the lecturer is not included in this video,takut kena saman. :p
notice how bored we were?sampai boleh sambung tidur yang tak cukup,main bingo,dan sebagainya(tak sempat menangkap gambar-gambar tersebut)
chubby back there was concentrating the lecture but when she were asked,faham tak?
chubby: *geleng-geleng kepala* apa dia merepek?
jangan tertipu dengan gaya Nadia.she was not,i repeat,she was not jotting down notes,she was..err..text messaging(without moving)
Kadang-kadang,tiba-tiba lecturer panggil
Malaysians,come here!
baru terkocoh-kocoh menggelabah ke depan.
this is what we have to face everyday since last year.Kalau lecturer baik hati,he/she will make extra class for Malaysians only..or 50% english,50% arabic in the lecture itself(bersyukur~)
So why do we still attend the lecture even though we didn't understand anything?
like Kak Ainaz said,untuk berkat.Jangan sampai nanti tiba-tiba lecturer terasa hati sebab Malaysians tak datang.Kata Kak Ainaz lagi,nanti lecturer tu bermonolog dalaman 'penat-penat aku buat kelas,diorang menyombong tak nak datang'.
Then you wont get the berkat,and berkat is really important because you might actually fail your exam without that particular berkat.Dan siapa mahu gagal,betul?
fail->repeat paper->kena balik mesir awal than expected->raya without family->Major sadness!(mintak jauh..mintak jauhh)
of gigi.
we carved some gigi!maxillary central incisor,maxillary lateral incisor,mandibular central incisor..ahh senang2 saya kata gigi kacip tengah atas,gigi kacip kecil atas dengan gigi kacip tengah bawah.Kurang faham lagi?arrr...senyum,biar saya tunjukkan.hoho.
after 1 to 2 hours of measuring and carving the rounded black wax blocks,it became something like these...
now meet the new cat!