well,the mid year exam is about 90% finished. i still have pharmacology but the date is yet to be known.so i was like..spending the whole night sleeping for celebrating my separa merdeka yesternight,and when i woke up,everyone else is sleeping and it's only 3a.m and my eyes wouldn't want to be shut so i browse around my laptop,searching for some good movies to re-watch it,and i suddenly found this movie,which i havent watch it yet.
NOTE: this is not a movie review!
and so,i watched it....
you know when it's 3 am and nobody's watching you and the silence is like stimulating you to the mood of the story,and yes indeed it is a sad one,and yes i admit i cried the entire 60% of the movie.maybe,just maybe the story is just soo family,and that triggers me la kot?
But some of you may have seen the movie,so yeah i'm the loser who is soo outdated in this thing.huhu.
so,it's a good movie to watch ALONE. i don't know how to describe it but when a movie succeeded to make me cry,it's definitely a good one.hoho..tapi ye lah,hannah is so fragile lately. :p
so, go go go!go watch it if you haven't watch it yet.
fergile? bukan selalu ke =p
mane ade slalu!
peen!! peen!!
xterlambat agy nk wish gudlax for ur final ayte? ngeh3.. btw, nnt maw carik la movie tuh cam besh jewr pasal2 family nie.. :)
owh.. i wanna watch this movie cuz of u!! (lagi ketinggalan zaman~) =))
hehe silelah cari,download,and enjoy it..hehe
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