Monday, September 22, 2008

semangat nak raya.

Raya is just around the corner.8 more days left and 'hooray!' the kids will jump of joy.the mercun sounds echoed everywhere.but not as fun as the days when we were still kids.Maybe they've grown up just like us and doesn't care about having fun with the mercun or bunga api anymore.

Honestly, i've never got near to any of those.yup,touching it before it set on fire was a big NONO.we weren't allow to do so when we were kids.Everynight, we just sat on the stairs, excitedly watching the cousins having fun with their mercun and bunga api. Amazed,we were.

Not to forget the meaningful television raya advertisements. Each with hidden message. I love raya's advertisements. especially the meaningful and the hilarious ones. Thanks to youtube,i managed to watch some of the raya advertisements last year. But i miss the sincere ones which are now apparently extinct.

It's hard to find good new raya songs nowadays. The old ones are still the best.Suasana Hari Raya by Anuar Zain and Elina is on the top of my most favourite raya songs. My all time favourite raya song since i was a little kid. The only new song that has my vote of 'lagu sedap' is Selamat Hari Raya by JFK,Kaer Azami,Nabil,Omar K,and Shazzy.
Compare this and this. Which one do you prefer? I still like the original one. man,nothing can beat the original one,agree?

Preparation for raya this year is under budget. Mom doesn't want us to spend too much over the things you rarely wear. I just bought 2 baju raya and the rest..will be reused from the previous raya.

Balik kampung is a must do. I can say that i am lucky to have a kampung in Bestari Jaya(formerly known as Batang Berjuntai), Kuala Selangor which takes only about 1 1/2 hours of journey from Bandar Baru Bangi. Nothing can stop us from balik kampung.

Syawal or bulan raya is the month when people reunite with their relatives. When people visit the kubur.the month we celebrate love. Those who left the world were remembered, and those who're still alive appreciates each other.

I've experienced raya di perantauan last year. Everything has to be done by ourselves. Moms were not there to direct us what to do,what to buy or where to clean. The joy of gotong-royong is still vividly in my mind. Some didn't even sleep that raya eve so that the house will be perfectly clean. Even my gross house last year became livable for raya.which was something my housemates and i very proud of.

The first time i did the kuah kacang and it turned out to be great was also my first raya di perantauan without family. It was also the first time i celebrate hari raya without dad since he passed away.

The crying on the phone with family, the hugging with housemates to clear the sad moment, and the minta ampun with housemates,really touched my heart,and that is why last year's hari raya meant alot to me.

This year's raya will be a bit different for us. Instead of balik kampung right after the solat raya, we will balik kampung in the afternoon, after our neighbours reunion tradition thingy.

So, baked your kuih raya yet?i'm sorry i didn't send any kad raya to any of you. I couldn't find the time to buy year,maybe? if it's not from here,maybe i'll send them from there.we'll see. ;)

but i do hope that you'll give me some duit raya! *wink wink!

Selamat Hari Raya - JFK, Omar K, Kaer, Nabil feat Shazzy

My favourite hari raya song.Click the play button to listen.


ahmad endo said...

apsal lam tb tak ada lagi sarkis macam dulu2....konfius aku

Niksu Rashid said...

Hello hannah.

yup suasana hari raya by annuar and ellina is still the best. jgn lah compare dgn alif aziz. buruk gila weh. hahaha. the original version tu, saya siap jadikan alarm clock tahu? tapi tak bgn2 juga. harharhar. its the festive season yo! lagu jfk omar k kaer nabil dgn shazzy tu nasib baik sedap. lagu2 raya yg lama tapi bile dinyanyikan balik mmg tak sedap weyh. haram satu sen pun. heh.

ha'a do. i forgot that u last yr raya kat egypt. serious lupa weh. haha. at least kuah kacang tu sedap, then okay lah kan? makan pun puas. mengajar erti kehidupan sebenar kot? takpe, insya Allah i'll be facing the same thing in the next few years. huuu.

ckp psl tu, MARA apa cerita? hoho. nnt saya balik weekends kamu cerita yaa?

im currently in uitm. guna server uitm. meaning, no social networking weh. dia block fster, myspace dgn fcebook. left me utk bukak blog2 org je. apekah betul. haha.

kuih raya dah siap? im going to bake this week. well, i hope. harhar. kad raya tu takpelah. tahun depan eh? make sure stamp tu nnt stamp egypt! waahhaa.

ok hannah take care. insya allah bila sy raya rumah sedare kat bangi, i'll singgah by. weeheeho.

selamat hari raya kacak! :D

hannahsahimi said...


sarkis?ape yg kau cube sampaikan?tapaham do..huhu

hello niksu,

gile panjang.haha..bagus,semangat betul ye jadikan alarm clock?
Kuih raye saye nk buat lg nnt!yey!kalau singgah,bwk skali kuih raye ye?oh dan duit raya!haha

stamp egypt?insyaAllah..tunggu la ye?huhu..

selamat hari raya wangi! :D

Anonymous said...


change ur link! saya sudah berpindah blog!

n gimme ur emel, to access my old blog..nak forever private..kekekeke!!

p/s: lagu raya tuh lama gila dah tak dgr n is one of my fav lagu raya moden!! naseb baek jumpa kat sini.. =)

dAkBaiK said...

6 hari lagi....hohoho

dsrwcxf said...

oh bestari jaya. idk plak dah tukar

still banyak lagi yang nama tempat pelik n funny

ohya, my feveret lagu raya
by khir johari. hehe susah mau jumpa dlm playlist fm radio.

hannahsahimi said...

y la change blog?huhu
haha terima kasih kepada hannah yg meletakkan lagu itu di sini.bangge sebentar.haha :p

11 hari lagi nk balik egypt :(

bestari jaya baru tukar tahun ni.kerana nama dulu dianggap lucah dan merosakkan minda.kesian kampungku.haha

apekah tajuk lagu tu?mcm tapenah dgr.huhu

dAkBaiK said...

haha ku baru perasan Bestari Jaya adalah sama tempat degn Batang Berjuntai ya hahaha....ingat cikgu geo masa form 3 dulu ajaq senyum2 ja dia haha...

nfy said...

if batang berjuntai is lucah, i think they shld replace menggatal, sabah by something else..hahahahahaha

hannahsahimi said...

lah..kesiannye kampung aku!!
tablehbla cikgu kau.fikir serong pulak.kesian kampung aku.

haha replace it with menggaru instead!haha :p

ahmad endo said...

suma member aku ada jual mercun...adakah aku perlu beli mercu sedangkan aku boleh buat sendiri meriam buluh?...

aku masih keliru ngan kek lapis sarawak yang berlapis2, hehehe

Anonymous said...

haha not only kids je yg jump of joy.u pon same :).awl nye u brckp psl raye.i hate raye!sbb mcm dh brthun2 xdpt rye puas2.dlu spm,skrg kt uia..lepas rye je mst ade test.thun ini!uia ngokngek

*raye dtg umah weh.i tggu u smpai pkul 12 tgh mlm pon excuse!

hannahsahimi said...

err...mercun kot?haha
both illegal la wey..takyah2..
oh oh kat kampung aku dulu time kecik2 ade pertandingan meriam kampung mane lagi kuat.seronok!
skarang dah takde dah.rinduu..

mestilah!!raye kat msia,saye rindu!haha
sabar2 hannaani..lgpon raye aidiladha lg bermakna..hehe.

*insyaAllah la nnt i datang.u buat open house confirm i datang.(kalau sempat)haha.4 hari je wey..:p