauh.penat tu satu,bahaya pon satu.Selalunya terpaksa menumpang rumah orang menunggu siang hari,baru boleh pulang ke rumah.tak seronok kan?

Bukannya tak suka rumah ni.Sayang rumah ni.Siapa tak sayang rumah yang dekat dengan kuliah dan hanya memerlukan 5 minit berjalan untuk sampai?Housemates yang terhebat sekali pernah dijumpai.Tapi cuma itu yang tidak memuaskan hati.Sorang-sorang duduk jauh.coursemates takda sorang pon duduk berdekatan.Bukannya tak ada orang melayu,ada tapi lain course.Musyrif pon malas kot nak teman balik rumah.haihh..

we went to the jamuan raya PERUBATAN the other day.with different venue,they did it open air at nadi muqawallun,hadiqah yabaniyah.great job,i must say!jamuan di tengah-tengah keindahan alam.nazrie, raihan's ex-singer was also there to give us some motivation and performed some songs.

nadi muqawalun,hadiqah yabaniyah,cairo

raya 08 :)

after 3 days in cairo,we were back in Mansoura for intan's raya open house.

last 2 weeks,we did a ta'aruf programme for the dentistry juniors at istad.tujuan program sesi ta'aruf bersama junior : merapatkan silaturahim dan menutup segala jurang kepuakan.this year's ta'aruf has to be larger than last year's where the seniors just came and meet us and introduce themselves,that's,we can't do that with 60 juniors.So,we did it formally,with intan as the emcee,and we wear blue for the day :)

ta'aruf program was a success :)

So,saya nak tunjuk desktop saya macam niksu buat.Mine is..ermm..plain with schedule.Seronok,bangun pagi-pagi,buka laptop tgk schedule.tak perlu menyusahkan diri.haha

schedule tu belum complete lagi.We still have to find extra classes for biochemistry,oral histology and oral morphology.extra classes are coloured green.kan saya dah kata,saya busy.My only holiday is friday.terima kasih kepada pihak university yang resheduled everything dan kelas kembali kepada 6 hari seminggu untuk pelajar-pelajar pergigian.haih.