it's something special in egypt. we celebrate aidiladha more than we celebrate aidilfitri. it's like THE EVENT of the year.
every year's adha means special to me,like during my 1st year, our imarah was reserved for the slaughtering session and the gotong royong potong sayur session was made in my home(and neighbours').during my 2nd year, i was in charge for cleaning the tulang lembu.and that was hell of one experience!coming home with the smell of a cow, rendam baju sehari suntuk pon tak hilang2 bau. the 3rd year, i was in the committee board. kerja extra really2 teruk. and this year, i went low profile, i do only the sayur. but what makes this year's adha special is, the wedding of my classmate, zaim and his wife, kak una. barakallahulakuma :)
as pictures speak a thousand words, lets just let the pictures do the talking.
1st day of eid:
have a break, snap a picture.
spending the eid with these 2 troublesom housemates. :p
background: bloody road with hanging lembu. for the memories :)
2nd day of eid:
event: zaim and kak una's solemnization
venue: malaysian hall, cairo.

surprise zaim! we made a boria baju kurung just for your wedding :)

si pengantin was speechless for the surprise (or maybe he was just nervous?)

alhamdulillah. congrats newlyweds!
barakallahulakuma wa baraka alaikuma wajama'a bainakuma filkhair
3rd day or eid: as a pengiring pengantin :)
event: MAWAR( collaboration of adha and all 4 pairs of newlyweds celebrations)
venue: mansoura

with the bride :D
mansoura's dikir barat team: sri mansurah.
last but not least: a video
the reason why i love mansoura :)
will next year's adha as special as the previous years'? i hope it will be my last adha in egypt, insyaAllah. oh tibe2 terharu.
SALAM AIDILADHA, everyone! salam perantauan from us.
semoga pengorbanan kita tahun ini diterima dan diberkati Allah. :)
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