Saturday, January 17, 2009


i've been away for too long till i don't know what to blog..

mid term exam is 90% finished for us,budak-budak gigi.still have 1 peperiksaan pembuatan gigi and 3 more killing papers to face,and no hoorays because immediately after that is our finals.ngeng,jadi budak gigi is tiring,u know?after winter break pon still mid term exam lagi.apekah la..

the busy me was too busy,so i only have pictures of eid-adha to pictures taken since then (cukup pathetic tak?)
day: 1st eid
venue: tangga of senior's house.

day: 2nd eid
venue: nadia's open house.
day: 3rd eid
venue: all over mansoura.
same day,same venue
event: cleaning tulang lembu no 1

cleaning tulang lembu no 2.

and yes,us 2 girls did the kerja mencuci tulang 2 ekor lembu while others did other stuff la..only some je yang masih bermain2 di alam maya atau mengejar mimpi.

day: 4th eid
venue: istad gamaah (stadium universiti ye dlm bahasa malaysia)
venue: eid adha celebration :)

btw,those who bermain2 di alam maya atau mengejar mimpi reti pula la nak datang makan.musykil..musykil..

last but not least, mogok at muhafazah mansoura. Jom sahut cabaran menentang israel.

nota kaki: after 2 months of suffering,we finally have internet at home :D


Anonymous said...

hannah,jubah u cantek.i nak!tolong belikn.saiz kite pon lbey kurang kn?hehe tp serious ni.klo suro adek i sure die xreti

ahmad endo said...

tempat ko banyak ke gerakan anti israel? piket kat sini slowlah....

hannahsahimi said...

which jubah?..ada dua tu..hoho..
i'Allah nnt i tlg carikan k? :D

boleh tahan kot?sini kitorg semangat memboikot..jom boikot barang2 yahudi.hoho