hey hey peeps it's been ages since the last time i was like crazy doing this kinda stuff. ie: special award lahh survey lahh etc. and kak mel gave me this award and it brings back memories.so,utk kak mel, kita buat eh?tapi sebenarnya flattered juga dapat award ni.thanks kak mel! :)
1. Anda mesti memberi pujian kepada pemberi 'award' ini.
ngeh ngeh kak mel.ohh kak mel.haha.kak mel ni comel,serious!hehe.and she's a doctor now so siape2 nak masuk meminang make sure cukup duit woh nak meminang doktor ni!!hehe. i know kak mel because she's kak ngah's friend.like bestfriend kot in UNIMAS.macam takkan lah kak ngah balik semenanjung without mentioning her name kan?and guess what kak mel, you're my bestfriend's senior in KMNS!(ok,takde kaitan dengan saye pon huhu)tapi, ibu2 kami cute!kan,kak mel?hehe.
2. Sila beri 'award' kepada 10 bloggers yang lain.
can i just give it to 1 or 2? ok la 4 je.hehe.
- niksu rashid (oh yeahhh kamu dah lame tak buat bende2 mcm ni kan?)
- izzati ramly ( please note that i just miss both of you.hehe)
- intan dadramaqueen (ini mama saye ye rakan2 :D)
- faridah
3. Anda mesti beritahu kepada 10 blogger ni.
okie dokie.no problemo. ;)
- niksu rashid (oh yeahhh kamu dah lame tak buat bende2 mcm ni kan?)
- izzati ramly ( please note that i just miss both of you.hehe)
- intan dadramaqueen (ini mama saye ye rakan2 :D)
- faridah
3. Anda mesti beritahu kepada 10 blogger ni.
okie dokie.no problemo. ;)
4. Bagaimana anda boleh di gelar 'blog' yang 'Best and Great'?
she said that she just love me yada-ing.but there's nothing in this blog so i don't really know why actually.hehe.
ok nak tengok cerita.sambung esok.
btw, i am officially single people.SINGLE! dah jangan kau tanya lagi status aku.
she said that she just love me yada-ing.but there's nothing in this blog so i don't really know why actually.hehe.
ok nak tengok cerita.sambung esok.
btw, i am officially single people.SINGLE! dah jangan kau tanya lagi status aku.
tak faham soalan number 4. sila explain. dan ehh dah single? cerita pasal bf pun tak diketahui :p
soalan number 4 : mcmane boleh dpt award tu..agak2nya kenape eh?
ah pasal bf..tak mahu cerita lah.malas.
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