just a review of what i've (or, we've) done lately..
Dentistry Photoshoot.
yup. did that. the whole malaysian dentistry students all together! with the boys (forced to) wearing baju melayu and the girls with their baju kurung. feels abit like raya.well the purpose was actually for the dentistry malaysian day(that's another story).big thanks to Taqi for being the photographer of the day! ;)
*hanya meletak gambar yang comel2 sahaja*
When Maher Zain came to Cairo.
i immediately text my friend to buy the ticket!and it worth every pound!with the orchestra at the back and i have to proudly tell you this,maher zain actually invited ar-raid(malaysian nasheed group here) to be his backup singer and aiman was one of them!!!and he is why we got to meet mr maher zain himself backstage after the concert.lucky me huh?haha.
yang bestnye..
he knew ramai orang malaysia datang, and went like..
'i know that there are many my malaysian fans here tonight,thank you for coming!'
comel ke tak comel?haha.
*mak texted me:' dgr cite awak pergi concert?'
siape la bgtau mak ni??nasib baik konsert nasyid.huhu*

amek kau capital letter!the plan was wayy back before the winter break.tapi dr ni ngade2 nak tgk itu ini.postponed a week.postponed to another week.another week.finally on the 7th of april 2010,we made it happen.fuhhh!!!puas hati. THANKs everyone for the hardwork throughout the entire dentistry malaysian day ;)
i am in the finals mood.
practical exams will be starting on 7th may.
written exams will be starting on 8th june and everything will end on the 29th june.
insyaAllah will go back to dearie hometown mid july tapi ticket belum beli lagi.tunggu result dulu baru beli.
will be busy starting this day.huhu takut ni finals ni.tak mahu pisang berbuah 2 kali,nak balik malaysia cepat2!doakan yang terbaik,please :)
all the best. balik malaysia kita pekena satay!
nak join nak join!
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