raya oh yeah.
raya di perantauan oh yeah.
nak tahu tak? bila raya di perantauan sambil dengar lagu INI rasa mcm nak menangis je?
hampir la menangis.tak menangis pon! *tabah*
how do i spend my raya?
1.cooked for raya..*proud!!* :)

2.solat raya with more or less 40 malay students in mansoura.
4.rumah terbuka perubatan in cairo..super bosan.(jujur betul) -.-"
5.and we went to city stars to watch movie in baju kurung after the rumah terbuka.
internet was not ok the 1st day of eid so i bought a 50L.E of recharge card which lasted for 7 minutes when i called home and tak sempat to actually apologize to dear mak. -.-"
so i texted her saying i'm so sorry for being a bad daughter blablabla, and immediately after she replied, tears started to fall. adoi.
that's what you get when you celebrate your eid away from family.you get more emotional.(because i never cry during the apologizing session back home) -.-"
now,back to school!
i have 6 schooling days.
13 subjects,which i don't really remember the names.
okok, let's try, i have operative dentistry, crown and bridge, prosthesis, oral pathology, oral surgery, general surgery, internal medicine, pedodontic, endodontic, diagnosis, x-ray, dental public health, and orthodontic.(ok i peeked my schedule)
REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that i can bawa these whole 13 subjects this year.ameen.
mak said:' aktiviti selain study kena tinggalkan.just study, makan, solat n tidur.'
lasttt but not least..
again, the song..
what's wrong~ your tudung is cute! :D
Hehe...thanks, Hannah! Good luck for the new year k. Ganbatte~
(ke org skrg dh x ckp 'ganbatte' dah? OMG. I feel so old. Haha)
Take care!
erm..maybe 1st time,so ramai gelakkan.huhu..
thanks kak naneng! good luck juga for your exams! :D
ps: org still ckp ganbatte lg.hehe :D
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