' welcome back malaysian students, welcome back to the new egypt'
it's been 2 weeks i left home. 2 weeks of the tertinggal passport incident.(NOT A PROUD INCIDENT! but thank you kak ngah for saving the day speeding back home to get it on time). i'd be lying if i say that i didn't get homesick. i do get homesick, like alot. because to me, the '2-weeks-became-1 and half-months holiday' a.k.a 'cuti darurat' was the best holiday ever. i tend to hang around my mom, kak ngah, and luqman quite often. we're like inseparable!(ok, yeah i am exaggerating haha) so thanks to the long holiday, i have learned how to live life modestly. thanks mak! :)

the after revolution egypt, is kinda like the same as the old egypt, but now, they have the freedom of speech. they can talk about anything now, they are free to curse husni mubarak, they are free to talk about ikhwanul muslimin, which they were so afraid to talk about the entire time. and they are so proud of their country that they love to sing the victory song loudly,everywhere.
i was at a carpet store to buy a carpet for my new room, got the one i eyed on, the price is kinda OK. but living here, you tend to bargain everything eventhough they're cheap enough. so, i was bargaining it with the shop owner (kinda like begging -.-"), and what he said (jokingly) was..
'you were not here helping us during the revolution, you ran back to your country! and now you're bargaining the carpet price, i should charge you more'
i just smiled with abit of guilt. did i get the price i wanted for the carpet? hell yeah! (feeling proud of self managed to buy a super cute carpet with super less price :D :D )
the prices of stuffs are now increased. some even doubled the price before. which is a bad news for me because i wanted to save money. but hey! look at the currency!
1USD= 5.95 EGP and RM1= 1.96 EGP! :D please stay until i finish studying, will you, dear currency? huhu.
the 1st week i was here, there were chaos in the faculty, asking this head department to step down, asking a better quality of education yada-yada. and we,malaysians did nothing. we were not allowed to do anything as the government told us to stay away from any harm or any chaos.( did you feel the lovee? haha) and for the first time in history, there were election for the student committee!awwwhhh, i am so proud of you, Egyptians :) at the end of the day, everybody loves the Malaysians (
because we're too adorable.) because i do not know why, they keep smiling whenever they see us. weird huh?
the soldiers are everywhere. they are friendly :) the tanks are also everywhere (but the big tank near istad is gone before i managed to take a photo with it!major sadness!!!) but they didn't do any harm to us. the soldiers are prepared with gun 24/7. cool huh? hoho.
what i'm trying to say is, i kinda like the new Egypt. and i am waiting for more changes. a cleaner country,perhaps? or a more educated-not-annoying citizens? or maybe a better learning system in the university? All in all, i am with you, Egypt :)
there was an earthquake yesterday. didn't feel it though but it's kinda scary because for the entire 3 years i'm living here, this was the 1st one.
alright, got to go! got to sleep! tomorrow is patient's day :)