i celebrated my hari raya haji on the 19th december 2007,wednesday.A day earlier than malaysia celebrates it but the same day kak yong celebrates it.(yeah,i know,whatever.hoho)
block c(my kodi block!woot!woot!) held a majlis takbir raya the raya eve.we were takbir-ing together and had a little makan-makan after that.it was the juniors' ideas.(bangge sekejap jadi junior!haha).

while waiting for the food after takbir
we performed our solat raya at senior's house.And it doesnt feel like raya after that because we went straight home and spent our day at home.but i cooked kuah kacang though!again,it's a succes!haha..

selamat hari raya haji!
the first raya was like a normal day.we did our daily routine,didnt go to anybody's house.but with baju kurung and nasi impit and kuah kacang!the egyptians celebrate their aidiladha more meriah than their aidilfitri.therefore,the shops were closed..(till today!).the day went well until suddenly i received an sms from mak that touched me,and for the first time,i cried on eid day.i immidietly called my mak,prayed that this time she could hear me clearly.And for the first time,she heard every single word i said,without me screaming and waiting for the words to be delivered there.And we chatted for 15 minutes and that 15 minutes really statisfied me enough.i thank GOD for that.
Night,went to kak yani's for attending her open house.kak zati's mee jawa is a double thumbs up i must say!hoho.
i enjoyed my aidiladha on the 2nd day of eid.we held an eid feast here at block c.we slaughtered(is it the correct word?) 5 sheeps.we woke up early in the morning.cooked something for the boys and went down to sotd's house to help peeling,cutting the onions,potato and such.after that,elly asked me to join her to watch how they sslaughter the sheep and the lapah daging session.and i followed.the takbir that sang by them during the first slaughteration(ade ke perkataan ni?) touched loads of hearts.at first i was just looking and admiring the jobs that had been done by them but then,ustaz salman asked me to try to lapah the sheep's head.and i was like..why not?and i did it.I AM PROUDLY TO ANNOUNCE THAT I TOUCHED THE SHEEP'S NOSE,THE SHEEP'S HEAD,AND THE SHEEP'S LEG.hoho..jarang woo dpt peluang mcm ni!kat malaysia pon jarang!in fact,a friend of mine told me that takdenye peluang perempuan lapah daging kat malaysia cik adek oi!

while waiting for ustaz,with hanim

the 1st sheep.

the boys were holding the sheep so that it stays still.

they were singing the takbir.it is time for the sheep to be slaughtered.

the 1st sheep is slaughtered.

upstairs,the girls were busy peeling and cutting the onions,potato and such.

the situation downstairs.

busy lapah-ing.

i was lapah-ing the head.

ayie was teaching me how to lapah the head.

oh yea!me and the sheep's head!

the people who were in charge for the head.
After the lapah2 thing,sotd ask me to make some kerisik..and i was like..i dont even know how kerisik look like!..but after main tibai buat,it was a success!haha.nasib baik menjadi..huhu.everybody got tired at the afternoon.the event ended after zohor.everybody went back to their homes,and leaving only some of us helping the ustaz to prepare the kari kambing.and then,it was raining.it is said that every time after aidiladha,after the slaughteration session,there will be rain.and the rain is for cleaning the blood that's spreading the road.the whole road!you have to watch it to believe it.it was awesome.i thank GOD for that.
After maghrib,we held majlis doa selamat,tahlil ringkas,and jamuan for aidiladha.i gave my arwah ayah's name to the ustaz for the tahlil.Ustaz's advices and doa and the nasyid performance by the boys made everybody bursted into tears.it made us realize how important it is to make deeds,and thank God for every single seconds that we're living.life is hort,cherish it,enjoy it,but dont forget HIM.always obey HIM,musn't disobey HIM.He is the ONE and THE ONLY.remember that from HIM we came,to HIM we'll return.harta benda,duniawi bukan segalanya.

after majlis.

makan-makan with the seniors!
After isya',we went to ilani's pulak.her house were holding an open house.the mee hailam was delicious,honestly!And after the long chit chat,the bloated us went home and sleep.hoho..that day was awesome!i enjoyed every single seconds of it!

at ilani's
saya dah gemok kan?i've told you!oh tidaaaakkkk!!!
handphone saye yg kodi tu takleh nak send sms.ia sudah rosak.=(
laptop saye bermasalah.saya taktau kenape.padahal takdela berat sangat isiannya.mungkin hardwarenya.ia tidak boleh dibuka.saya sedih.mak,nak laptop baru!=(
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