Sunday, July 30, 2006


freakingly marah!1st,my dad suddenly nak marah2 sbb tersesat kejap searching for kak yong's friend's house.

mcd,bengong kamu!saya sumpahkan deliverer tu dipecat!!spare a thought,u ordered ur mcd when u really extremely hungry n ur mother malas nak masak at 8.15 pm.they said it will b delivered in 45 to 60 like after 90 minutes of waiting,still x u called them again,patiently.n they said that it will be arrived in 10 minutes time.30 minutes left with the wind.still xde batang hidung.u called them again.they said ok,i'll check it for u n i'll call u back in 5 minutes.15 mins past.ur dad asked u to check it u called them for the 4th time.sudah naik angin!kamu marah the operater.maki dia in the good way la like mcm mane korg buat kerja?saya dah call 4 kali!then they were like.ok kami minta maaf blablabla kami check nanti saya call balik.then u like heh?call balik?td u yg ckp u call balik sampai sekarang xde pon u call?so,they apologised lagi.u demand them to check it masa itu juga.n they did.they said it's on the way.n u were like.ok la!n hempas the gagang.2 hours later.u're sleepy.u asked ur family.x mau la dah!they,especially ur freakingly annoying bro cakap nak jugak harini!they called u.they said org tu dia kena hantar banyak sangat barang.then u were like.ok.20 minutes later,ur food dah sampai.guess what?ais dah cair.burger dah sejuk.fries dah lembik.tak pasal2 pulak budak pengantar tu nk kacau2 pulak.tolonglah!x reti bahasa ke?dah la lebmbap!saya sumpah die dipecat!jangan dial nombor ini 1-300-13-1300.lagu je sedap.layanan buruk amat!mcm mane melayu nk maju?janji itu ini.hampeh!

another freaking part of the day,
astro.benci kamu.
for what la nak buat afmasuk yg totally waste time n rakyat's money n masukkan yg totally x talented langsung n biarkan yg talented terkial2 di luar with reason that the talented has no unique personality?then,for what la u create the show?what?u think org melayu ni bodoh sangat ke?shitness la ni.melampau wonder the af4 din get any attention nowadays.macam bangang.noktah!


Niksu Rashid said...

hannah dear, sabar. oohh afmasuk tu. i knew it. SEBAB ASTRO NAK DUITTTTT! die tahu xde lotter org takmo tgk. trust me, lotter tu smpi bile je fames. lama2 jatuh juga. rich lg bagus, a way way more better. sudah hannah. abt mcd tu. aahhh, niksu penah kena. tensi je.

sabarlah. sad angry babies.
for you, hannah.

hannahsahimi said... tpt release tension.seronok.thanx niksu.
sabarlah syg..sabarlah..whee~..