we had kfc when we arrived at KL SENTRAL.syazwan works in kfc and he has the voucher,but being effingly kedekut taknak belanja.they spent about 30 mins there.mmg melambatkan masa je.geram lagi sikit.
we reached there,they suddenly wanted to watch Mukhsin.me and see ling was like...korg ni datang nak tgk edu fair ke nak suke²?me and see ling left them there and continued searching for private universities.ghazali bohong doh kate pameran ipta?!geram lagi.
to my surprise,there were loads of universities or colleges that's offering dentistry.and the minimum qualification for dentistry course is pretty low.swasta lah kan?there're loads of universities that's sending their students to either india or indonesia for the third till fifth year of dentistry.BUT,it'll cost much lesser if i study the same course in egypt.MUCH MUCH lesser.
we also searched for engineering courses.there's machatronic engineering course in GMI.but,we have to learn Deutsch before complete ur studies in germany.the study fees is completely free!i'm damn serious!see ling is considering on taking machatronic enineering.she's eagerly wants to go to germany.she's been learning some Deutsch lately.(or maybe she wants to meet her hero,klose?..hahaha).whatever it is,i had splendid time with see ling today.
dalam jutaan manusia tu,suddenly,i met fion,ker sinn,afiq and some former form six who i forgot the names.I was making fun of see ling and tried to search for the aimst booth,and see ling was left behind(she was standing in the middle of the road reading the map,and i was being high and loudly laughed at her..haha)and suddenly someone called my name..and it was afiq..i cant think at the moment..i was like..sape plak ni?..instead of saying hi,the first word that came out from my mouth was...bye.haha.

and oh.i met fion.she's going to berkhidmat untuk negara starting tomorrow.haha.so i gave her a big fat hug!tapi boleh jumpe pon.kat semenyih je..haha..
i took as many free pens i can get!i mean,i stole it kot.haha.me and see ling was like surveying the pens and went to the booths and filled the forms,talked abit.and ran away with the pens.gaha.SEGI college punye pen best doh.BESAR GEDABAK!haha.
see ling and i was talking in mandarin,right?and everybody was staring at me.and every chinese asked me the same question:'u can speak mandarin?'..duh~..habistu bahasa ape yang aku cakap?SEPAK KANG!
i was hoping to see niksu.sekejap pon jadilah.but,tak ada rezekilah.i have to go home.see ling have to go home.others?let them be.i'm so geram with them.sorry eh niksu?
syukri akan berkhidmat untuk negara~yeay!selamat berjaya!
karwei told me that he saw me there.tak perasan.haha.
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