andd..Utusan approved it!
but OMG huduhnye saye.
the best part is that kak Hanis also sent our raya haji photo to utusan for salam perantauan and still waiting for approval..
and IF Utusan approves it,mann mencapubnye kami.haha.
so i guess i'll cover my face the entire day of eid.
and i have to prepare myself hearing the orang kampung saying:
'eh,kau ada kat sini?apsal aku nampak kau kat surat khabar?'
well at least i've spent 3 weeks fasting in egypt kan?..enough said.
selamat hari raya peeps,be nice. :)

1 comment:
nak minta autograf leh tak?.....hehehe.....nice....selamat hari raya...
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