Thursday, July 20, 2006


3rd august 2006!!!my trial!!i think i still have like 16+-1 days to prepare myself fot the big day!!dear GOD,tolonglah hambamu ini mengharungi cabaran tahun ini.i'm now concentrating on biology and chemistry.i'll study physics later.i'm not a big fan of physics.sejarah,i'll do it later.oh ya,siti nurhaliza annouced that she's getting married to datuk k on 21st august.congratz.mak was unhappy.she said it's like her getting married to kak yong.mcm bapak kawin dengan anak.haha.macam2.for me,it's her choice.but i rather like it if she's marrying fazley instead.they're just suits to each other.but what to do.luv is blind.i wish siti to b happily ever after!

i wont b home on friday till sunday.i have camp to attend.a qiamulail at putrajaya.semua melayu di sekolahku wajib pergi.adoi!i'm bringing some of my books there.terpaksa.trial exam is just around the corner.i hope the camp will b xtra fun.

monday,as i was walking to my tuition centre,we saw the perodua troopers.they were driving home.we stopped them.nasib x dilanggar.we asked them wether they still have the prizes or not.they said it's sad.kami terus beritahu them that we LOVE so much!n waved goodbye.the first car went.the next car followed.they were honking us n thanking us loudly.they pulak to the drivers.ngeh ngeh.heart2 to

last week,the 8tv crew came to our orange!we just hung out for just a few mins as we had classes to attend.cemburu dgn budak sesi petang.bluek.

i resigned my posts as secretary for dikir barat club,ketua multimedia for agama club,vice president for interact club n ocassion leader for krs due to the fact that the form 5s have to concentrate on their studies n the fact that en nagaya menghalau kami.huhu~.i hope that the next commitee board members will lead the club secara adil dan saksama.

i'm currently searching for ubat's note for presentation.hannah signing off.

the ubat topic is damn complicated.
tomorrow will be making sabun day.
one tree hill is back.
harini hari doink ku.
buku untuk dibaca.ayuh!


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Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

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