bazaria asean were held at kuliah banin(kuliah lelaki),university al-azhar(mansoura's branch),murur salam,mansoura.there were loads of malaysian,indonesian and singaporean food sold.and you can immediately recognize the medic students because they just wear clothes sempoi-lier than the dirasat sudents.hee.(segan2~)
the medic students booth offered medical checkup for only 1.50 egyptian pound.we tested blood,measured blood pressure,and counted body mass index.we also talked about rhesus and why it is important for everybody to know their rhesus.i just helped by collecting money and pendaftaran,because there's no dentistry booth.(ah damn.tahun depan,kita buat.wakaka.)we got all excited when the dirasat sisters(those who's studying agama) called us doctors.macam best pulak perasaannye..hehe.

tested my blood and i am AB+~

my blood pressure is low.(sad face)

see how crowded the bazar was.
restoran nusantara.
there's a new Asian restaurant in mansoura.and they sell MALAYSIAN food also.haha.the owner of the restaurant is actually an indonesian and the restaurant is situated beside my block!i can reach there by only few i tried the food there yesterday.had kuew tiaw goreng ayam and my comment for the dish,there's no need to go cairo for the asian food dah.we already have it here in mansoura.(jumping happily~)

kuew tiaw yang dirindui~

the kuew tiaw and i.(oh ada hati nak makan kuew tiaw..padahal on diet..huhu)

we met kak dina and izah there..
ayat-ayat cinta.
remember my post about the novel that mahfuz sent to me entitled ayat-ayat cinta by Habiburrahman Saeroz?yup there's a movie based on the novel.and i really really recommend everybody to watch it.(no wonder the seniors are so fanatic about the movie last's a double thumbs up!)ok i have to admit it,i cried watching this movie.ianya sangat menyentuh perasaan!huhu.dan saya rasa filem ini telah keluar di malaysia.
YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!try to search for it in youtube.they've uploaded the whole movie.(big grin~)
satu kisah mengenai ikhlas dan sabar
satu kisah mengenai cinta antara 2 agama,antara 3 negara.
satu kisah mengenai agama islam.
yang penting,kisah yg dibuat di cairo dan ia membuatkan egypt nampak cantik.hee..
so here's the trailers..
Kalau dapat kahwin dengan fahri dalam cerita ni pon best jugak kan?(drolls..drolls..)
eyyy ive watched ayat2 cinta juge!! haha best jugak laa.. and yep, fahri tu cam agak kerennn ;)
die sgt comelllll!!!!
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