okok i know the blog is in hiatus until i finish my mid year exam but i HAVE to show you this!!!!
ladies and gentlemen,
i am proudly to present you: my 1st ever denture!! :')
sangat-sangat-sangat puas hati!
it worth all the piles of tears,all midnight oil,and yeah of course, all the money spent.
terharu ianya menjadi :')
MOMMY MOMMY, i made my 1st denture..see it see it :D
ok,back to hiatus.
goodbye peeps!
They look good. I'll be proud to see you to get my dentures done in 50 years, perhaps? Hehe.
Heehee cantiknya geegee :p
ok so i googled 'denture'.. rupe2nye somewhat like gigi palsu! peh terernye awak reti buat sndri?!
:D tahniah!
i think i might get one too at that time.huhu.
heehee geegee said thanks!
kak alak,
x terer la..menangis2 kot buat bende ni..ade orang lagi terer sekejap je dah siap.huhu
cool gler hannah! chantek!
Dr tak puas hati...kena buat balik :((
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