Sunday, January 25, 2009

katakan tidak kepada teksi

i've wasted my time in cairo sebab the pegawai selangor was not in,so i can't collect the cek from rumah selangor yet.damn it,nasib baik exam dah habis.grr

tapikan tapiiii....

this time,the cairo trip was a little bit different.kami sahut cabaran nadia for her 'no cabs campaign'.

main transport: by walking or by bus sahaja.

us,with mission :D

did the mission accomplished?let's see..

from ramses to arma,took about 15 minutes walk,and by the instruction from a kind pakcik,and yes,we managed to hop in the bus to arma.

took a cab from arma to ma'rad kutub.
alasan: bus no 14 to ma'rad kutub stop dekat belakang,takut jauh nak beli tiket (konon).ok,alasan is acceptable lah (kot?)

heaven of buku murah.(weih cida,kau suke kan main tutup2 mata?hoho.)

2nd hand books at the back.seriously cheap.

met some chinese tourists there.chatted abit in mandarin(asked them where to buy the tickets je pon).my mandarin has gone utterly bad lah damn it!cis betul!
the chinese tourist guide speaks fluent arabic.which really surprises me right there and then.

4 hours of book shopping,we took a bus to city stars.also by the help of one of the kind cairo citizens there.

5 hours in city stars and we are ready to go back to arma.

'weih,balik baik ape?'

nadia:'naik cab lah.'

'(insert any type of gelak besar here) your so-called kempen taknak cab!'

nadia:'penat dohh..'

blame her hamsters' new box for making the kempen taknak cabs tak menjadi. :(

seriously,you can save a lot by taking bus instead of cabs.bermaksud,more money to shop!gahahaha.(no wonder my cairo friends didn't take cab and can live joyously there.dekat mansoura je orang tak naik bus or tremco or whatever,kami guna kaki ye?kaki.)

dan dannnn...
you can practice your arabic also.tiba2 lancar la pula bila tanya direction dekat pak2 arab.hoho.

keledek bakar yang saya takut nak cuba tahun lepas sebab..takut kotor kot?tapi rupa2nya sedap.hoho.

and,egyptians are very helpful when you need their help.sanggup jalan jauh-jauh just to show us where to take a bus.who says egyptians are sombong?

conclusions of this cairo trip:
it was a great new experience indeed after i live here for the 2nd year.
abang-abang (abang?erk..)arab atas bus pon not bad looking kot kadang2.wahaha :p
kaki sakit gila kot?
it's fun!alah,main redah je la if you don't know where to take a bus or takut-takut nak naik bus ke..ask the egyptians,they're nice.(kot?)
keledek bakar memang helwa awwi.
fine lah,aku selama ni jalan-jalan dalam cairo naik cab je..that's why jakun sikit bila tiba-tiba naik bus.

oh advice for those who wanted to stay in the 3 L.E per night at the transit room in arma,tolonglah bawa lihaf ke saratoga ke santamora ke morano gold ke..AT LEAST,bring your summer's cold there during me,i experienced sleeping without blanket there twice during winter.serious tak dapat tidur.(tu la, tak dengar kata lagi!)

so the pegawai selangor asked me to come again next week.haih.jom.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


exam is over (for now) and i will head to cairo tomorrow to settle up some stuff in rumah selangor,and some book shopping at the annual ma'rad kutub (book fair).

no comments on the oral morphology practical exam today except for the sticky wax which was too lembik to contour it and the nervous me was so clumsy and too nervous till i actually menggigil while softening the wax.and i feel like you don't actually understand a word i'm saying pon kot?or do you?tak kisah la but i feel grateful that i got maxillary central incisor (gigi atas yang tengah2 sekali),which was for me,the easiest tooth to carve compare to the canine(gigi taring) that faridah got.

classes masih bersambung untuk 2nd term.
what?no early holidays like last year?

after winter break pula sambung mid term exam for killer subjects.
hint: not a joyous winter break for me this year.

mann..dentistry really took away my social life!
..sad face..
..super sad face..
..super duper sad face!..

ye,ini gambar airport.jom balik malaysia!

dapat la pulak!pictures above taken on the 18th january 2009.sending izzah off back to malaysia for winter breaks.we've been missing you izzah,faster come back!(nada jeles :p)

meet,luna n estrella,nadia's new tak berkualiti,sbb guna handphone sahaja.maaf.
ayat saya hanyalah: kenapa kamu active sangat ni?

p/s: boleh tak kalau nak rebus buku tebal2 ni dan minum air rebusan itu dan terus jadi pandai?haha :p

Saturday, January 17, 2009


i've been away for too long till i don't know what to blog..

mid term exam is 90% finished for us,budak-budak gigi.still have 1 peperiksaan pembuatan gigi and 3 more killing papers to face,and no hoorays because immediately after that is our finals.ngeng,jadi budak gigi is tiring,u know?after winter break pon still mid term exam lagi.apekah la..

the busy me was too busy,so i only have pictures of eid-adha to pictures taken since then (cukup pathetic tak?)
day: 1st eid
venue: tangga of senior's house.

day: 2nd eid
venue: nadia's open house.
day: 3rd eid
venue: all over mansoura.
same day,same venue
event: cleaning tulang lembu no 1

cleaning tulang lembu no 2.

and yes,us 2 girls did the kerja mencuci tulang 2 ekor lembu while others did other stuff la..only some je yang masih bermain2 di alam maya atau mengejar mimpi.

day: 4th eid
venue: istad gamaah (stadium universiti ye dlm bahasa malaysia)
venue: eid adha celebration :)

btw,those who bermain2 di alam maya atau mengejar mimpi reti pula la nak datang makan.musykil..musykil..

last but not least, mogok at muhafazah mansoura. Jom sahut cabaran menentang israel.

nota kaki: after 2 months of suffering,we finally have internet at home :D