hello blog,
i never wish you this but..happy 4th birthday dear blog~
we've been through a whole lot!
and i hope that the blog will remain like..until i die.
okay,eventhough this has nothing to do with the birthday post but i still wanna show it because i just love the song,and the series(drama?)
proposal of daisakusen.(cerita yang sangat sweet dan comel,thanks.yamapi comel,thanks.haha) which took me almost 1 year to finish the whole series plus the special episode.due to the business,thanks.not because it is a boring typical drama.(gila defend cerita ni!astaga.)
and this song is called, chiisana koi no uta (heck,i don't even know the meaning,but i just love it,thanks.)
*apa la masalah kau dengan () ni hannah~
nota kaki:kalau blog ini seorang anak,dah boleh menulis membaca dah dia ni..dah boleh hantar pergi pre-school.hehe.
bye.got crown assignments to do..PLUS pharmacology in 10 days..AND freaking effing prosthesis.i need my mommy. :(
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
the wedding i adore.
take a look at this.
the wedding reception of Anwar Ibrahim's son,Muhammad Ihsan and Syaheeda.
Gosh i hope for a wedding like this to be mine!
simple white garden wedding.totally to be adored!
kena kumpul duit dari sekarang!!!ok hannah,stop exaggerating .(eh tapi diri sendiri tak sedar umur dah masuk 21.haha)
but i am so sure that my mom will not allow a grand wedding because for her the simpler, the better.but mak,this wedding LOOKS simple also count kan?heehee.
speaking of weddings,i hereby to congratulates those who are planning on getting married during the upcoming winter break!especially to kak quya, our ex-neighbour.
but yeah,i cannot attend any of the weddings because i will not be in egypt during the winter break(and no.neither am i going to be in malaysia.huhu)
my doa is for all of you in gaining happiness in the upcoming new lives as husbands and wives.May Allah bless you with barakah your entire life,insyaAllah. :)
Friday, January 15, 2010
my sister's keeper.

well,the mid year exam is about 90% finished. i still have pharmacology but the date is yet to be known.so i was like..spending the whole night sleeping for celebrating my separa merdeka yesternight,and when i woke up,everyone else is sleeping and it's only 3a.m and my eyes wouldn't want to be shut so i browse around my laptop,searching for some good movies to re-watch it,and i suddenly found this movie,which i havent watch it yet.
NOTE: this is not a movie review!
and so,i watched it....
you know when it's 3 am and nobody's watching you and the silence is like stimulating you to the mood of the story,and yes indeed it is a sad one,and yes i admit i cried the entire 60% of the movie.maybe,just maybe the story is just soo family,and that triggers me la kot?
But some of you may have seen the movie,so yeah i'm the loser who is soo outdated in this thing.huhu.
so,it's a good movie to watch ALONE. i don't know how to describe it but when a movie succeeded to make me cry,it's definitely a good one.hoho..tapi ye lah,hannah is so fragile lately. :p
so, go go go!go watch it if you haven't watch it yet.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
my 1st baby :D

okok i know the blog is in hiatus until i finish my mid year exam but i HAVE to show you this!!!!
ladies and gentlemen,
i am proudly to present you: my 1st ever denture!! :')
sangat-sangat-sangat puas hati!
it worth all the piles of tears,all midnight oil,and yeah of course, all the money spent.
terharu ianya menjadi :')
MOMMY MOMMY, i made my 1st denture..see it see it :D
ok,back to hiatus.
goodbye peeps!
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