baru balik...penat n letih...
today,went to spca with my interactors n newbies...our juniors..lower six n form4..sangat meletihkan..spca is the Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty to Animalsdiriku sgt bodoh lupe bawak kamera..stooooopppiiiiddd!!we went to spca to do some charity was our 2nd time there..the 1st time we went there,we just prepare the dogs n cats' food n feed them...this time,kami mandikan mereka..clean their cage..not as fun as the first time la tapi.
we went there with cars..desiree,stephanie,karwei n kenneth jadi drivers...sangat syok!.a bunch of the adults screaming..yelling..the music extra loud..happy je memanjang..xtra fun!
my group ada desiree,me,pierce n nadia..desiree was the driver..pierce is xtra cute today..xtra friendly also..desiree takut round-a-bout near ampang 1st,desiree was like x mau drive lagi..but then,pierce sangat baik hati coached her till die dpt go through it..alahai..kamu comel la pierce..saya tersentuh..adoi.. n the takut anjing people help the cats..cats hannah takut juga..but then,cats there sgt friendly..mereka suka dibelai..kak mas [yg jaga kucing] ajar mcm mane nak belai..mandikan die itu x brape berani..nadia did it..hannah tolong jirus air sahaja..ngeh ngeh..pengecut betul..
after semua tu..kami kene sign the letter to the prime minister..masa tu ada banyak dogs..i cried..yes..sangat malu..pierce n karwei terus halau the dogs..tersentuh lagi..adoi..n then,the office dog mcm syok kat hannah..mayb sbb hannah pakai perfume strawberry kot..die nak juga dekat dgn hannah..hannah pon takut la..karwei peluk.oh thank you sgt banyak!..feel sgt save..
after tu...
makan di mcd..oh ya mcd..pierce makan dgnku..adoi..blush blush..seronok pierce belanja..thanx pierce..pierce told me that i'm sgt unique..oh..blush blush!..victor pula ajak keluar..adoi..dah pukul 6..hoi,maghrib!kamu apa tau..sori sangat banyak victor esok kita jumpa..
pierce sent me home..blush lagi sgt the car..people like staring at us..apahal eh?i sepak u then u know..ngeh ngeh..thank you pierce!sampai rumah tepat maghrib..nasib baik mak x marah..adeh..
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
perasaan:sedih,teruk,stoopid n unwell.
i'm home.afternoon,mak came to skool to take the report card..sadly,she's not happy.but,cikgu didn't kutuk me.that's chemistry teacher,pn raziah pon ada time tu..she said kimia soalan mmg susah..biar die awake sbb die x pernah teruk mcm ni..i said..ok teacher,i'll prove it to u that i can do it!pn normah said that i'm still main2 lagi.die masih x serious.but then pn raziah said xpe..kakak2 die pon macam ni juga result die mase time the end die still dpt score..okok...enough la!nasib baik my addmaths teacher,pn eng xde..kalau ada mesti die ckp hannah kuat main dlm kelas saya!i saw madam ong.mak said she's pretty.she's preetier than the time she mengajar me when i'm in form 3.she ask me how's ur result?i said,not good.she said,what happened to you?last time u were good in's a lot difficult izzit?i just angguk once.rase mcm nak nangis.the feel mcm mengecewakan die.i m so sorry teacher.
after my mum balik,i stayed back for the science exhibition.jaga my table.our experiment berjaya!yeay!some techers said that we had done a good job.but still org ramai mcm x tertarik dgn our tajuk.batma ajak lunch bersama but i was a bit bat,sorry ya?bosan,i went to desiree's table.karwei today mcm byk blur.even kalau kutuk depan mata also die mcm huh? adeh..desiree's mum sgt cantek.she's a portugese.stephanie dissected the cockroach.hebat yet around.menghiburkan hati yg duka lara.adeh.after 4,kami bungkus!bersihkan lab.batma came to me...he gave me this heart balloon.sangat tersentuh.hari khamis dat day kami jenjalan.they say dating.but,kami bukan dating ya.harap maklum.batma sgt sweet utk 3 days ni.but still.suka buli me.adeh..
i came home at was macam sangat unhappy.i'm don't have the courage to talk to him.he's just diam.i know he's dissapointed with my result.i m soo sorry dad..i wont do it again.i promise.mak kembali sangat marah.she said apa mak kene buat dgn kak lang ni?semua teruk2..nak dekat fail!!..mak said disebabkan result kak lang teruk,kak lang kena study lebih lagi..mak,kak lang mintak maaf sangat2!i will make u proud again..i promise..wah...hampir nagis daku..adeh..emotionalnye!!..
mak,dad,cikgu2...i m so sorry..i know what i did is wrong..i know kamu kecewa.i can feel it.i will work harder.i will prove it to u.i will make u proud again.i luv u guys soo much..
i'm home.afternoon,mak came to skool to take the report card..sadly,she's not happy.but,cikgu didn't kutuk me.that's chemistry teacher,pn raziah pon ada time tu..she said kimia soalan mmg susah..biar die awake sbb die x pernah teruk mcm ni..i said..ok teacher,i'll prove it to u that i can do it!pn normah said that i'm still main2 lagi.die masih x serious.but then pn raziah said xpe..kakak2 die pon macam ni juga result die mase time the end die still dpt score..okok...enough la!nasib baik my addmaths teacher,pn eng xde..kalau ada mesti die ckp hannah kuat main dlm kelas saya!i saw madam ong.mak said she's pretty.she's preetier than the time she mengajar me when i'm in form 3.she ask me how's ur result?i said,not good.she said,what happened to you?last time u were good in's a lot difficult izzit?i just angguk once.rase mcm nak nangis.the feel mcm mengecewakan die.i m so sorry teacher.
after my mum balik,i stayed back for the science exhibition.jaga my table.our experiment berjaya!yeay!some techers said that we had done a good job.but still org ramai mcm x tertarik dgn our tajuk.batma ajak lunch bersama but i was a bit bat,sorry ya?bosan,i went to desiree's table.karwei today mcm byk blur.even kalau kutuk depan mata also die mcm huh? adeh..desiree's mum sgt cantek.she's a portugese.stephanie dissected the cockroach.hebat yet around.menghiburkan hati yg duka lara.adeh.after 4,kami bungkus!bersihkan lab.batma came to me...he gave me this heart balloon.sangat tersentuh.hari khamis dat day kami jenjalan.they say dating.but,kami bukan dating ya.harap maklum.batma sgt sweet utk 3 days ni.but still.suka buli me.adeh..
i came home at was macam sangat unhappy.i'm don't have the courage to talk to him.he's just diam.i know he's dissapointed with my result.i m soo sorry dad..i wont do it again.i promise.mak kembali sangat marah.she said apa mak kene buat dgn kak lang ni?semua teruk2..nak dekat fail!!..mak said disebabkan result kak lang teruk,kak lang kena study lebih lagi..mak,kak lang mintak maaf sangat2!i will make u proud again..i promise..wah...hampir nagis daku..adeh..emotionalnye!!..
mak,dad,cikgu2...i m so sorry..i know what i did is wrong..i know kamu kecewa.i can feel it.i will work harder.i will prove it to u.i will make u proud again.i luv u guys soo much..
Saturday, June 24, 2006
mati lor..
petang..went to H.U.M. to visit pak long..pak long kanser usus..don't worry pak long,i know u can fight it!yeay!..nampak doctor cina hot!my mak force me to speak mandarin with the doctor..alahai..malu tu suruh hannah study hard!ok!doctor's advice kene ikut!!
esok,hari perjumpaan ibu bapa n science exhibition..i'm involve in the science exhibition..the 2nd time i participate in it..sgt seronok..i bet mak will meleter..n the teachers mesti mengadu kat my mak..'hannah ni byk ckp dlm kelas..hannah ni x concentrate mase belajar..hannah ni selalu xde dlm kelas..hannah ni terlalu pentingkan ko-kurukulum..hannah ni this..hannah ni that..'aduhai...ku berserah..i bet tomorrow x dpt tgk konsert af pulak..adeh..
well,tomorrow's exhibition kena go through,judges dtg tengok our display.which is the casein plastic.terang2 i wrote there that the casein plastic was the 1st plastic ever made..130 years ago..then,one of the judges ask.where's the prove?over n over again..i mean,casein plastic tu kan mcm zaman dulu u want me to build a time machine n go back to the past ambik the casein plastic n show it to u?or u cant even understand what 130 years means?sangat la geram..nasib baik ada en.lim siang meng backing kami..adoi la..nak je conteng2 muke cikgu tu!!
p/s:hannah sahimi akan mati pada esok hari antara pukul 1 hingga 4 petang disebabkan dimarahi oleh ibunya.
esok,hari perjumpaan ibu bapa n science exhibition..i'm involve in the science exhibition..the 2nd time i participate in it..sgt seronok..i bet mak will meleter..n the teachers mesti mengadu kat my mak..'hannah ni byk ckp dlm kelas..hannah ni x concentrate mase belajar..hannah ni selalu xde dlm kelas..hannah ni terlalu pentingkan ko-kurukulum..hannah ni this..hannah ni that..'aduhai...ku berserah..i bet tomorrow x dpt tgk konsert af pulak..adeh..
well,tomorrow's exhibition kena go through,judges dtg tengok our display.which is the casein plastic.terang2 i wrote there that the casein plastic was the 1st plastic ever made..130 years ago..then,one of the judges ask.where's the prove?over n over again..i mean,casein plastic tu kan mcm zaman dulu u want me to build a time machine n go back to the past ambik the casein plastic n show it to u?or u cant even understand what 130 years means?sangat la geram..nasib baik ada en.lim siang meng backing kami..adoi la..nak je conteng2 muke cikgu tu!!
p/s:hannah sahimi akan mati pada esok hari antara pukul 1 hingga 4 petang disebabkan dimarahi oleh ibunya.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
father's day
today is father's day..daddy,happy father's dad dun even know that today is father's day.kasihan dia.i luv u dad!kak yong buat pizza..mak buat tengok.kak yong's pizza mcm jadi tp mcm x jadi.hangus beb!tp x masak.aduh!so,kami ordered pizza-hut hut lagikah?mak's speg was awesome!luv it sangat.soo full!went to ikea..pusing2..ronda2..the curve..pusing2..banyak duit hangos..dpt msg from was out!oh tidak...apsal bukan faizal?hannah dah x suke die dah..mcm ntah la.hard to xplain..kak yong setuju.sangat la..
but still ada estranged..whee~..less af plz...trial is in august!!my goodness..kenape la august..august mcm2 ada..adeh.concentrate hannah.concentrate!more latih tubi..less internet..kurangkan telefon etc..argh..

prof.dr.mohd salleh sahimi b hj mohamed.
5th march 1951.
got married on 7th august 1983.
uniten calculus prof.
he's supporting england for worldcup.
he love his car.
he love his skool.
he love his family.
n his family loves him too!yeay!
but still ada estranged..whee~..less af plz...trial is in august!!my goodness..kenape la august..august mcm2 ada..adeh.concentrate hannah.concentrate!more latih tubi..less internet..kurangkan telefon etc..argh..

prof.dr.mohd salleh sahimi b hj mohamed.
5th march 1951.
got married on 7th august 1983.
uniten calculus prof.
he's supporting england for worldcup.
he love his car.
he love his skool.
he love his family.
n his family loves him too!yeay!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
havoc week.
minggu yg back the test papers.still ok.addmaths ok.chinese ok.physics ok tp careless byk.biology byk careless mistakes.chemistry sgt x ok.agama highest.english n est highest.pjk ok.sejarah padan mukaku x ok.
next saturday,hari perjumpaan ibubapa.oh tidak.x suka la sangat!oh ya!yesterday kami,5c n other classes buat mogok di sekolah.kes sgt serious!sekolah dah melampau.awal tahun dah suruh semua carik derma for pembangunan.then,mereka lakukan jogathon.pakse kami bayar.newest,kami dipakse bayar the konsert amal's ticket even kami x pergi tgk.rm50!that's too dad don't want to give any cents.
then,the school said,'if u didn't pay,then the school will blacklist ur name.n ur documents for university or college will not be signed by us'.hoh!kurang ajar!sangat2 geram.i told the teacher that i dun wanna say anything anymore but i will report it to the PPD [pejabat pelajaran daerah].kami plan nak buat aduan kat utusan etc.etc.but only if my dad allow me to do so.we went out of the pen kanan h.e.m's office.we saw this uncle who looked like paklah.kami fikir dia dari PPD.ghazali pergi's true!memang orang PPD dari JPS[jabatan pelajaran selangor]!xinwei made the 1st move.dia terus mengadu.we told him the whole story.he said nanti saya tgk dulu.yes!
then,argue with the dicipline teacher.she told us the same story that pn lee told us.goverment wont help us.ur money will b safe.bla bla bla.dia sanggup pinjam duit utk kami suroh kami bayar.oh ya.kami bengang.kami terus keluar dari n xinwei sgt marah.we were the,the others macam suka complain2 masa cikgu takde but masa cikgu depan mata taknak pula complain?diri macam tunggul menyemak dalam office tu.then,keluar dari office nak berlagak2 kononnya diorg membangkang sangat2.argh.benci la.sheng long cakap sabarlah.ah.nasib baik kamu chomel.cikgu still kata bagi balik ticket n bayar rm20.i asked her 'what if i pay the rm20,will the school sign my documents?'she said...depends..fuck!betul2 makan duit org!i gave back the ticket but i didn't pay yet.i wont pay.mak said dun pay.what a day!1 hari berdiri mempertahankan hak.luckily,the teachers tak mengajar.penat!
next saturday,hari perjumpaan ibubapa.oh tidak.x suka la sangat!oh ya!yesterday kami,5c n other classes buat mogok di sekolah.kes sgt serious!sekolah dah melampau.awal tahun dah suruh semua carik derma for pembangunan.then,mereka lakukan jogathon.pakse kami bayar.newest,kami dipakse bayar the konsert amal's ticket even kami x pergi tgk.rm50!that's too dad don't want to give any cents.
then,the school said,'if u didn't pay,then the school will blacklist ur name.n ur documents for university or college will not be signed by us'.hoh!kurang ajar!sangat2 geram.i told the teacher that i dun wanna say anything anymore but i will report it to the PPD [pejabat pelajaran daerah].kami plan nak buat aduan kat utusan etc.etc.but only if my dad allow me to do so.we went out of the pen kanan h.e.m's office.we saw this uncle who looked like paklah.kami fikir dia dari PPD.ghazali pergi's true!memang orang PPD dari JPS[jabatan pelajaran selangor]!xinwei made the 1st move.dia terus mengadu.we told him the whole story.he said nanti saya tgk dulu.yes!
then,argue with the dicipline teacher.she told us the same story that pn lee told us.goverment wont help us.ur money will b safe.bla bla bla.dia sanggup pinjam duit utk kami suroh kami bayar.oh ya.kami bengang.kami terus keluar dari n xinwei sgt marah.we were the,the others macam suka complain2 masa cikgu takde but masa cikgu depan mata taknak pula complain?diri macam tunggul menyemak dalam office tu.then,keluar dari office nak berlagak2 kononnya diorg membangkang sangat2.argh.benci la.sheng long cakap sabarlah.ah.nasib baik kamu chomel.cikgu still kata bagi balik ticket n bayar rm20.i asked her 'what if i pay the rm20,will the school sign my documents?'she said...depends..fuck!betul2 makan duit org!i gave back the ticket but i didn't pay yet.i wont pay.mak said dun pay.what a day!1 hari berdiri mempertahankan hak.luckily,the teachers tak mengajar.penat!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
world cup fever.
well, last nite was crazy!..yes.i watched the germany vs costa rica match.but only tahan for the separuh masa.hehehe.i left the game when germany scored 2 goals over 1 from costa was late n the waiting is like a torture to dad said he wanna watch it but then dia yg tidur dulu..heh.ape ni?yet,i cant sleep.akmal n nizam sms-ed me.we sms till 4 a.m if i'm not mistaken.kasihan kamu2 semua kene balik asrama.nizam frustated gile sbb dah x dpt tgk world cup.he's supporting brazil.i said.go to hell.padan muke x dpt tgk wc!bluek! [jahat tol aku.] akmal on the other hand still dpt tgk wc.sanggup sacrifice mase tidur tu demi wc.ceyh!i heard that germany won the match dgn 4-2 [betulkan kalau salah].congrats germany!luqman sgt suke.ah.kamu dah tidur mase tu nak suke ape?so,mak forced me to wake up for subuh n mengaji class.pening i must say!blame them!argh..panadol plz..hannah signing off.
p/s:nizam,sorry x dpt green light from my mum utk keluar.
my malay frens,sorry semalam x pergi reunion kamu.xde transport.
akmal,good luck dgn ain.
happy 17th bday to ridzuan n g-han
p/s:nizam,sorry x dpt green light from my mum utk keluar.
my malay frens,sorry semalam x pergi reunion kamu.xde transport.
akmal,good luck dgn ain.
happy 17th bday to ridzuan n g-han
Friday, June 09, 2006
anjang[mak's side] n her family came to see my dad..sangatla kecoh! n my cousin,muni lepak2 around.gossiping.hehe..anjang cooked special today!i dunno what it called but i luv it damn much!sangat!..but i din eat a lot sbb i'm on,th rest,luqman makan.pelahap!anjang balik pahang kembali after asar.waved goodbye!kak nuna tinggal sbb kerja.
mood amat tak baik.i got the physics paper.relief!i passed tapi byk careless mistakes.the 10 points soalan tu i wrote like the longest answer but then cik chow said'u ada satu je isi di kat sini.' then, salah unit.the counting2 part dah betul but the unit,xde markah.i m so marah when i realised sekolah lain time exam cikgu diorg bg semua formula.but not us.semua kene ingat.kene hafal itu ini.addmaths pon formula!semue kene guna wonder markah teruk2..
came back from skool,berita tergempar!kak ngah kemalangan!some how motor bawak laju2 then suddenly hit the car!i was like OMG!kak ngah said the penunggang motor terbaring atas jalan.but x hurt pon.kak ngah was scared sbb daddy promised to buy a new car for her.but my dad x kesah.he still buy the car.
cik alang n along maiza's family came.anak2 along sgt bising.6 of them!mak cooked her special mushroom mee..sgt la sedap!bangun sgt lambat coz last nite pening2 kepale..lepas asar,we went to seremban..round2..n went to a&w for dinner.ah.gemok balik!but i only ate half of the burger.lagi half bg kat luqman.luqman byk makan.came back home,watched ku t'lah jatuh cinta..i luv irwansyah.rupe mcm taufik batisah.sgt hot.watched diari..diddy again!whee~..seronok.mak warned me jgn tgk byk sgt but i told her that lepas bukak skola dah x tgk la..diz week's kosert hari ahad pukul 12.30 pm.dunno y?mayb sbb worldcup kot.but i think kalau buat tgh hari xde org tgk la..lagi2 ahad.sunday means family day..nak go out lagi..ah.xpe.i'll try my best utk menyempatkan diri tgk.hehe..
kak yong will balik this sunday!yeay!i miss her damn much!kak yong,bawak balik camera!argh!kak yong n i planned nak pergi perth this september to visit her soon to be fiance n our dad mcm ok.but my mak mcm x kasi.she said 'u x payah periksa?'.ah.bencilah!sekolah bukak prepared!kertas exam kembali..oh..tidak..
p/s:world cup start esok!go england!go!
anjang[mak's side] n her family came to see my dad..sangatla kecoh! n my cousin,muni lepak2 around.gossiping.hehe..anjang cooked special today!i dunno what it called but i luv it damn much!sangat!..but i din eat a lot sbb i'm on,th rest,luqman makan.pelahap!anjang balik pahang kembali after asar.waved goodbye!kak nuna tinggal sbb kerja.
mood amat tak baik.i got the physics paper.relief!i passed tapi byk careless mistakes.the 10 points soalan tu i wrote like the longest answer but then cik chow said'u ada satu je isi di kat sini.' then, salah unit.the counting2 part dah betul but the unit,xde markah.i m so marah when i realised sekolah lain time exam cikgu diorg bg semua formula.but not us.semua kene ingat.kene hafal itu ini.addmaths pon formula!semue kene guna wonder markah teruk2..
came back from skool,berita tergempar!kak ngah kemalangan!some how motor bawak laju2 then suddenly hit the car!i was like OMG!kak ngah said the penunggang motor terbaring atas jalan.but x hurt pon.kak ngah was scared sbb daddy promised to buy a new car for her.but my dad x kesah.he still buy the car.
cik alang n along maiza's family came.anak2 along sgt bising.6 of them!mak cooked her special mushroom mee..sgt la sedap!bangun sgt lambat coz last nite pening2 kepale..lepas asar,we went to seremban..round2..n went to a&w for dinner.ah.gemok balik!but i only ate half of the burger.lagi half bg kat luqman.luqman byk makan.came back home,watched ku t'lah jatuh cinta..i luv irwansyah.rupe mcm taufik batisah.sgt hot.watched diari..diddy again!whee~..seronok.mak warned me jgn tgk byk sgt but i told her that lepas bukak skola dah x tgk la..diz week's kosert hari ahad pukul 12.30 pm.dunno y?mayb sbb worldcup kot.but i think kalau buat tgh hari xde org tgk la..lagi2 ahad.sunday means family day..nak go out lagi..ah.xpe.i'll try my best utk menyempatkan diri tgk.hehe..
kak yong will balik this sunday!yeay!i miss her damn much!kak yong,bawak balik camera!argh!kak yong n i planned nak pergi perth this september to visit her soon to be fiance n our dad mcm ok.but my mak mcm x kasi.she said 'u x payah periksa?'.ah.bencilah!sekolah bukak prepared!kertas exam kembali..oh..tidak..
p/s:world cup start esok!go england!go!
Monday, June 05, 2006
hunny came..whee~..we borak2..ari proposed hunny..hunny said yes..sgt seronok!..whee~..mereka couple juga akhirnya..tumpang seronok deh!..cerita2 till maghrib..mak tegur baru habis..agagaga..
went jogging with hunny..ari x sempat ikut..bangun lambat..dasar pemalas deh!..
jogging nak kuruskan badan!whee~..sgt excited!we went to the usual place..grand canyon bangi..agagaga..kami lalu my neighbour,uncle tajuddin ali's pagar..we saw him..ckp hi n continue our dekat grand canyon..lihat dunia nan indah..seronok deh!
x lama selepas itu..
uncle tajuddin's guard came..he said,sebenarnye x boleh masuk sini ni!..we were like huh?kami selalu masuk ma..he said he locked the gate sudah.macam mana nak balik deh?..dia suruh lalu hutan bangi..heh.are u joking?we said nevermind..we'll find a,kami jog lagi..pusing balik..from far kami lihat..ha'ah gate dah kunci.adeh.uncle tajuddin was waiting..i think dia sedang marah..takut kene,kami pusing kembali..fikir2..ingat nak lalu rumah uncle rahim..but then,mereka tgh buat renovation..n uncle rahim pon berada di situ baca paper..ah.x boleh lalu situ deh!we went back to uncle tajuddin's house.ok.ada dawai2 yg for pagar yg mempunyai ruang yg,we went in bukak the dawai..cuts n bruises x payah cerite..mmg banyak n tgh suffering ni deh.uncle tajuddin saw us..dia mahu keluar n marah..but then kami lari2 ke rumah.i thought dia dah told my parents.heck no.buang masa risau.agagagaga..
petang ada tuition..sgt malas but nak pergi sbb i havent touch my books yet this hols.ah.kambate!
hunny came..whee~..we borak2..ari proposed hunny..hunny said yes..sgt seronok!..whee~..mereka couple juga akhirnya..tumpang seronok deh!..cerita2 till maghrib..mak tegur baru habis..agagaga..
went jogging with hunny..ari x sempat ikut..bangun lambat..dasar pemalas deh!..
jogging nak kuruskan badan!whee~..sgt excited!we went to the usual place..grand canyon bangi..agagaga..kami lalu my neighbour,uncle tajuddin ali's pagar..we saw him..ckp hi n continue our dekat grand canyon..lihat dunia nan indah..seronok deh!
x lama selepas itu..
uncle tajuddin's guard came..he said,sebenarnye x boleh masuk sini ni!..we were like huh?kami selalu masuk ma..he said he locked the gate sudah.macam mana nak balik deh?..dia suruh lalu hutan bangi..heh.are u joking?we said nevermind..we'll find a,kami jog lagi..pusing balik..from far kami lihat..ha'ah gate dah kunci.adeh.uncle tajuddin was waiting..i think dia sedang marah..takut kene,kami pusing kembali..fikir2..ingat nak lalu rumah uncle rahim..but then,mereka tgh buat renovation..n uncle rahim pon berada di situ baca paper..ah.x boleh lalu situ deh!we went back to uncle tajuddin's house.ok.ada dawai2 yg for pagar yg mempunyai ruang yg,we went in bukak the dawai..cuts n bruises x payah cerite..mmg banyak n tgh suffering ni deh.uncle tajuddin saw us..dia mahu keluar n marah..but then kami lari2 ke rumah.i thought dia dah told my parents.heck no.buang masa risau.agagagaga..
petang ada tuition..sgt malas but nak pergi sbb i havent touch my books yet this hols.ah.kambate!
Sunday, June 04, 2006

the finishing line team.
ah.dah x ada cerite..
i suddenly saw these pictures that us,interacters,took masa OKU's sports day last year[the 2nd state special olympics] u know,interact club mmg banyak buat community service..we dun have to participate PLKN pon dah buat mcm2 community service..wheeee...
the sports day was held dekat stadium bola sepak k.lumpur pada 29/7/2005..we had to help sebab OKU ni special sikit..kene banyak bantuan..the OKUs very excited masa sports day itu.we were like taking care of the little kids..sgt chomel..they dun care wether they win or loose.that's the spirit!
kebanyakan of the events ialah larian.mereka pon hanya tahu itu..when they reached the finishing line,they were like takut of the line..suddenly stopped there.n tgk je riben tu..sedih tgk..some of them sampai je finishing line terus pengsan.terjatuh etc.etc.etc. ..kasihan.
kitorg buat this community service tak dpt apa2 habuan.we just love doing long mereka dpt menjalani their life.that's what we wanted.
my advice to the next commitee members,please sabar n ikhlas.kami tak select u to be in the commitee board untuk saja2.
the old commitee board 2005/2006.
President: Stephanie Santigo.
Vice President: Hannah Sahimi.
Secretary: Ow Hwee Woon.
Vice Secretary: Desiree Lynn Fanvell.
Treasurer: Tan Huey Yen.
I.U Director: Chang Voon How.
Community Service Director: Sam Kee Soon.
Financial Director: Lee Li Yin.
Club Service Director: Chew Ai Yee.
Webmaster: Lai Kar Wei.
i will cerite more of our community services nanti.bile2 masa saja.
gagaga...i'm not feeling well..damn sedih..mak said maybe because of terlampau bz n tak rest..oh..aku benci!!padan muke hannah,cuti mesti demam..gagaga...
yesterday,i asked my frens wether today ada tuition ke x..they said,i went there today..with my flu..guess what?pintu kunci..called the tuition centre..x ada org,i called my friends..pon tak ada sorg pon yg,kak ngah took me home..after zohor prayer,i called them of them,hannah terus tanye ada tuition ke x actually?.then,baru dia ckp 'x ada sebenarnye..yang ko percaye sgt kenape?'..i was like what?is this some kind of a joke or something?dgn selambernye die tergelak2..ya tuhan..kegeraman melanda!she said 'siapa suruh ko x dtg hari isnin?padanlah muka'..sgtla teruk!i was in the hospital hari isnin..jaga my dad..dont u get it?x sifat belas kasihan langsung!i hate them!what if ur dad masuk hospital,u pon kene jaga dia rite?kene miss classes kan?oh my god!sangat benci!
dgn demamnya..n our car got hit by other car on the way back..hit n run pulak tu!betul2 la dah melampau!enough la!don't still act like a child!u dah besar!itu pun nak kene ajar ke?korg fikir i dah biasa korg buli so,korg rasa i takda perasaan?my goodness..sgt sedih remaja sekarang..teruk betul attitude!geramnya!!!
anyway,tonight ada konsert af4 dekat astro for diddy!
yesterday,i asked my frens wether today ada tuition ke x..they said,i went there today..with my flu..guess what?pintu kunci..called the tuition centre..x ada org,i called my friends..pon tak ada sorg pon yg,kak ngah took me home..after zohor prayer,i called them of them,hannah terus tanye ada tuition ke x actually?.then,baru dia ckp 'x ada sebenarnye..yang ko percaye sgt kenape?'..i was like what?is this some kind of a joke or something?dgn selambernye die tergelak2..ya tuhan..kegeraman melanda!she said 'siapa suruh ko x dtg hari isnin?padanlah muka'..sgtla teruk!i was in the hospital hari isnin..jaga my dad..dont u get it?x sifat belas kasihan langsung!i hate them!what if ur dad masuk hospital,u pon kene jaga dia rite?kene miss classes kan?oh my god!sangat benci!
dgn demamnya..n our car got hit by other car on the way back..hit n run pulak tu!betul2 la dah melampau!enough la!don't still act like a child!u dah besar!itu pun nak kene ajar ke?korg fikir i dah biasa korg buli so,korg rasa i takda perasaan?my goodness..sgt sedih remaja sekarang..teruk betul attitude!geramnya!!!
anyway,tonight ada konsert af4 dekat astro for diddy!
Friday, June 02, 2006
i u day.
yes.daddy had a surgery..yeay!he's fine.he'll be home this afternoon.oh yea!sgt seronok!.
yesterday,international understanding day..seronok!so,interact's members,a job well done!the booklets that my team designed dpt pujian!yeeha!the games that we perah otak pikirkan was fun!the other teams,namely,japan,malaysia n russia team pon hebat2..the food that we made n beli was awesome!memang hebat2!tiring but berbaloi.the nite before,hannah tak tido langsung!yea,maybe for just 1 hour..buat the whole iu day preparation..penat..bangun pagi pening2..ah.tak kisah!
1st,ade slides that prepared by karwei..sgt cantik.karwei pon mmg computer geek..hehe..after that,the malaysia team buat perfomances.they danced the zapin.had a fashion show n quizes..yeay!hannah dpt hadiah through the quizes.guess what?i dun even know the answers.haha..then,game time!the babibu game was fun!we had fun kenekan people..hehe..who's idea?of coz me n desiree's...hehe..
2nd,the russia team..also,had a fashion show n a russian,rita did a good job mempamerkan tentang russia..their pakaian traditional sgt menarik..sen heng n his girlfren pakai the pakaian sgt chomel!the cutest couple in interact club!gamba?ye..nanti hannah tanya mereka.pastu,japan!stephanie pakai the kimono..susah nk jalan..jalan mcm itik..hehe..stephanie n venus danced the traditional japanese dance..cantik!again,fashion show but takde quizes.then,games!the japanese game sgt seronok!me n samantha asyik terkena je..hukuman merepek!kasihan voon how kene kejar by me n sam..haha..
pastu,makan2!ada sushi,satay,ktupat,russian food which i dunno how to spell n pronounce it..n lots more..we made the sushi..susah but hasilnya,voon how n karwei lepak around..borak2..i will rindu the moment!after semua finish,pulang!iu day also means that we,the interact commitee members,sudah finished the whole year of tugasan!sedih!stephanie too..haha..malunye..i will miss kamu semua!!especially stephanie,desiree,voon how,karwei,jessy,li yin,senheng,sam,huey yan..semualah!thanks for everything!semua yg susah n senang pon we still stick together..luv kamu semua!!
yesterday,international understanding day..seronok!so,interact's members,a job well done!the booklets that my team designed dpt pujian!yeeha!the games that we perah otak pikirkan was fun!the other teams,namely,japan,malaysia n russia team pon hebat2..the food that we made n beli was awesome!memang hebat2!tiring but berbaloi.the nite before,hannah tak tido langsung!yea,maybe for just 1 hour..buat the whole iu day preparation..penat..bangun pagi pening2..ah.tak kisah!
1st,ade slides that prepared by karwei..sgt cantik.karwei pon mmg computer geek..hehe..after that,the malaysia team buat perfomances.they danced the zapin.had a fashion show n quizes..yeay!hannah dpt hadiah through the quizes.guess what?i dun even know the answers.haha..then,game time!the babibu game was fun!we had fun kenekan people..hehe..who's idea?of coz me n desiree's...hehe..
2nd,the russia team..also,had a fashion show n a russian,rita did a good job mempamerkan tentang russia..their pakaian traditional sgt menarik..sen heng n his girlfren pakai the pakaian sgt chomel!the cutest couple in interact club!gamba?ye..nanti hannah tanya mereka.pastu,japan!stephanie pakai the kimono..susah nk jalan..jalan mcm itik..hehe..stephanie n venus danced the traditional japanese dance..cantik!again,fashion show but takde quizes.then,games!the japanese game sgt seronok!me n samantha asyik terkena je..hukuman merepek!kasihan voon how kene kejar by me n sam..haha..
pastu,makan2!ada sushi,satay,ktupat,russian food which i dunno how to spell n pronounce it..n lots more..we made the sushi..susah but hasilnya,voon how n karwei lepak around..borak2..i will rindu the moment!after semua finish,pulang!iu day also means that we,the interact commitee members,sudah finished the whole year of tugasan!sedih!stephanie too..haha..malunye..i will miss kamu semua!!especially stephanie,desiree,voon how,karwei,jessy,li yin,senheng,sam,huey yan..semualah!thanks for everything!semua yg susah n senang pon we still stick together..luv kamu semua!!
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