a delayed post.
bertarikh 6 MAC 2009,bertempat di stadium MANSOURA UNIVERSITY.(istad gamaah)
Mansoura menjadi tempat berkumpul rakyat Malaysia dari seluruh pelusuk Mesir.(bangga!!)The first time such event held outside cairo.
i joined the basketball team Mansoura B, but i was just one of the extras. andd...we didn't win for the basketball game.3rd place is good enough whatt..huhu
i also participated the win,lose or draw game for sukaneka,wakil Mansoura.alah yang game yang macam teka-teka perkataan tanpa berkata-kata tu,you can either draw or act for your teamates to answer.yeah that one.kami menang woo!1st place!woot!woot!(pats self on the back)haha.
tapi hamper yang dimenangi tidak disentuh lagi.
Mansoura team for both ikhwah and akhawat, won the juara keseluruhan!(bangga lagi sekali..)
This year's sport's day was much more fun than last year's family day.lagi seronok berjuta kali.
but i have to agree on the bias emcee and the lembap-gile food.
and the nasyid was great.tak sia-sia aku mendengar korang practice kat bawah rumah aku everyday.
di mesir lah anda sekarang
salam perantauan dr malaysia hahahaha
ye saye di mesir sekarang.
salam perantauan?haha..
okok salam2..
''and the nasyid was great.tak sia-sia aku mendengar korang practice kat bawah rumah aku everyday.''
tak baik berlapik2..he3,tuhan marah.
itu je termampu..sorry membisingkan blok ..=)
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