freakingly marah!1st,my dad suddenly nak marah2 sbb tersesat kejap searching for kak yong's friend's house.
mcd,bengong kamu!saya sumpahkan deliverer tu dipecat!!spare a thought,u ordered ur mcd when u really extremely hungry n ur mother malas nak masak at 8.15 pm.they said it will b delivered in 45 to 60 like after 90 minutes of waiting,still x u called them again,patiently.n they said that it will be arrived in 10 minutes time.30 minutes left with the wind.still xde batang hidung.u called them again.they said ok,i'll check it for u n i'll call u back in 5 minutes.15 mins past.ur dad asked u to check it u called them for the 4th time.sudah naik angin!kamu marah the operater.maki dia in the good way la like mcm mane korg buat kerja?saya dah call 4 kali!then they were like.ok kami minta maaf blablabla kami check nanti saya call balik.then u like heh?call balik?td u yg ckp u call balik sampai sekarang xde pon u call?so,they apologised lagi.u demand them to check it masa itu juga.n they did.they said it's on the way.n u were like.ok la!n hempas the gagang.2 hours later.u're sleepy.u asked ur family.x mau la dah!they,especially ur freakingly annoying bro cakap nak jugak harini!they called u.they said org tu dia kena hantar banyak sangat barang.then u were like.ok.20 minutes later,ur food dah sampai.guess what?ais dah cair.burger dah sejuk.fries dah lembik.tak pasal2 pulak budak pengantar tu nk kacau2 pulak.tolonglah!x reti bahasa ke?dah la lebmbap!saya sumpah die dipecat!jangan dial nombor ini 1-300-13-1300.lagu je sedap.layanan buruk amat!mcm mane melayu nk maju?janji itu ini.hampeh!
another freaking part of the day,
astro.benci kamu.
for what la nak buat afmasuk yg totally waste time n rakyat's money n masukkan yg totally x talented langsung n biarkan yg talented terkial2 di luar with reason that the talented has no unique personality?then,for what la u create the show?what?u think org melayu ni bodoh sangat ke?shitness la ni.melampau wonder the af4 din get any attention nowadays.macam bangang.noktah!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
budak sengal lagi seminggu nk trial still post blog.
yesterday kat sekolah.
what i heard la kan.due to the fact that i din go to school,rompakan besar-besaran berlaku!luckily our class x kena.during the seminar,which class 5A till 5F kena dengar,ada rompakan by god knows who.they stole byk sangat barang berharga!eg:cameras,handphones,dompets,bags.rompakan terbesar ni!leong chye was in the class the time this incident,he's the life saver la.haha.memang havoc till the whole school kena kunci dan spot check berlaku di seluruh sekolah.rugi pulak x pergi sekolah.haiz..
today memang kelakar.
we had this xtra class for physics.termasuk the 5B n 5D classes.i heard that the class will start at 8.30,bangun lambat2.siap lambat2.pergi hospital salam my dad this n that.learnt how to isi minyak again.till 9.00 am baru sampai.Once i opened the door,everybody was like WOAH!!.ok i was a bit late.class packed gile so i sit at the back yg sangat jauh coz the class berlaku di bilik to me was nadya,leong chye n ean.nadia asked me:apsal ko lambat sangat?.i was like i'm not that late!baru setengah jam.then nadya said banyak la kau 8.30!pukul 8 la start!oh malu.bat pulak like awalnya?.haha.sangat malu weih!but then i just smiled n kononnye concentrate which i totally x paham sbb they learnt a lot for the past setengah jam.nadya pun lambat rupenye.she arived at 8.45.ean pon.haha.kesengalan menjelma.
oh.tuition.physics ok.faham.transformer.addmaths!pening ah!i dunno n i din even pay enough attention on what the hell en fakaruddin merepek.trigo!adoi x paham!tolong!tolong!ekhwan balik!he's taller.haha.hannah pendek.bluek.jumpa sekejap je coz kak yong ajak shopping.haiz..
prom night.
date:10th december.
perfomances: o@g n some local bands.
other schools:10 other schools from kl n kajang.
hoi yuhuarians!ayuh ke prom!
diddy tonight,lets watch konsert AFMASUK n vote for diddy.
ayuh study trigonometri!
budak sengal lagi seminggu nak trial still online,tgk tv etc.haha.bluek.
what i heard la kan.due to the fact that i din go to school,rompakan besar-besaran berlaku!luckily our class x kena.during the seminar,which class 5A till 5F kena dengar,ada rompakan by god knows who.they stole byk sangat barang berharga!eg:cameras,handphones,dompets,bags.rompakan terbesar ni!leong chye was in the class the time this incident,he's the life saver la.haha.memang havoc till the whole school kena kunci dan spot check berlaku di seluruh sekolah.rugi pulak x pergi sekolah.haiz..
today memang kelakar.
we had this xtra class for physics.termasuk the 5B n 5D classes.i heard that the class will start at 8.30,bangun lambat2.siap lambat2.pergi hospital salam my dad this n that.learnt how to isi minyak again.till 9.00 am baru sampai.Once i opened the door,everybody was like WOAH!!.ok i was a bit late.class packed gile so i sit at the back yg sangat jauh coz the class berlaku di bilik to me was nadya,leong chye n ean.nadia asked me:apsal ko lambat sangat?.i was like i'm not that late!baru setengah jam.then nadya said banyak la kau 8.30!pukul 8 la start!oh malu.bat pulak like awalnya?.haha.sangat malu weih!but then i just smiled n kononnye concentrate which i totally x paham sbb they learnt a lot for the past setengah jam.nadya pun lambat rupenye.she arived at 8.45.ean pon.haha.kesengalan menjelma.
oh.tuition.physics ok.faham.transformer.addmaths!pening ah!i dunno n i din even pay enough attention on what the hell en fakaruddin merepek.trigo!adoi x paham!tolong!tolong!ekhwan balik!he's taller.haha.hannah pendek.bluek.jumpa sekejap je coz kak yong ajak shopping.haiz..
prom night.
date:10th december.
perfomances: o@g n some local bands.
other schools:10 other schools from kl n kajang.
hoi yuhuarians!ayuh ke prom!
diddy tonight,lets watch konsert AFMASUK n vote for diddy.
ayuh study trigonometri!
budak sengal lagi seminggu nak trial still online,tgk tv etc.haha.bluek.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
coretan pemonteng sekolah
hooray!tak ke sekolah.sangat gembira.the reasons y i didn't go to school:
1. there's a chinese seminar which i hated much.gile duduk sane for 2 hours?
2. tak tahan dengan the bitches yg sangat jelak dan geli melihat mereka yg hanya mahu menyakitkan hati orang.
3. takde kelas pon.
4. malas.
hehehe.luckily my mum gave me the green light.if not,mesti like awal2 pagi pergi sekolah belajar chinese till recess,then after recess ada juga chinese class for 1 hour.gila ape?tak mahu deh!i rather study chemistry n biology kat my peaceful n unstressful home.
yesterday's australian mathematics competition was so-so.not too hard n not too easy.thank GOD!i've lost 2 kilos!jom puasa!
another one trial start with bahasa n end with chinese.the schedule mcm ok la.tak mau complain.
new skin!!sangat seronok!!clap2...whee~..
dah xde cerita..hah..minggu membosankan.ayuh belajar!
happy studying!!
good luck for the form fives!
happy bday to fion n stephanie!
oh tidak!!myspace sengal lagi!!
1. there's a chinese seminar which i hated much.gile duduk sane for 2 hours?
2. tak tahan dengan the bitches yg sangat jelak dan geli melihat mereka yg hanya mahu menyakitkan hati orang.
3. takde kelas pon.
4. malas.
hehehe.luckily my mum gave me the green light.if not,mesti like awal2 pagi pergi sekolah belajar chinese till recess,then after recess ada juga chinese class for 1 hour.gila ape?tak mahu deh!i rather study chemistry n biology kat my peaceful n unstressful home.
yesterday's australian mathematics competition was so-so.not too hard n not too easy.thank GOD!i've lost 2 kilos!jom puasa!
another one trial start with bahasa n end with chinese.the schedule mcm ok la.tak mau complain.
new skin!!sangat seronok!!clap2...whee~..
dah xde cerita..hah..minggu membosankan.ayuh belajar!
happy studying!!
good luck for the form fives!
happy bday to fion n stephanie!
oh tidak!!myspace sengal lagi!!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
my dad posted the letter.ok fine.argh,benci. school, none of the malays get selected.the chineses mcm byk pula yg selected this year.ah lupakan.
my trial exam is drawing nearer.tomorrow is my australian mathematics competition day.i do hope that i'll get credits or whatever.the questions are in english weih! i learn maths in bahasa! i do hope that GOD will help me tomorrow. insyaAllah. english papers on my birthday. that's not too bad. i'll try to do my best in english. miss joice kate, buat utk bday present. haha. anuar's trial is on 4th september. cemburu sangat lewat. he's studying in perak btw. tp xpe,saya merdeka dulu. zati's trial is going to be after the school hols. haha. school hols gue lagi seminggu merdeka! jgn cemburu. 2 weeks after trial ada gerak gempur. so, i'm going to be extremely giganticaly freaking busy for the rest 2 months. spm is in november!! much lucks for the form fives. all the best.
i received the tgi friday's voucher yesterday. kak yong ajak makan. ok,masa school hols. borang matikulasi. i bought it. but i didnt get it yet. mum ask me to apply seremban's matriks. she said melaka jauh sangat. kak ngah studied there pon tapi. i dun wanna ikut je everywhere she went. i wanna be different. jom cari pengalaman!
news, sultan's sis got stabbed to death by her own son. sampai hati seorang anak begitu derhaka. i luv my mum n i wont hurt her. let the world peace.takziah to hani mohsin's family. he's an mckk old boy too. moga rohnya bersama mereka yang beriman.
my trial exam is drawing nearer.tomorrow is my australian mathematics competition day.i do hope that i'll get credits or whatever.the questions are in english weih! i learn maths in bahasa! i do hope that GOD will help me tomorrow. insyaAllah. english papers on my birthday. that's not too bad. i'll try to do my best in english. miss joice kate, buat utk bday present. haha. anuar's trial is on 4th september. cemburu sangat lewat. he's studying in perak btw. tp xpe,saya merdeka dulu. zati's trial is going to be after the school hols. haha. school hols gue lagi seminggu merdeka! jgn cemburu. 2 weeks after trial ada gerak gempur. so, i'm going to be extremely giganticaly freaking busy for the rest 2 months. spm is in november!! much lucks for the form fives. all the best.
i received the tgi friday's voucher yesterday. kak yong ajak makan. ok,masa school hols. borang matikulasi. i bought it. but i didnt get it yet. mum ask me to apply seremban's matriks. she said melaka jauh sangat. kak ngah studied there pon tapi. i dun wanna ikut je everywhere she went. i wanna be different. jom cari pengalaman!
news, sultan's sis got stabbed to death by her own son. sampai hati seorang anak begitu derhaka. i luv my mum n i wont hurt her. let the world peace.takziah to hani mohsin's family. he's an mckk old boy too. moga rohnya bersama mereka yang beriman.
Monday, July 24, 2006
at first,i was ok with my dad's decision by writing a letter to the plkn people.but think back.i dun really quite agree with him.i want him to hear my opinion now.yeasterday,in the car.i argued with him.bertikam's like hell cause everybody is in dad's side.i'm all alone defending myself as if i'm gonna change his mand or something.
i mean,i wasted my whole 5 years precious,expensive getting shorter time in the co-curicular activities just to make sure that i will not be selected to the plkn.i did that.n i got what i want but dad,on the other hand,forcing me to go n willing to ask his orang dalam friends to help.i mean.i do not n wont want to go to the full of trouble,jerks,ghosts n maybe worst stuff camp thingy!dad went all over with the 10% marks of going to the ipta stuff.and nagging all around n mak defending him saying that i'll learn something new if i go.kak ngah experience frightened me enough!she told me about the people getting hesteria or something.she said it's good for u blablabla n that i'll met some hot hunks there.i mean,i know u met syafiq there but that doesn't mean that everybody will get the same experience.n i do not n wont wanna be friends with the rempits or whoever in whatever groups people.
kak yong said i didnt have the chance to participate in such cool camp.korang bertuah tau yadiyadiyada..whatever.i'm still stick with my thought n i dont wanna go!dad said kalau x nak masuk u,xpayah la..then i said ok.i dun wanna masuk u.but he said i will write the letter no matter how hard u said no.shitness ni!i cried.i lost.freakingly unhappy.bloody freakingly the worst debate ever.i hate this so called helping the young generation to b more patriotic camp.
went to school.victor came to advice me.then came stephanie with the hug.desiree with the condolences.n karwei with the just go word.ah..the form six..they themselves didnt even go to the stupid thing n came to advice me.oh,GOD!
i do wish that dad will somehow change his mind or something.pray for me people!
i mean,i wasted my whole 5 years precious,expensive getting shorter time in the co-curicular activities just to make sure that i will not be selected to the plkn.i did that.n i got what i want but dad,on the other hand,forcing me to go n willing to ask his orang dalam friends to help.i mean.i do not n wont want to go to the full of trouble,jerks,ghosts n maybe worst stuff camp thingy!dad went all over with the 10% marks of going to the ipta stuff.and nagging all around n mak defending him saying that i'll learn something new if i go.kak ngah experience frightened me enough!she told me about the people getting hesteria or something.she said it's good for u blablabla n that i'll met some hot hunks there.i mean,i know u met syafiq there but that doesn't mean that everybody will get the same experience.n i do not n wont wanna be friends with the rempits or whoever in whatever groups people.
kak yong said i didnt have the chance to participate in such cool camp.korang bertuah tau yadiyadiyada..whatever.i'm still stick with my thought n i dont wanna go!dad said kalau x nak masuk u,xpayah la..then i said ok.i dun wanna masuk u.but he said i will write the letter no matter how hard u said no.shitness ni!i cried.i lost.freakingly unhappy.bloody freakingly the worst debate ever.i hate this so called helping the young generation to b more patriotic camp.
went to school.victor came to advice me.then came stephanie with the hug.desiree with the condolences.n karwei with the just go word.ah..the form six..they themselves didnt even go to the stupid thing n came to advice me.oh,GOD!
i do wish that dad will somehow change his mind or something.pray for me people!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
ibadat camp
khemah ibadat di masjid putra, was the best kem ibadat ever!oh ya.semalam balik.malu ckp sunday.whee~..
kami sampai.we thought.alah,kem ibadat..mesti bosan..but then,dia mcm sangat seronok!the camp mcm berlangsung bawah the masjid.bawah masjid tu mcm seronok gila.i've been there mase wedding sape ntah but i dunno that bawah masjid tu begitu la luas dan besar dan byk bilik n tempat2 yg best gile yg totally boleh sesat!i sesat-ed once.haha.the sad thing is tempat tidur x disediakan.i mean,the girls' tpt tidur mcm xde aircond n ada kipas sahaja.but guys' ada aircond n dekat dgn tpt mkn pulak tu!kitorg nk pergi makan pon kene round one semibulatan ni.tapi xpe.still seronok.
our camp packed with ceramahs.the first ceramah was about how to be a good muslim ustaz fatah.sangat syiok sbb full of laughter.later,in the 2nd ceramah,ustaz fatah showed us the alam bazarkh's story.dalam cerita tu they berlakon mcm totally dalam kubur.dah siap kapan n the malaikats were soal-ing him.sangat menakutkan.the sound pulak sangat kuat.the 'mayat' itu byk buat dosa.sangat sedih masa itu.last2 the 'mayat' macam panggil2 his mum n dad.sangat tersentuh n sangat that moment,semua mcm mata dah merah2.semua emosi dan bertaubat la kononnye.
after the show n some minum malam,we went back to was 12.00am.before tidur,we were like playing n chatting around.i met some new friends:kak juhana[nama kita sama!],kak aini,kak wani[selonok o!],abg faszali,abg azwan[kamoo hensem] n some juniors:shahmie,ameer,nasuha,elyda,suraini,aiman,farhan,rajaie, school mcm x sempat kenal.kat kem gile2.ape la.
ok.the room mcm sgt besar.tidur atas carpet.kami ternampak this gadget yg ku tidak menahu ape tujuannye tergantung at the corner of the we were like.hei!kitorg kat af la!hye mak!hye dad!n we were like ambil kertas n said.i'll try my best.saya akan buat yg terbagus!,kami mcm kene wajib dah tidur sbb 2.30 kena bangun,mandi 3.30 ada was like 12.30.semua dah mimpi.but then the form twos mcm bising la sangat benci.i was like golek here,golek there.tidur2..pong!they main kejar2 pula.terjaga.adoi!i just closed my eyes.kak aini was like hoi!korg x reti bahasa ke?aku ckp senyap,senyap la!go kak aini!wo ai ni!n went back to sleep.
suddenly,mereka bercakap2 pulak.adoi la benci x boleh tidur!i was like pergi tidur sekarang!karang akak kejut x bangun siap korg.ok silent.went back to sleep.pastu.nad n syaf like golek2 till my ruang was sangat sempit. Menyesal demand nak tidur tengah2. it was 2 am.tak tahan dgn ketidaktiduranku. Nad pon terbangun. The form twos baru la pula nak tidur.sengal betul la mereka ni. I wake them up at 2.30.mandi n sembahyang tasbih. My first sembahyang tasbih ever. Dah la 4 rakaat.each rukun kena baca subhanallahwalhamdulillah....panjang 10 kali.menggigil2 lututku!
After tasbih,solat hajat n subuh.then, kuliah subuh. X boleh tahan. Tersengguk2 dengar.then slept on pn raziah's peha.kesian cikgu.after rest for about 15 mins,jogging!round the masjid.then saw the pejabat.n we were like hoi paklah!aku nak jumpa ko kat sini!turun cepat!..sengal.after that,makan2.sedap!pastu kuliah.about apekah itu ilmu? ALL ASHAARI.kelakar name.dia suruh kami panggil die mr all.or ustaz all.adoi la..he’s so kelakar.i enjoyed his class! Selonok o! ilmu meninggikan martabat,maruah diri,bangsa dan agama! After the apakah itu ilmu class, kuliah pasal tanggungjawab seorg muslim sebagai seorg pelajar. By mr all juga.he said sumthing about memartabatkan agama. Tidak diperkecilkan. Adab2 menuntut ilmu pun rupanya ada!haha.
then minum pagi,kuliah solat by ustaz zakir.ustaz ni hot n comel.dan kelakar plus always kenakan me.ah geram. He said that he himself masa baya kami bapak suruh pergi sembahyang,he just wait in his room for about 40 seconds and tell his dad that bapak2,zakir dah sembahyang bapak..kelakar la ustaz ni..sengal2 n gers sungguh!selonok o!kuliah room sangat grand.i luv masjid putra!after that,LDK.buat summary for the ceramahs n kuliahs. Our group didn’t win. Bitches group won the first n 3rd place.pastu seronok2 sangat pastu ada hati nak tgk2!I just jeling2 them!hah!I'm so proud of that!adeka patut dalam masjid nak kutuk2 me?biarla.kamu tanggung la kamu punye dosa.i swear that I wont n I don't want to see them again after we graduated n in the mum said org macam tu xyah buat kawanla hannah.well,I'm mum's girl. I'll do whatever my mum ask me to,bitches bukan kawan gue n gue nggak ada hati mau kawan sama mereka so bitches2 itu bisa tanggung kecelakaan yg mereka lakuin.go to hell la fakers!5.30 pm pulang.sampai2 tidur till 7.00 am tadi.about 12 hours of sleep!whee~..
I didn't watch the konsert but I heard that ada AFMASUK,so,mari AFMASUK DIDDY!
I didn't get the offer to the plkn.yippee!but my dad wanna mohon for it. he said 10% for masuk,I was whatever u want.
Kak yong dah balik from aussie! My bear collection bertambah!
Science class' trial start 7th august.sengal sungguh.
It's mak's bday!i bought the m.nasir cd for her.happy 49th bday mak!I LUV MY MOM!~
kami sampai.we thought.alah,kem ibadat..mesti bosan..but then,dia mcm sangat seronok!the camp mcm berlangsung bawah the masjid.bawah masjid tu mcm seronok gila.i've been there mase wedding sape ntah but i dunno that bawah masjid tu begitu la luas dan besar dan byk bilik n tempat2 yg best gile yg totally boleh sesat!i sesat-ed once.haha.the sad thing is tempat tidur x disediakan.i mean,the girls' tpt tidur mcm xde aircond n ada kipas sahaja.but guys' ada aircond n dekat dgn tpt mkn pulak tu!kitorg nk pergi makan pon kene round one semibulatan ni.tapi xpe.still seronok.
our camp packed with ceramahs.the first ceramah was about how to be a good muslim ustaz fatah.sangat syiok sbb full of laughter.later,in the 2nd ceramah,ustaz fatah showed us the alam bazarkh's story.dalam cerita tu they berlakon mcm totally dalam kubur.dah siap kapan n the malaikats were soal-ing him.sangat menakutkan.the sound pulak sangat kuat.the 'mayat' itu byk buat dosa.sangat sedih masa itu.last2 the 'mayat' macam panggil2 his mum n dad.sangat tersentuh n sangat that moment,semua mcm mata dah merah2.semua emosi dan bertaubat la kononnye.
after the show n some minum malam,we went back to was 12.00am.before tidur,we were like playing n chatting around.i met some new friends:kak juhana[nama kita sama!],kak aini,kak wani[selonok o!],abg faszali,abg azwan[kamoo hensem] n some juniors:shahmie,ameer,nasuha,elyda,suraini,aiman,farhan,rajaie, school mcm x sempat kenal.kat kem gile2.ape la.
ok.the room mcm sgt besar.tidur atas carpet.kami ternampak this gadget yg ku tidak menahu ape tujuannye tergantung at the corner of the we were like.hei!kitorg kat af la!hye mak!hye dad!n we were like ambil kertas n said.i'll try my best.saya akan buat yg terbagus!,kami mcm kene wajib dah tidur sbb 2.30 kena bangun,mandi 3.30 ada was like 12.30.semua dah mimpi.but then the form twos mcm bising la sangat benci.i was like golek here,golek there.tidur2..pong!they main kejar2 pula.terjaga.adoi!i just closed my eyes.kak aini was like hoi!korg x reti bahasa ke?aku ckp senyap,senyap la!go kak aini!wo ai ni!n went back to sleep.
suddenly,mereka bercakap2 pulak.adoi la benci x boleh tidur!i was like pergi tidur sekarang!karang akak kejut x bangun siap korg.ok silent.went back to sleep.pastu.nad n syaf like golek2 till my ruang was sangat sempit. Menyesal demand nak tidur tengah2. it was 2 am.tak tahan dgn ketidaktiduranku. Nad pon terbangun. The form twos baru la pula nak tidur.sengal betul la mereka ni. I wake them up at 2.30.mandi n sembahyang tasbih. My first sembahyang tasbih ever. Dah la 4 rakaat.each rukun kena baca subhanallahwalhamdulillah....panjang 10 kali.menggigil2 lututku!
After tasbih,solat hajat n subuh.then, kuliah subuh. X boleh tahan. Tersengguk2 dengar.then slept on pn raziah's peha.kesian cikgu.after rest for about 15 mins,jogging!round the masjid.then saw the pejabat.n we were like hoi paklah!aku nak jumpa ko kat sini!turun cepat!..sengal.after that,makan2.sedap!pastu kuliah.about apekah itu ilmu? ALL ASHAARI.kelakar name.dia suruh kami panggil die mr all.or ustaz all.adoi la..he’s so kelakar.i enjoyed his class! Selonok o! ilmu meninggikan martabat,maruah diri,bangsa dan agama! After the apakah itu ilmu class, kuliah pasal tanggungjawab seorg muslim sebagai seorg pelajar. By mr all juga.he said sumthing about memartabatkan agama. Tidak diperkecilkan. Adab2 menuntut ilmu pun rupanya ada!haha.
then minum pagi,kuliah solat by ustaz zakir.ustaz ni hot n comel.dan kelakar plus always kenakan me.ah geram. He said that he himself masa baya kami bapak suruh pergi sembahyang,he just wait in his room for about 40 seconds and tell his dad that bapak2,zakir dah sembahyang bapak..kelakar la ustaz ni..sengal2 n gers sungguh!selonok o!kuliah room sangat grand.i luv masjid putra!after that,LDK.buat summary for the ceramahs n kuliahs. Our group didn’t win. Bitches group won the first n 3rd place.pastu seronok2 sangat pastu ada hati nak tgk2!I just jeling2 them!hah!I'm so proud of that!adeka patut dalam masjid nak kutuk2 me?biarla.kamu tanggung la kamu punye dosa.i swear that I wont n I don't want to see them again after we graduated n in the mum said org macam tu xyah buat kawanla hannah.well,I'm mum's girl. I'll do whatever my mum ask me to,bitches bukan kawan gue n gue nggak ada hati mau kawan sama mereka so bitches2 itu bisa tanggung kecelakaan yg mereka lakuin.go to hell la fakers!5.30 pm pulang.sampai2 tidur till 7.00 am tadi.about 12 hours of sleep!whee~..
I didn't watch the konsert but I heard that ada AFMASUK,so,mari AFMASUK DIDDY!
I didn't get the offer to the plkn.yippee!but my dad wanna mohon for it. he said 10% for masuk,I was whatever u want.
Kak yong dah balik from aussie! My bear collection bertambah!
Science class' trial start 7th august.sengal sungguh.
It's mak's bday!i bought the m.nasir cd for her.happy 49th bday mak!I LUV MY MOM!~
Thursday, July 20, 2006
3rd august 2006!!!my trial!!i think i still have like 16+-1 days to prepare myself fot the big day!!dear GOD,tolonglah hambamu ini mengharungi cabaran tahun ini.i'm now concentrating on biology and chemistry.i'll study physics later.i'm not a big fan of physics.sejarah,i'll do it later.oh ya,siti nurhaliza annouced that she's getting married to datuk k on 21st august.congratz.mak was unhappy.she said it's like her getting married to kak yong.mcm bapak kawin dengan anak.haha.macam2.for me,it's her choice.but i rather like it if she's marrying fazley instead.they're just suits to each other.but what to do.luv is blind.i wish siti to b happily ever after!
i wont b home on friday till sunday.i have camp to attend.a qiamulail at putrajaya.semua melayu di sekolahku wajib pergi.adoi!i'm bringing some of my books there.terpaksa.trial exam is just around the corner.i hope the camp will b xtra fun.
monday,as i was walking to my tuition centre,we saw the perodua troopers.they were driving home.we stopped them.nasib x dilanggar.we asked them wether they still have the prizes or not.they said it's sad.kami terus beritahu them that we LOVE so much!n waved goodbye.the first car went.the next car followed.they were honking us n thanking us loudly.they pulak to the drivers.ngeh ngeh.heart2 to
last week,the 8tv crew came to our orange!we just hung out for just a few mins as we had classes to attend.cemburu dgn budak sesi petang.bluek.
i resigned my posts as secretary for dikir barat club,ketua multimedia for agama club,vice president for interact club n ocassion leader for krs due to the fact that the form 5s have to concentrate on their studies n the fact that en nagaya menghalau kami.huhu~.i hope that the next commitee board members will lead the club secara adil dan saksama.
i'm currently searching for ubat's note for presentation.hannah signing off.
the ubat topic is damn complicated.
tomorrow will be making sabun day.
one tree hill is back.
harini hari doink ku.
buku untuk dibaca.ayuh!
i wont b home on friday till sunday.i have camp to attend.a qiamulail at putrajaya.semua melayu di sekolahku wajib pergi.adoi!i'm bringing some of my books there.terpaksa.trial exam is just around the corner.i hope the camp will b xtra fun.
monday,as i was walking to my tuition centre,we saw the perodua troopers.they were driving home.we stopped them.nasib x dilanggar.we asked them wether they still have the prizes or not.they said it's sad.kami terus beritahu them that we LOVE so much!n waved goodbye.the first car went.the next car followed.they were honking us n thanking us loudly.they pulak to the drivers.ngeh ngeh.heart2 to
last week,the 8tv crew came to our orange!we just hung out for just a few mins as we had classes to attend.cemburu dgn budak sesi petang.bluek.
i resigned my posts as secretary for dikir barat club,ketua multimedia for agama club,vice president for interact club n ocassion leader for krs due to the fact that the form 5s have to concentrate on their studies n the fact that en nagaya menghalau kami.huhu~.i hope that the next commitee board members will lead the club secara adil dan saksama.
i'm currently searching for ubat's note for presentation.hannah signing off.
the ubat topic is damn complicated.
tomorrow will be making sabun day.
one tree hill is back.
harini hari doink ku.
buku untuk dibaca.ayuh!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
yesterday,i was just lepaking around [balik from tuition] with my family.suddenly,got a call from kampung at 6 sumting pm saying that pak long has passed away.we went straight to kampung after heard the sad news.i spent my whole night at kampung.and went back home at 11 sumting n arrived at 1.i didn't even study at all.makan pon tidak.i thought after minum nescafe,boleh segar n i can continue reading my books,but then,after minum,buka buku n read for about 5 mins n went back to sleep.gile penat.
today,mak balik kampung after sending us to school.we tumpang-ed pn raziah balik has lectures to give almost the whole day.mak's not,it's just me n luqman at home.we ordered mcd.makan gile gelojoh sebab the whole night and pagi kebulur.that's all for ayuh!
AL-FATIHAH to arwah pak long
today,mak balik kampung after sending us to school.we tumpang-ed pn raziah balik has lectures to give almost the whole day.mak's not,it's just me n luqman at home.we ordered mcd.makan gile gelojoh sebab the whole night and pagi kebulur.that's all for ayuh!
AL-FATIHAH to arwah pak long
Monday, July 17, 2006
sorrow sunday
my sunday started with tears.pak long,mak went back to kampung to visit him at 4 am.after semua woke up.we went straight to kampung.arrived at pak long's house.there was full of people.kesenyapan melanda.the house filled with sorrow.i went to see mak.mak asked me to read the,i sat in front of pak long and read it.after a while,pak long wanted to see his,his children came.they apologised to him.something like that.i can't really hear them talking.i continued my reading.pak long wanted to see nenek pula.that moment kesedihan melanda.pak long mintak maaf with nenek.nenek bursted into tears.then one of pak long's son came.he teached him to say ALLAH.i finished my reading.mak long came with a glass of water in her hand.she asked pak long wether he wanted to drink.she guided him to drink.the people around me was crying.even mak,if i'm not mistaken.i nearly cried but i cant.nenek said his feet dah sejuk.then the silent came again.
after a while,cikde came with qurans.mak asked me to read the quran again.a bunch of us[women n girls]read the yassin.after that,pak long said something to mak long.i cant hear a thing.but anjang n cikde was there listening.i broke the sorrowness with my reading again.i heard adib was reading the yassin while crying.pity him.then,luqman came to see me.ayah dah nak,after the salams n some chatting,we went back home.
hope that pak long will be healthy as usual.
i'm happily to annouce that lotter was voted out!syiok!
where's my gilmore girls?
starting tomorrow,akan ku concentrate pada pelajaran.internet,jangan gangguku.
happy burfday victor n waikuan.
after a while,cikde came with qurans.mak asked me to read the quran again.a bunch of us[women n girls]read the yassin.after that,pak long said something to mak long.i cant hear a thing.but anjang n cikde was there listening.i broke the sorrowness with my reading again.i heard adib was reading the yassin while crying.pity him.then,luqman came to see me.ayah dah nak,after the salams n some chatting,we went back home.
hope that pak long will be healthy as usual.
i'm happily to annouce that lotter was voted out!syiok!
where's my gilmore girls?
starting tomorrow,akan ku concentrate pada pelajaran.internet,jangan gangguku.
happy burfday victor n waikuan.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
cerita pathetic.i woke up late.10 sumting.dizziness melanda..i wonder why.i went back to sleep.till 11.45.tuition.sangat syiok.i balas-ed my dendam to bitches [didn't really punched them whatsoever la f.y.i]i enjoyed it very much.luv to sindir them.luv it when they want to sindir me but got caught by my handsome addmaths n physics teacher,en fakaruddin.luv it when cikgu ask them to answer one particular question but they got it wrong n i laughed like damn hard till my stomach hurts.luv it when they mcm nak tarik perhatian cikgu but x it when my crush ada datang [oh..malu.]luv it when he sits next to me.whee~syiok!i just love this wonderful day!muahahaha!
but then the weather today was extremely hot.great news,baju kering!bad news,i'm sick.again!got the the pening.didn't get the chance to open my freaking books.alahai.tomorrow is my last tuition [chinese] day.i'm gonna miss miss kong soo much.
i watched trek selebiti last night,diddy looked extra handsome!
who's going to be voted out tonight?jeng jeng jeng..plz b haziq or faizal..
i want AFMASUK!!
tonight is the gilmore girls night.
ayuh tonton tv!gile buku x bace.adeh..
but then the weather today was extremely hot.great news,baju kering!bad news,i'm sick.again!got the the pening.didn't get the chance to open my freaking books.alahai.tomorrow is my last tuition [chinese] day.i'm gonna miss miss kong soo much.
i watched trek selebiti last night,diddy looked extra handsome!
who's going to be voted out tonight?jeng jeng jeng..plz b haziq or faizal..
i want AFMASUK!!
tonight is the gilmore girls night.
ayuh tonton tv!gile buku x bace.adeh..
Saturday, July 15, 2006
god,plz help me
skool memeningkan kepalaku yg dah kusut.rush sane sini.otakku tepu!!plz god.tolong hambamu yg lemah ini.the copycat itu really menyakitkan hati.ok.we had a fight.gile punye fight.over god knows y reason.mmg x masuk akal.x pasal2 nak jeling2 n menyakitkan,mmg la geram.she thinks she's so good with teachers n even our classmates dgn warak which is so damn freakingly not true.sembahyang pon tidak,mengaji x pass,jawi pon x reti bace u wanna teach me how to to act.please la.
agama class.i asked ustazah about tindik hidung thingy coz i heard someone said that it's not haram to do so.ustazah said haram.ok la kan.but then,bitch tu like jeling2 n said ape la bodoh sangat?hello?ko pandai sangat ke nak ckp aku bodoh??itu masih boleh tahan.but then,sejarah.setuju sejarah is the boringest subject ever?so,at that time,me n nad was kejap je.berape patah kate caught.cikgu bebel.ok.kami understood.but then ean told me that he saw the bitch tu dgn kembarnye berdoa2 for ape ntah pastu ckp ameen loudly,then hembus2 kat me n nad.shitness sungguh la!kononnye tuhan makbulkanlah doa die yg menjahanamkan org tu?syirik betul!x belajar agama ke?freakingly gigantically damn geram!
nak balas dendam.but then trial is just around the corner,may god balas dosa2nye menfitnah,menjahanamkan org itu.tentu ada balasannye.breathe hannah!relax...
diddy at trek selebriti tonite!!ayuh tonton!!
lagi 24 days to trial exam..kambate!
agama class.i asked ustazah about tindik hidung thingy coz i heard someone said that it's not haram to do so.ustazah said haram.ok la kan.but then,bitch tu like jeling2 n said ape la bodoh sangat?hello?ko pandai sangat ke nak ckp aku bodoh??itu masih boleh tahan.but then,sejarah.setuju sejarah is the boringest subject ever?so,at that time,me n nad was kejap je.berape patah kate caught.cikgu bebel.ok.kami understood.but then ean told me that he saw the bitch tu dgn kembarnye berdoa2 for ape ntah pastu ckp ameen loudly,then hembus2 kat me n nad.shitness sungguh la!kononnye tuhan makbulkanlah doa die yg menjahanamkan org tu?syirik betul!x belajar agama ke?freakingly gigantically damn geram!
nak balas dendam.but then trial is just around the corner,may god balas dosa2nye menfitnah,menjahanamkan org itu.tentu ada balasannye.breathe hannah!relax...
diddy at trek selebriti tonite!!ayuh tonton!!
lagi 24 days to trial exam..kambate!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
fifa,trial n so..
ok,germany got the 3rd place.thanx to mr number 7[apparently,i dunno how to spell his name..hehe]kahn was extremely great that day.luv him so.lahm was great.he tried to score a goal but the ball aparently missed the net.i didn't sleep at all that night.after the whole penat lelah berjalan n x boleh terima diddy af4 was out thingy,i can't even close my,the day was not the shitness day for me.i mean,ada malang n ada baik.whee~
the next day was sunday.ok.watched imbasan with my was like'how old is he?'then i told him 21.then he said'elok sangatlah tu!'n i was like hehehehe.then mak was like 'oi!gatalnye!'ngeh ngeh.that day x tidur juga.i mean,i took a nap but disturbed by my mum who wanted me to acompany her to we went,i didn't buy anything coz i dun have the mood to do so.mum bought what she called 'barang dapur' yg totally terlampau banyak.then,i stayed up late for the final.zidane was so stupid.hancur harapanku supaya france menang.sadly,italy won the worldcup.5-3 via penalty.
yesterday at skool,semua demam bola.everybody was talking about the same topic.even the teachers.then,time belajar..semua eng was like:' 5C..kamu punye trial lagi 28 hari.tengok semua nak tidur..kamu nak spm ni..'.niksu sent me a message.she said diddy dah bertunang!i was like serious?then i bought the metro newspaper.ya betul!adoi.kecewanya. dengan kemengantukan yg teramat,i went to tuition.the guys behind us was like nak cari pasal.sibuk jaga tepi kain orang.they dont even know what colour is kuprum.sengaja cari pasal.let see next,after maghrib.ingatkan nak take a nap kejap so that i can watch diddy's wasiat on diary but then tidur n tidur n tidur n terjaga at 1.00 am.alahai kecewa!geram!so i woke up.tengok tv for a while.diary ada but not yang 1st,dengan kekecewaan yg bertambah,i studied chemistry.for just 1 hour dah pening2.cant was 3.00 am.baca paper till 4.went up.n tertidur at 5.00 mak woke me up.freakingly tired n sleepy.went to skool.went to agama's xtra class.n here i m.yeay!
kak yong melancong ke aussie today.sadly,mak didn't let me go.
happy bday darryl.
i'm freakingly bloody tired.
watch diddy![muzik @ria]
trial 7th august till 1st sept 2006 [11th august is my bday!bloody hell.]
gerak gempur 12-15 n 18-20 sept 2006.
study darling!good luck to spm-ers!
the next day was sunday.ok.watched imbasan with my was like'how old is he?'then i told him 21.then he said'elok sangatlah tu!'n i was like hehehehe.then mak was like 'oi!gatalnye!'ngeh ngeh.that day x tidur juga.i mean,i took a nap but disturbed by my mum who wanted me to acompany her to we went,i didn't buy anything coz i dun have the mood to do so.mum bought what she called 'barang dapur' yg totally terlampau banyak.then,i stayed up late for the final.zidane was so stupid.hancur harapanku supaya france menang.sadly,italy won the worldcup.5-3 via penalty.
yesterday at skool,semua demam bola.everybody was talking about the same topic.even the teachers.then,time belajar..semua eng was like:' 5C..kamu punye trial lagi 28 hari.tengok semua nak tidur..kamu nak spm ni..'.niksu sent me a message.she said diddy dah bertunang!i was like serious?then i bought the metro newspaper.ya betul!adoi.kecewanya. dengan kemengantukan yg teramat,i went to tuition.the guys behind us was like nak cari pasal.sibuk jaga tepi kain orang.they dont even know what colour is kuprum.sengaja cari pasal.let see next,after maghrib.ingatkan nak take a nap kejap so that i can watch diddy's wasiat on diary but then tidur n tidur n tidur n terjaga at 1.00 am.alahai kecewa!geram!so i woke up.tengok tv for a while.diary ada but not yang 1st,dengan kekecewaan yg bertambah,i studied chemistry.for just 1 hour dah pening2.cant was 3.00 am.baca paper till 4.went up.n tertidur at 5.00 mak woke me up.freakingly tired n sleepy.went to skool.went to agama's xtra class.n here i m.yeay!
kak yong melancong ke aussie today.sadly,mak didn't let me go.
happy bday darryl.
i'm freakingly bloody tired.
watch diddy![muzik @ria]
trial 7th august till 1st sept 2006 [11th august is my bday!bloody hell.]
gerak gempur 12-15 n 18-20 sept 2006.
study darling!good luck to spm-ers!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
xfreshers' reunion.
today memang penat tahap gila.mak went back to kampung.kak yong kat melaka organising the freaking upsr,as the only girl at home..banyak kerje gue!semua dilakukan oleh saya.adus!
after the whole being mom's substitute thingy.i went for tuition.lewat.hah!padan muka.syaf told me dia x bawak xtra,i walk to the komuter station gile jauh half an hour baru,kami pergi ke kl sentral.sampai,met zati n atheera.melepaskan rindu.solat zohor.ayuh ke lrt pergi sekolah niksu!sekolah niksu buat hari,kami pergi.on the way,zati n atheera cakap dalam bahasa baku.they luv to use perkataan2..saya..anda..dimanakah..aduhai..
at first,i was like.enough zati!stop it!cukup!cukup!..but then mcm best,kami bercakap dalam bahasa baku!!yeay!! driver tadi sengal.meter tunjuk rm3.40,dia mintak rm3.80.oi!40 sen pon boleh beli byk gule2!so,kami sampai.jumpe niksu!yeay!tangkap2 gambar,beli2 barang.pastu,me zati n atheera pergi mid valley[syaf has to go back sbb her dad dah bising].window shopping.dah lama x jengok mid!i miss mid!ronda2.pusing2.sampai kaki nak patah.till 6.00 pm baru pulang.dlm komuter,berdiri saje dari mid valley to ukm.ya tuhan,kakiku!!sampai rumah exactly maghrib.haha!terlentok tertidur.oh no!pukul 9 sudah!tgk af.diddy ku harini byk perform!!syok la!amirul's perfomance hebat wor..but then,diddy terkeluar.y?y?y?ramai vote.ramai minat.tapi terkeluar.waduh.nangis lebih2.sedih siot.sedih gile.watched gilmore girls.fin.aduhai...sobs.
sekolah niksu best..
ayuh tonton bola germany vs portugal!
diddy was out tapi ada vote,jgn terkilan sangat ok?
my legs!!oh no!!
after the whole being mom's substitute thingy.i went for tuition.lewat.hah!padan muka.syaf told me dia x bawak xtra,i walk to the komuter station gile jauh half an hour baru,kami pergi ke kl sentral.sampai,met zati n atheera.melepaskan rindu.solat zohor.ayuh ke lrt pergi sekolah niksu!sekolah niksu buat hari,kami pergi.on the way,zati n atheera cakap dalam bahasa baku.they luv to use perkataan2..saya..anda..dimanakah..aduhai..
at first,i was like.enough zati!stop it!cukup!cukup!..but then mcm best,kami bercakap dalam bahasa baku!!yeay!! driver tadi sengal.meter tunjuk rm3.40,dia mintak rm3.80.oi!40 sen pon boleh beli byk gule2!so,kami sampai.jumpe niksu!yeay!tangkap2 gambar,beli2 barang.pastu,me zati n atheera pergi mid valley[syaf has to go back sbb her dad dah bising].window shopping.dah lama x jengok mid!i miss mid!ronda2.pusing2.sampai kaki nak patah.till 6.00 pm baru pulang.dlm komuter,berdiri saje dari mid valley to ukm.ya tuhan,kakiku!!sampai rumah exactly maghrib.haha!terlentok tertidur.oh no!pukul 9 sudah!tgk af.diddy ku harini byk perform!!syok la!amirul's perfomance hebat wor..but then,diddy terkeluar.y?y?y?ramai vote.ramai minat.tapi terkeluar.waduh.nangis lebih2.sedih siot.sedih gile.watched gilmore girls.fin.aduhai...sobs.
sekolah niksu best..
ayuh tonton bola germany vs portugal!
diddy was out tapi ada vote,jgn terkilan sangat ok?
my legs!!oh no!!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
tadi at skool ada colleges' exhibition.the hall was full of people.i went there after recess sbb after recess' classes mcm boring tahap i went to each table.from the new era college to nottingham malaysia university.the course i chose of coz la dentistry,but then there were only 2 colleges with dentistry course.the sunway college n another 1 i forgot.xpe,nanti check.banyak yg offer medicine studies.i just wrote my name there.there was this guy.from doctorjob sangat friendly n gave me the selection of universities which offer the dentistry course.thank you!
for the universities and colleges that don't have the dentistry n medicine courses,i applied for the business,architecture,marketing n engineering courses.who knows if x dpt medicine n dentistry.still ada banyak choises.i wrote down my details to every colleges n universities.the people semua chinese n for every single table mesti i get the 'so,can u speak chinese?' n 'say something in chinese plz' n lots more.i mean it's a chinese school.still nak tanye ke if the student know how to speak?ngok ngek betul!the kojadi college guy sangat kelakar.he said'i know u can speak chinese,u've made my job easier.'pergh..
i really admire the japanese pak cik.he was there to promote the japan university.i applied there first,the pak cik spoke chinese with me.i thought he's a malaysian.but then he speaks japanese with almost all his assistants.then i asked him wether he's a malaysian.he said he's a japanese.i was like wow..his chinese was fluent gile mcm those who live in china.hebat.tabik!hormat!muah to pak cik!
ok.each class mcm diberi only setengah jam.but then i went there for 1 hour n a half.haha.class x masuk ape2 pon.masuk kelas,half an hour lagi utk balik.cikgu like dun care.x belajar pon.hehe.
for the universities and colleges that don't have the dentistry n medicine courses,i applied for the business,architecture,marketing n engineering courses.who knows if x dpt medicine n dentistry.still ada banyak choises.i wrote down my details to every colleges n universities.the people semua chinese n for every single table mesti i get the 'so,can u speak chinese?' n 'say something in chinese plz' n lots more.i mean it's a chinese school.still nak tanye ke if the student know how to speak?ngok ngek betul!the kojadi college guy sangat kelakar.he said'i know u can speak chinese,u've made my job easier.'pergh..
i really admire the japanese pak cik.he was there to promote the japan university.i applied there first,the pak cik spoke chinese with me.i thought he's a malaysian.but then he speaks japanese with almost all his assistants.then i asked him wether he's a malaysian.he said he's a japanese.i was like wow..his chinese was fluent gile mcm those who live in china.hebat.tabik!hormat!muah to pak cik!
ok.each class mcm diberi only setengah jam.but then i went there for 1 hour n a half.haha.class x masuk ape2 pon.masuk kelas,half an hour lagi utk balik.cikgu like dun care.x belajar pon.hehe.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
fifa's fever.
germany lose.i know.thanks niksu for waking me up..kalau x,sure x tgk..ok,i watched the game.sangat excited sbb my class macam terbelah 2..most of the guys sokong italy n the girls sokong germany.ok.mesti kena,kami tengok.i think totti main macam bangang n berlakon.even terjatuh sikit je..he'll b like screaming mcm sakit sangat la tu?then referee ask him to get up after fell from ballack's back.hah!padan muka!the first half macam mengantuk sbb tidur pukul 1am then bangun at 3am..lack of sleep mmg gile..mase rest,i watched the o.c.after that cepat2 tukar tgk game.
lihat.tonton.gosok baju for sekolah.kemas itu ini.then suddenly,italy scored a who the hell entah..i hate him.i screamed!mak terkejut n nagging.then,goal again.i was like argh!geramnye!!n then,habis mase.i cried.gile betul.then regina,seeling n xinwei smsed me.kesedihan melanda.then it's wake up time.dun have the extra time to sleep.kalau ada pon sure x tidur punye.then pergi sekolah.
sekolah,the guys screamed happily.italy won!italy won!shitness ni.n then,mereka mahu koyak the germany poster dekat our papan kenyataan.we shouted dont!!we gave banyak alasan.germany still have one game!kami gila.yes!sampai ugut2 if they koyak it,then we'll koyak the italy's.kami shouted n shouted plz dont.peilee pulak said koyak sbb we koyak-ed her brazil.n then they koyak.winshen n kuih done,regina n seeling cant take it anymore.we cried again.tears dropped.n the whole class senyap.
before recess,jiayan gave me a new germany picture from the star newspaper.there,ada italy,kejahatan n regina gunting2 the italian's head!muahahaha!after recess pulak,xinwei wrote the word stupid at totti's head dekat poster at the papan kenyataan.haha!padan muke.woohoo!tapi,germany memang hebat.fringss was suspended.i heard that the fifa's people actually x nampak the whole fringss bergaduh scene but the italian insisted that the fifa should take another look at the scene.gila italian!benci kamu!tapi,germany bagus.philip lahm hebat.ballack mcm nak sangat goal that's y x dpt.kolse pulak mcm x confident.lehmann was awesome!i lv u lehmann!overall,germany will get the third place!!go germany!
i'm supporting france now.france won the semi versus portugal.padan muka portugal!planned nak tengok.i asked my dad to wake me up sbb die pon nak tengok.somehow he forgot.adeh.mak wake me up for was 5.00 am.ingatkan ada bola lagi.heck said france won!go france!whee~..sekolah,i said i told u so to winshen.syok melepaskan geram semalam.then,it was my pleasure to koyak the portugal's poster.yeay!no more christiano ronaldo yg ku benci for causing rooney get a red card in my class!whee~.
germany vs portugal this saturday germany!
final!!france vs italy this sunday france!
lihat.tonton.gosok baju for sekolah.kemas itu ini.then suddenly,italy scored a who the hell entah..i hate him.i screamed!mak terkejut n nagging.then,goal again.i was like argh!geramnye!!n then,habis mase.i cried.gile betul.then regina,seeling n xinwei smsed me.kesedihan melanda.then it's wake up time.dun have the extra time to sleep.kalau ada pon sure x tidur punye.then pergi sekolah.
sekolah,the guys screamed happily.italy won!italy won!shitness ni.n then,mereka mahu koyak the germany poster dekat our papan kenyataan.we shouted dont!!we gave banyak alasan.germany still have one game!kami gila.yes!sampai ugut2 if they koyak it,then we'll koyak the italy's.kami shouted n shouted plz dont.peilee pulak said koyak sbb we koyak-ed her brazil.n then they koyak.winshen n kuih done,regina n seeling cant take it anymore.we cried again.tears dropped.n the whole class senyap.
before recess,jiayan gave me a new germany picture from the star newspaper.there,ada italy,kejahatan n regina gunting2 the italian's head!muahahaha!after recess pulak,xinwei wrote the word stupid at totti's head dekat poster at the papan kenyataan.haha!padan muke.woohoo!tapi,germany memang hebat.fringss was suspended.i heard that the fifa's people actually x nampak the whole fringss bergaduh scene but the italian insisted that the fifa should take another look at the scene.gila italian!benci kamu!tapi,germany bagus.philip lahm hebat.ballack mcm nak sangat goal that's y x dpt.kolse pulak mcm x confident.lehmann was awesome!i lv u lehmann!overall,germany will get the third place!!go germany!
i'm supporting france now.france won the semi versus portugal.padan muka portugal!planned nak tengok.i asked my dad to wake me up sbb die pon nak tengok.somehow he forgot.adeh.mak wake me up for was 5.00 am.ingatkan ada bola lagi.heck said france won!go france!whee~..sekolah,i said i told u so to winshen.syok melepaskan geram semalam.then,it was my pleasure to koyak the portugal's poster.yeay!no more christiano ronaldo yg ku benci for causing rooney get a red card in my class!whee~.
germany vs portugal this saturday germany!
final!!france vs italy this sunday france!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
sad mode
england lose...sangat menyentuh hati..well,i predicted that england will win..adeh..portugal main kasar!!!so unfair!.england without beckham,without rooney,without owen..10 men on the field..mane x kalah..adeh..
yet,on the bright sight.brazil lose!!wooho!!1-0 to yes,i'm now fully praying for germany.germany for worldcup!
af4.diddy was the first to perfome!his biar betul was awesome!go diddy!salima was out!hurray!!tu la gedik lagi..that's the result!sangat syok!farhan's biarlah rahsia menyentuh perasaan.
last night was also jj lin's concert at genting.jj lin sang the song that's playing in my blog.i really2 wanna gave me the green light but then tiada transport.tak pasal2,monkey called me n said he's at genting watching the concert.sangat unfair!
i have to go to the rotract club's installation day dinner last night at prescott's.i got the dress.but then tak jadi because tiada orang mengambilku.pierce was unwell.heh!penat beli baju!
tonight,the 15th yu hua harmonica concert!yeay!i'm going!!i will enjoy myself there!whee~..
yet,on the bright sight.brazil lose!!wooho!!1-0 to yes,i'm now fully praying for germany.germany for worldcup!
af4.diddy was the first to perfome!his biar betul was awesome!go diddy!salima was out!hurray!!tu la gedik lagi..that's the result!sangat syok!farhan's biarlah rahsia menyentuh perasaan.
last night was also jj lin's concert at genting.jj lin sang the song that's playing in my blog.i really2 wanna gave me the green light but then tiada transport.tak pasal2,monkey called me n said he's at genting watching the concert.sangat unfair!
i have to go to the rotract club's installation day dinner last night at prescott's.i got the dress.but then tak jadi because tiada orang mengambilku.pierce was unwell.heh!penat beli baju!
tonight,the 15th yu hua harmonica concert!yeay!i'm going!!i will enjoy myself there!whee~..
oh ya..
tomorrow's concert!!choon kai,my most romantic friend is going to perform!!wish him luck!!i'm going kot?still not sure..i didn't ask my mum yet..hopefully she allow me to..plz mak...plz...

atas:the concert.
bawah:tan choon kai
tomorrow's concert!!choon kai,my most romantic friend is going to perform!!wish him luck!!i'm going kot?still not sure..i didn't ask my mum yet..hopefully she allow me to..plz mak...plz...

atas:the concert.
bawah:tan choon kai
ok.baru pulang.nothing much happened.
morning..addmaths' extra class..two freaking hours..combined dengan 5D..memang havoc gile..nasib baik ada eng banyak cerite harini..she said haritu die baca kamus..she saw the cute word..n it's written there cute means ugly but adorable..heh.apekah?so,jangan cakap cikgu cute..hehe..
after addmaths..physics' extra class pulak..kami buat peka..experiment sgt syok.finally,peka habis..woohoo!!after school,tuition pulak..physics n addmaths juga..kepale pening..pedih!dah tu nak pulang..mak,pening kepale..mak cooked kuah kurma..nggak ada mood..mak suruh mandi..instead,i slept..for 1 hour..bangun sengal kepaleku pening lagi..tula x dgr cakap mak..padan pening..fuh!benci!panadol dah la x boleh makan..huhu~..sengsara lah daku..
konsert af4 ke-5..8.30 pm..pastu worldcup!!england vs portugal!!praying for england pulak!!!sengal tonight tgk tv je..belajar la woi!!kejap..kejap..gundah gulana hidupku.
germany won yesterday!!!!!!!!!whee~..
addmaths+physics=kepeningan yg hebat..
vote for diddy people!
england tonight!!ole ole ole...
morning..addmaths' extra class..two freaking hours..combined dengan 5D..memang havoc gile..nasib baik ada eng banyak cerite harini..she said haritu die baca kamus..she saw the cute word..n it's written there cute means ugly but adorable..heh.apekah?so,jangan cakap cikgu cute..hehe..
after addmaths..physics' extra class pulak..kami buat peka..experiment sgt syok.finally,peka habis..woohoo!!after school,tuition pulak..physics n addmaths juga..kepale pening..pedih!dah tu nak pulang..mak,pening kepale..mak cooked kuah kurma..nggak ada mood..mak suruh mandi..instead,i slept..for 1 hour..bangun sengal kepaleku pening lagi..tula x dgr cakap mak..padan pening..fuh!benci!panadol dah la x boleh makan..huhu~..sengsara lah daku..
konsert af4 ke-5..8.30 pm..pastu worldcup!!england vs portugal!!praying for england pulak!!!sengal tonight tgk tv je..belajar la woi!!kejap..kejap..gundah gulana hidupku.
germany won yesterday!!!!!!!!!whee~..
addmaths+physics=kepeningan yg hebat..
vote for diddy people!
england tonight!!ole ole ole...
Saturday, July 01, 2006
hari spa..
hari spa bersama pelanggan..
baca laju2..ingat ape?spa?hell no!kami tertipu!!our class were scheduled to what cikgu called hari spa..she pronouced it spa and not s.p.a...we were like mcm mane boleh ada spa?baiknye skolah buat spa? the end baru we realized that spa means suruhanjaya perkhidmatan awam..tamparan hebat..
the ceramah was quite interesting..all about after spm n if u get bad result for spm..wannabe a nurse or pembantu pembedahan etc etc..not really my choice..but heck,kalau my spm result sgt truk n memalukan..itu choice yg agak bagus..
ok,the sakit hati part..
this girl...i dunno what i did to her..sangat menjengkelkan...she's a copycat..oh yea she is..i mean like..die tiru what i like..what i hate...who i hang out i dress...what i eat..what i read...what i wanna buy.....sangat geram u know?still ok la if die tiru baik punye..but then,she's like melampau!
i told them that i wanna buy the germany converse long sleeve shirt..which is sangat lawa..hitam..n my dad gave me the money but i didn't buy it yet..apparently,die dpt tahu n then rabu that day,she told me that she saw this germany shirt at converse n she wanna buy it n her dad already gave her the money..i told her that i saw the shirt mase mule2 worldcup aritu..then she said she saw it b4 the worldcup in a magazine..bullshit!if u saw it first,then how come baru sekarang nak cerite?argh!!!
then die mcm mengorat pierce..i told syaf,syaf told her but she's mcm dun even care..huh!i knew the f6s last year..we like sgt rapat..dia kenal mereka like last day,i was like gurau-ing with always..n she came..hang out..ok..but then,wassup with the tolak2 me ke tepi sampai langgar dinding?..u suck u know?suck like shit!
another sakit hati part..
ok i've made a promise to kent jehn makan sama2 on tues sbb i've got agama xtra class..but then ustazah said class x,i told him x boleh makan sama2..kene balik..then on wednesday,he was like merajuk..okla..i've apologised..still merajuk..nak apologise brape banyak kali??
pierce juga merajuk for god knows why..i mean karwei hantar me to tuition then dunno y die nak,i merajuk back..sape suruh u layan bitch tu?mengada-ngada!
tonite is important..
yes..tonite germany vs argentina..pray for germany people!!
copycats are bitches.
germany for victory.
lelaki kuat merajuk.
baca laju2..ingat ape?spa?hell no!kami tertipu!!our class were scheduled to what cikgu called hari spa..she pronouced it spa and not s.p.a...we were like mcm mane boleh ada spa?baiknye skolah buat spa? the end baru we realized that spa means suruhanjaya perkhidmatan awam..tamparan hebat..
the ceramah was quite interesting..all about after spm n if u get bad result for spm..wannabe a nurse or pembantu pembedahan etc etc..not really my choice..but heck,kalau my spm result sgt truk n memalukan..itu choice yg agak bagus..
ok,the sakit hati part..
this girl...i dunno what i did to her..sangat menjengkelkan...she's a copycat..oh yea she is..i mean like..die tiru what i like..what i hate...who i hang out i dress...what i eat..what i read...what i wanna buy.....sangat geram u know?still ok la if die tiru baik punye..but then,she's like melampau!
i told them that i wanna buy the germany converse long sleeve shirt..which is sangat lawa..hitam..n my dad gave me the money but i didn't buy it yet..apparently,die dpt tahu n then rabu that day,she told me that she saw this germany shirt at converse n she wanna buy it n her dad already gave her the money..i told her that i saw the shirt mase mule2 worldcup aritu..then she said she saw it b4 the worldcup in a magazine..bullshit!if u saw it first,then how come baru sekarang nak cerite?argh!!!
then die mcm mengorat pierce..i told syaf,syaf told her but she's mcm dun even care..huh!i knew the f6s last year..we like sgt rapat..dia kenal mereka like last day,i was like gurau-ing with always..n she came..hang out..ok..but then,wassup with the tolak2 me ke tepi sampai langgar dinding?..u suck u know?suck like shit!
another sakit hati part..
ok i've made a promise to kent jehn makan sama2 on tues sbb i've got agama xtra class..but then ustazah said class x,i told him x boleh makan sama2..kene balik..then on wednesday,he was like merajuk..okla..i've apologised..still merajuk..nak apologise brape banyak kali??
pierce juga merajuk for god knows why..i mean karwei hantar me to tuition then dunno y die nak,i merajuk back..sape suruh u layan bitch tu?mengada-ngada!
tonite is important..
yes..tonite germany vs argentina..pray for germany people!!
copycats are bitches.
germany for victory.
lelaki kuat merajuk.
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