Sunday, June 29, 2008
hati berkata:silalah luahkan perasaanmu!
rumah oh rumah!mana kau rumah?puas fikir fasal rumah.orang banyak songeh,nyah kau dari aku!orang kaye,saya tak sanggup berurusan dengan anda.takpe lah,kalau kamu mahu,saya undur diri.terima kasih kerana membuat saya sedih.maaf,saya tak kaya seperti anda.saya tak ada ayah untuk bank-in duit sepanjang masa.mak saya tak kerja,sila la faham.jangan pujuk.saya tak sanggup sewa rumah mahal.nanti apa kata mak?kamu ke sana mahu belajar atau hidup mewah?lainlah kalau dapat bantuan kerajaan.itu lain cerita.itu pon satu hal,samada sememangnya layak ataupun dengan bantuan orang.kalau memang layak,tahniah buat anda,kalau guna bantuan orang,buat apa nak megah diri?arwah ayah pernah cakap,ayah tak suka orang guna bantuan orang lain untuk dapatkan apa yang dia mahu.itu sangat tidak adil bagi orang lain.jadi,jika mahu sekalipun,jadikanlah ia sebagai pilihan terakhir.
terima kasih ayah,ayah telah mengajar saya berfikir.terima kasih Tuhan,kerana telah memberi saya seorang ayah yang banyak mengajar saya.walaupun Tuhan mengambil ayah daripada saya,saya redha.terima kasih kerana memberi saya peluang untuk merasa kesayangan seorang lelaki bernama bapa.aku amat bersyukur.
oi orang kaya,jangan senang sangat hidup senang kerana Tuhan itu Maha Berkuasa!kekayaan tidak boleh dibawa ke kubur,ingatlah itu.sekali Tuhan tarik kesenangan,masa itulah baru termangu.dengarlah nasihatku,sebab aku sudah rasa.Tuhan ambil ayahku daripada ku,kesenangan hidupku juga ditarik kerana selama ini,diriku spoiled.lupa diri,sikit2 dad,i want some money please,dengan muka gedik2.ayah hanya memberi,mak pula sibuk bertanya untuk apa.tapi ayah tetap beri.sekarang,ayah sudah tiada.mahu meminta duit daripada mak pon perlu fikir 20 kali.mak sering pesan kepada anak-anaknya,ayah kamu dah takde,kena la jimat2,sebab mak tak kerja.
terharu jangan kata.air mata berlinangan tak terkira.tapi terpaksa akur dengan nasib diri.yang mampu dilakukan hanyalah sedar bahawa dunia itu sementara,dan berusaha untuk menjadi insan berjaya.Dr Hannah Sahimi terngiang-ngiang di telinga.insyaAllah dengan doa kalian,aku akan berjaya.
bagiku,barang berjenama tidaklah penting,asalkan berpakaian,semua itu tidak dihiraukan.ada kala,baju murah juga yang lawa dan overshine pakaian lain.itulah yang dikatakan lain dari yang lain.beli barang mahal,tapi jika jalan-jalan ternampak si dia yang memakai baju yang sama,perasaannya sangat tak seronok kan?baik beli barang murah yang nampak mahal,tetapi hanya anda seorang sahaja yang memilikinya.tatkala orang bertanya,perlulah berbangga diri mengatakan baju itu murah saja sebenarnya!
yang paling penting adalah esok!gulf air menanti diri!30 jun tarikh keramat.oh mak,oh luqman!nantikan 1 julai dengan penuh sabar.nasib baik kak yong sampai pada tarikh yang sama,1 julai.kalau tidak,mak perlu berulang kali ke KLIA,harga minyak pon dah naik.adoi,terpaksa menggunakan duit poket sendiri.tetapi,MASALAH BESAR!di dalam poketku hanya wujud duit Mesir,tiada duit Malaysia.takpelah,akan ku cari money exchanger nanti.akan ku tukar semua duit yang ada.
agak-agaknya,apa yang telah berubah di Malaysia?selain parlimen yang baru dan harga minyak yang mencekik darah?setahun telah ku tinggalkan,harap-harap,Malaysia masih sejuk berbanding Mesir.Mesir sangat panas,diriku juga telah gelap.Harap-harap mak masih mengenaliku.walaupun diriku telah gemuk dan gelap.bak kata orang,itu tandanya gembira.heh?gembira?itu sebenarnya tanda tension belajar,tanda winter mahu tenaga,tanda makanan di sini semuanya halal dan sedap.harhar.
adoi,janjiku entry tentang percutian di Alexandria belum ditunaikan!ape kate,kita jumpa di Malaysia?akan ku tulis tentangnya di sana nanti.
Friday, June 27, 2008
result dah kuar!!
she gave me the link of the tulab natigah(student's result) but our results were blocked due to incomplete documents(file pendaftaran tak settle lagi).
received another ym.
jom g university 2.30 ni.
took the most non matching tudung and t-shirt,with muka cuak,went to the university.
ketakutan.some were about to cry.i,kept silent.some had their results.envied,worried.talked to the vice dean.the kind vice dean told us our results.
mum was happy.syukur Alhamdulillah.
dear dentistry students,i'll be seeing you in kuliah tib asnan.
it's jayyid.congrats dentistry students!we've made it!
should do better next time though.insyaAllah
Friday, June 20, 2008
surat cinta
they use the old way!!
just like the scene in P.Ramlee's bujang lapok.except that they didnt use the glass bottles to call their loved ones.
instead,they do it something like this:

We received surat cinta a number of times. it's not a surat cinta actually,it's kinda surat pengenalan.haha.
so whenever we wanted to reply the letter, the sender,which is an egyptian,and lives a floor above us,will drop the rope and will wait patiently for us to tie the reply letter on it..after that,we have to pull it twice and the rope will suddenly being pulled by the upper floor.
they fooled us by telling us to shut up because they were having their exam season,and they wanted to study.we replied by saying,ok,we will keep quiet.(dalam hati mengutuk,kau bising time aku exam takpe la pulak?)
then the letters kept falling toward us asking what are our names,asking us out for lunch yada-yada..and THAT freaked us out!we lied to them our names,but we know who exactly live upstairs,beso, ehab and kareem.after they freaked us out,we ignored them,but then they treaten us la..asking us why we ignore them la..they even screamed:'why are you angry with me!' the other night.and THAT shuts us up.huhu.but we didnt do anything pon..we didnt even apologize.haha.and they gave up kot?they didnt drop any letter since then.
the sms cost us quite large amount of money.imagine 50 pastiers per sms.and if you wanna have a long chat,it will cost you 10 genih in a blink.that is the reason kot why people drop their surat cinta.huhu.
what if i do the same thing in malaysia.what will the malaysians think?
they will react by either..
kuno gile kau!
kedekut doh!sms murah maa!
kau duduk zaman bile?internet sudehh..
gile ke ape?
so,dont do this at home! or else people will think you're crazy and you'll end up in tanjung rambutan for the wrong reason and you just have to wait for me to come and visit you there.
i warned you!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
sweet revenge eh nuha?
Answer the question with the song you got.
What does your mum said when she yelled at you?
the kill - 30 seconds to mars.
i am finish with you!!fuyoh mak,i am sooo sorry..(puppy dog eyes)huhu..
Your best friend punches you in the arm, what will she say?
filrt - pussy cat dolls.
she just wanna filrt with me?alright bebeh!(wink2)
Your crush bumps into you at school, what will he say?
wei yi - lee hom.
i'm his only one?oh yeay!!cair cair cair..
You worst enemy walks up to you, what will you say?
hollywood - jonas brothers.
we're gone~so gone!hollywood,here we come!haha..boleh tahan la kena..
You are walking down the street at night with stranger, what will he say?
cascada - truly madly deeply.
he's truly madly deeply in love with me?phsycho!!!larikan diri!!
You see your pet, what will you say to her?
scream - timbaland.
i'll scream!huh?
Your favorite teacher comes to you, what will she say?
wild world - mr big.
if you're wanna leave,take good care.ok cikgu,i will.
What song do you play when you are...
what katie did - the libertines.
kiss goodbye - lee hom
wahh memang lagu sedih!huhu.
over my head - the fray.
In love
this is the last time - keane.
Missing someone
better in time - leona lewis.
it will all get better in time,God willing..(hee..)
Having a bad day
hold on - jonas brothers.
dont give up,stand till the end!
Trying to go to sleep
chasing cars - snow patrol.
i'll be chasing cars while everyone else is counting sheeps.-.-"
Really really hyper
shuo ai ni(say i love you)-jolin tsai.
What song was being played when you were...
Having your first birthday
wont go home without you - maroon five.
they wont go home without important was i..haha
Going out with your first boyfriend
you give me something - james morrison.
Getting married to...
come undone - duran duran.
who do you need?who do you love..when you come undone..huhu..
it's from the wedding album though..huhu
When you're having your first kid
519 - matt wertz
i'll be having my first kid at 5.19 am.wink2..
i tag:niksu,amelin,fatin,faridah,kak alak and ilya.
next entry(s) will be about..
Sunday, June 15, 2008
we are finally free~!after facing continuosly of examinations and quizes this 2nd term,we are now,finally officially free!alhamdulillah and insyaAllah we'll be seing each other again next year in kuliah tib asnan(dentistry).
computer exam went smooth.i actually enjoyed answering computer exam which i merely like to study it and which notes' i drew a sad face and showed it to my family back home via webcam.the duration of the exam was 3 hours but everybody has settled answering after only half an hour the exam started.
we took pictures.the last stock of pictures in kuliah 'ulum.have to admit it.eventhough the kuliah 'ulum is like a dead building with broken pieces of furnitures here and there,i am soo going to miss that building!they have the best library ever in the university.we surveyed all the libraries in the universities and found out that the kuliah 'ulum's is the best!even the medic students came to the 'ulum's library to study eventhough they have their own.(prouuddd!!)
the sad part about yesterday is that,most of our high-standard-up-to-date-plus-handsome-and-pretty classmates will not enter the kuliah tib asnan in mansoura university.
ebraheem,whom i waved everyday and he loves to imitate me and act cute,is going to university of tanta.good for him though,his home is there.he have to take 45 minutes of journey to attend classes everyday and he didnt even missed a day.
'adel,whom we called john tucker because of his first impression toward us at the beginning of i'dadi asnan where he looked just alike john tucker in john tucker must die,is going to university of cairo.i dont actually know the reason.he seldom talk to us.huhu.comel.
and lala,who is verrryy rich and her family lives in saudi,is going to tanta university along with ebraheem because her sister lives there so it's easier for her.
there you go.those who actually know how to speak english are leaving us.(sobs).i hope shrouk didnt follow them.because we really depends on her in everything.LITERALLY!or even budak baju biru,because if he leaves,i would not be able to cuci mata anymore!and that is sad!(sobsss)
i went through hell of two months!with orals which at times were just too mean to be true and written exams which at times stabs my heart.i just hope i would not have to repeat any paper.let's just say that even if i didnt get mumtaz,as long as i pass everything,i would be happy enough.
we took pictures!thanks to luwoh who willing to put aside his medical books for awhile and helped us to take some nice pictures.i must say,the dentist students do talk a lot.there were too many perangai,too many need attention,we were just soo loud!huhu.there were so many noise to take even 1 picture.
so here're some..havent collect all yet.

beside me ebraheem,islam,ahmad hisyam(budak baju biru),and the white shirt 'adel.
ebraheem is trying to emitate me posing the peace sign,they dont know what the peace sign actually meant.huhu.

since today is father's day.let's recite Al-fatihah to my late's been 2 father's days without him.daddy,i miss you.
and to all fathers out there,happy father's day!enjoy your day!God bless
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
tagged by kak alak.
fat short and clumsy.
dentist wannabe.
i love to goof around.
garang.from friends' point of view.
always do things last minute.
i swear when i feel like swearing.
masih belum dapat permission from mak untuk drive sorang2.
7 things that frightened me
memusnahkan harapan keluarga
accidents yang teruk.
kehilangan ahli keluarga.
7 songs for the mean time
jonas brothers-hold on
sum 41-with me
jason mraz feat colbie caillat-lucky(sgt sedapp)
yuna-deeper conversation
gigi-11 januari(happy birthday kak yong)
vanessa carlton-nolita fairytale
the last goodbye-pictures of you.
7 phrases always said
mcm bodoh/bongok je
boleh pulakkk..
oh shhhhhhhh...(tak lengkap..mmg begitu)
...(ayat di sini)...doh..[mcm semua org gune je]
...(ayat di sini)..sudeh..[terikut drp rakan2]
7 valuable things for me
handphone yg kodi ini
jantung yg masih berfungsi.
otak yg ok la kepandaiannya
7 first time in my life
1st time away from family- 11 may 2007,matrikulasi melaka.
1st time living alone farr from family-starting 26 august 2007,here,mansoura,egypt.
1st time in a plane-1993,UK.
1st time loosing a person very close to me-26 december 2006.
1st raya without family- aidilfitri and aidiladha 2007.
1st crush-anuar,standard 6,2001(dunno what happened to him now.harhar)
1st time owning a laptop-february 2008.(thanks mak,luqman,ibrahim and whoever made the laptop came to me.~)
7 lucky persons to be tagged
niksu[mangsa pertama.muahaha]
amelin[sesibuk mane pon kene buat!]
bat[you have to do this bat,no matter what!]
faridah[i know you hate doing this,but..sorry faridah!hee]
nuha[same..kene buat!]
2 tempat kosong dibiar vacant.sesiape rajin,silela buat.hee..
Monday, June 02, 2008
it was so BANYAK i couldn't terima.
i've made loads of mistakes in my favourite MOST favourite subject.hell yes,i cried my eyes out.i was indeed sad for not doing well in my favourite subject.the subject that i aim so high,the one that i prepared for so long,the subject that i actually understand what's going on and the only subject i have confidence in learning it.and i flunk it.i made a huge mistake for the simplest question!i dont know what happened to me,i dont know what went wrong.i never cry over a paper before.i don't know why i did yesterday.maybe because was just envy for those who did well yesterday.i envy for those who i teached and they can answer the exam easily but not me.darn it,i feel like i'm the most less intelligent of all.and maybe i'm wrong for having this feeling but i feel that it's soo unfair!!!
i cried myself to sleep(well not exactly sleep la.i tried to,but the facts about the paper yesterday haunted me and i end up crying again).yeah,i define that my sadness over yesterday's organic chemistry paper is like i broke up with it.i was in love with it for God's sake!and now my stupidity made my relationship with it in great danger.i feel like turning back the time.
i HATE this!!!!!
please GOD,i don't want to repeat any paper.i pray to you.
mommy,again,i am so sorry.your daughter is a useless person who can't even answer simple question.i am really sorry,mom.
i'm trying to put this behind.statistics exam is thursday.another one of my favourite subject.i hope it would not end up like yesterday.
When it falls apart
And your feeling lost
All your hope is gone
don’t forget to hold on, hold on
When you love someone
And they break your heart
don’t give up on love
Have faith, restart
Just hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on
When it falls apart and you're feeling lost
All your hopes is gone,don't forget to hold on!
-hold on,jonas brothers.
all i can do is just hope.