the finishing line team.
ah.dah x ada cerite..
i suddenly saw these pictures that us,interacters,took masa OKU's sports day last year[the 2nd state special olympics]..as u know,interact club mmg banyak buat community service..we dun have to participate PLKN pon dah buat mcm2 community service..wheeee...
the sports day was held dekat stadium bola sepak k.lumpur pada 29/7/2005..we had to help sebab OKU ni special sikit..kene banyak bantuan..the OKUs very excited masa sports day itu.we were like taking care of the little kids..sgt chomel..they dun care wether they win or loose.that's the spirit!
kebanyakan of the events ialah larian.mereka pon hanya tahu itu..when they reached the finishing line,they were like takut of the line..suddenly stopped there.n tgk je riben tu..sedih tgk..some of them sampai je finishing line terus pengsan.terjatuh etc.etc.etc. ..kasihan.
kitorg buat this community service tak dpt apa2 habuan.we just love doing it.as long mereka dpt menjalani their life.that's what we wanted.
my advice to the next commitee members,please sabar n ikhlas.kami tak select u to be in the commitee board untuk saja2.
the old commitee board 2005/2006.
President: Stephanie Santigo.
Vice President: Hannah Sahimi.
Secretary: Ow Hwee Woon.
Vice Secretary: Desiree Lynn Fanvell.
Treasurer: Tan Huey Yen.
I.U Director: Chang Voon How.
Community Service Director: Sam Kee Soon.
Financial Director: Lee Li Yin.
Club Service Director: Chew Ai Yee.
Webmaster: Lai Kar Wei.
i will cerite more of our community services nanti.bile2 masa saja.
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