i went to uniten this morning to attend a meeting sesion with the human resources people.haji kamal and haji abdul aziz.they told us about the total ammount of arwah dad's gratiuity.but i wont tell u the ammount la kan.takkan la.nanti dirompak pulak.haha.
after that,we went to cikde's house to give nenek her pampers.spent 3 hours there.daim ikram was being cold towards me though.he was sleepy,i think.tak boleh main dgn dia.kesedihan terasa.
then,we went to the bengkel to repair our kembara's registered number.it took the foreman like 5 minutes to repair it and it only cost RM2.
read syukri's blog just now.like OMG 12 march!the exact date that i wanna pack my stuff dan berholiday di mars.and,i will be back on earth..let see..a month later kot..oh no.my results mesti teruk punye..dasar orang tak baca buku.i wanna cry!~
1. tak nak result keluar.
2. jangan la keluar.
3. duduk situ diam2..
4. please..
5. berdebar-debar.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
true to life.
pak cik husin rocks dowh!i parked the car without making any palang fall today!wooho!mak was so right.baca doa makes everything easier to handle.syukri's long explaination pon helped juge.
i saw abang faizal at the track today.n fyi,abang faizal taught me last thursday.he's damn hot but annoying.he smiled at me but i balas him back with irritating fugly face.but i smiled back at him the second time i met him.coz he's way hot.haha.o..k..enough of that.it's making me blush in front of the computer.gile ape?
so,pak cik husin convinced me to take the test.so i went to maris today to book the date for the test.it end up that tomorrow's test dah full n i can only take the test on 13 march.i even took 2 hours of extra lessons!RM40!i hope i pass the test.kalau tak,bazir lagi duit bayar ulangan.tak tertanggung la woi.
1. luqman has to go back to school.kesian dia,muka sedih pergi sekolah.
2. kak ngah is flying back to kuching tomorrow.sobs~.
3. nenek is now at cikde's house.we dropped her there yesterday.
4. had splendid time playing with the 2 year old daim ikram.susah tau nak dpt peluang main dengan dia!hehe.
5. kak fati's brownies are so yummy that i ate almost half plate of it.tahu,menggemukkan.
6. watched cicakman yesterday.kudos to pirated cd yang gambarnye ori bak kate alang siti.
7. last but not least,saya lapar.
i saw abang faizal at the track today.n fyi,abang faizal taught me last thursday.he's damn hot but annoying.he smiled at me but i balas him back with irritating fugly face.but i smiled back at him the second time i met him.coz he's way hot.haha.o..k..enough of that.it's making me blush in front of the computer.gile ape?
so,pak cik husin convinced me to take the test.so i went to maris today to book the date for the test.it end up that tomorrow's test dah full n i can only take the test on 13 march.i even took 2 hours of extra lessons!RM40!i hope i pass the test.kalau tak,bazir lagi duit bayar ulangan.tak tertanggung la woi.
1. luqman has to go back to school.kesian dia,muka sedih pergi sekolah.
2. kak ngah is flying back to kuching tomorrow.sobs~.
3. nenek is now at cikde's house.we dropped her there yesterday.
4. had splendid time playing with the 2 year old daim ikram.susah tau nak dpt peluang main dengan dia!hehe.
5. kak fati's brownies are so yummy that i ate almost half plate of it.tahu,menggemukkan.
6. watched cicakman yesterday.kudos to pirated cd yang gambarnye ori bak kate alang siti.
7. last but not least,saya lapar.
Friday, February 23, 2007
i failed to reboost my confidence.i kept thinking that i would fail my driving test.i received a call from mazris today.she asked me wether or not i'm yakin enough to take the driving test on tuesday.i just told her the truth that i dont really mahir in parking.so,she said i dont have to take the test on tuesday.she asked me to call her to set the date when i'm ready to take the test.adoi laa..
so,i discussed with mak about it n mak and i came with a conclusion.see how well i'll perform this coming monday.if i did well and i yakin enough,i'll call mazris asap but if i still cant control and loads of palang jatuh and enjin mati,i have to take another 2 hours of extra driving class.kosnya lebih murah berbanding if i suddenly fail the test and have to take it again.it's like 7 times more expensive!huhu~..
syaf and husna came this afternoon.they said they want to cheer me up for i dont even go out and hang with them.they've made my day completed.i dont even remember what we did but one thing for sure is that we had so much fun!thanks a bunch,girls.
still searching for somebody to teach me how to park a car~..
1.result keluar 13 march ke 28 feb????cuak ni!
2.kak fati is spending the night here!
3.sape nak ajar aku park kereta??
4.saya dalam dillema..
5.selamat bercuti di desaru,amelin!
so,i discussed with mak about it n mak and i came with a conclusion.see how well i'll perform this coming monday.if i did well and i yakin enough,i'll call mazris asap but if i still cant control and loads of palang jatuh and enjin mati,i have to take another 2 hours of extra driving class.kosnya lebih murah berbanding if i suddenly fail the test and have to take it again.it's like 7 times more expensive!huhu~..
syaf and husna came this afternoon.they said they want to cheer me up for i dont even go out and hang with them.they've made my day completed.i dont even remember what we did but one thing for sure is that we had so much fun!thanks a bunch,girls.
still searching for somebody to teach me how to park a car~..
1.result keluar 13 march ke 28 feb????cuak ni!
2.kak fati is spending the night here!
3.sape nak ajar aku park kereta??
4.saya dalam dillema..
5.selamat bercuti di desaru,amelin!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
macam mane la..
i attended my 6th driving class this morning.n i did horrible.my driving sucks.and i only have two more hours of classes to attend.if i fail the test,i have to take it again.and more money would be spent.adoi.macam mane ni.teacher said i dont have self confidence.i did well when the teacher is sitting next to me but i did badly when he's away.especially the parking.a lot of palang jatuh today.i was so dissapointed.i dont think i can pass this test.teacher said my driving skill is okay.i even reached to 80 km/h!hehe.and pak ramli taught me how to drive the car single handed.i'm thinking of taking another two hours of driving class before the test.but mak said test je dulu.
ada doa2 untuk keyakinan diri tak?
i'm carving for some chicken rice and mak is making it now.yippe!
the teacher told me to bukak buku undang2 balik!revise it.study it.memorise it.but the thing is,i dont remember where i campak-ed the book.
after 1 hour,
ada doa2 untuk keyakinan diri tak?
i'm carving for some chicken rice and mak is making it now.yippe!
the teacher told me to bukak buku undang2 balik!revise it.study it.memorise it.but the thing is,i dont remember where i campak-ed the book.
after 1 hour,
Sunday, February 18, 2007
happy chinese new year

happy chinese new year to all of my uncountable chinese friends.yu hua-rians, of course.to my former classmates 4c & 5c/2005-2006,3f/2004,2f/2003,1e/2002, to former yuhua krs members (2003-2006),to interact club members (2005-2006) and to my beloved chinese teachers.
and to those yu hua clubs that will organise pesta ang pau,please remember to invite me as i'm effingly bored at home with long list chores and i'm your senior,so you have to respect me by inviting me to the pesta ang pau.haha.
and to those who are organising rumah terbuka,or planning to do so.please remember to invite me and make sure that there will be some yee sang as i'm eagerly want to have some yee sang!!!!and oh,some hong pau also.hehe.
last but not least,i wish all of you:

1.oh.just found this out.result.uhuh.spm results.yes.akan keluar pada 13 march 2007.so,we still have only 23 days to wait.i was like..oh my god,tak nak tahu langsung!
2.prosperity beef foldover is delicious!and abe is working at bangi's mcd.
3.nenek is here,dont know till when tough.
4.kak ngah is coming back tomorrow.hurray!
5.mak ngah ecah's orange cake is so yummy.
6. me:'mak,tadi drive silau tau!'
mak:' kene pakai cermin mate hitam la tu'..sgt sarcastic.
7.budak-budak plkn dah balik!!!!!yeay!
Friday, February 16, 2007
sejarah tahun baru cina.
Sejarah Tahun Cina.
Dahulu,Buddha dtg ke Bumi dan mahu berangkat pulang.dia memerintahkan 12 ekor haiwan untuk meraikan kepulangannya. Hadiahnya,kata Buddha, setiap ekor haiwan akan dianugerahkan satu tahun.Namun,untuk mengetahui haiwan yang mana mendapat tempat pertama,Buddha telah memerintahkan mereka untuk bertanding antara satu sama lain.Keputusan telah diketahui dan akhirnya tikus telah memenangi pertandingan tersebut.diikuti dengan kerbau,harimau,arnab,naga,ular(saya dan abraham lincoln),kuda,kambing,monyet,ayam jantan,anjing, dan khinzir.Jadi,setiap tahun baru cina mesti disamakan dengan seekor haiwan.Misalnya,tahun ini,tahun 2007 bersamaan dengan tahun khinzir.Tahun depan pula,tahun 2008 bersamaan pula dengan tahun tikus,dan ia akan berulang2.
Sejarah Tahun Baru Cina.
Dahulu,di sebuah kampung,terdapat seekor raksasa bernama 'nien' yang sering datang ke kampung tersebut untuk membuat kacau.Seluruh warga kampung itu akan berlari lintang-pukang sekiranya nien datang ke kampung itu.Pada suatu hari,nien telah datang menyerang kampung itu.warga kampung itu pula segera memasang mercun.bunyi mercun itu akhirnya mengejutkan nien dan nien lari meninggalkan kampung itu dan tidak kembali lagi.warga kampung itu amat sukacita.jadi,mereka pon menyambut ketiadaan nien menyerang mereka lagi setiap tahun dengan bermain mercun.xing nien kuai le!

picture : fu.
Dahulu,Buddha dtg ke Bumi dan mahu berangkat pulang.dia memerintahkan 12 ekor haiwan untuk meraikan kepulangannya. Hadiahnya,kata Buddha, setiap ekor haiwan akan dianugerahkan satu tahun.Namun,untuk mengetahui haiwan yang mana mendapat tempat pertama,Buddha telah memerintahkan mereka untuk bertanding antara satu sama lain.Keputusan telah diketahui dan akhirnya tikus telah memenangi pertandingan tersebut.diikuti dengan kerbau,harimau,arnab,naga,ular(saya dan abraham lincoln),kuda,kambing,monyet,ayam jantan,anjing, dan khinzir.Jadi,setiap tahun baru cina mesti disamakan dengan seekor haiwan.Misalnya,tahun ini,tahun 2007 bersamaan dengan tahun khinzir.Tahun depan pula,tahun 2008 bersamaan pula dengan tahun tikus,dan ia akan berulang2.
Sejarah Tahun Baru Cina.
Dahulu,di sebuah kampung,terdapat seekor raksasa bernama 'nien' yang sering datang ke kampung tersebut untuk membuat kacau.Seluruh warga kampung itu akan berlari lintang-pukang sekiranya nien datang ke kampung itu.Pada suatu hari,nien telah datang menyerang kampung itu.warga kampung itu pula segera memasang mercun.bunyi mercun itu akhirnya mengejutkan nien dan nien lari meninggalkan kampung itu dan tidak kembali lagi.warga kampung itu amat sukacita.jadi,mereka pon menyambut ketiadaan nien menyerang mereka lagi setiap tahun dengan bermain mercun.xing nien kuai le!

picture : fu.
perkataan fu diterbalikkan adalah kerana dalam bahasa mandarin,terbalik itu adalah 'dao'.datang/sampai juga disebut 'dao' dalam bahasa mandarin.fu pula bermaksud kekayaan. jadi 'dao fu' bermaksud datang kekayaaan.ia akan ditampal di rumah2 orang cina pada tahun baru cina.
yee shang.
yee shang adalah sejenis makanan.ia hanya dimakan pada tahun baru cina.yee shang adalah macam salad.ia adalah kombinasi antara sayur-sayuran dan ikan salmon.sedap wor!sebelum memakan yee shang,perlulah mencampur-campurkan sayur2 dan ikan itu dahulu.kemudian,perlulah melambung tinggi-tinggi campuran yee shang itu.semakin tinggi dilambung,semakin banyak kekayaan akan didapati pada tahun itu.
kemas rumah.
orang cina tidak boleh mengemas rumah pada tahun baru cina.mengikut kepercayaan,jika sapu sampah pada tahun baru cina bermakna mereka telah menyapu keluar segala kekayaan mereka.oleh itu,orang cina kemas rumah mereka sebelum tahun baru cina.
sedikit sebanyak mengenai tahun baru cina.nak makan yee shang!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
mukhsin my love.
i attended my 4th driving lesson today.i have to wake up extra early to get ready.n,oh my.my driving is becoming worse!pak cik hussin taught me how to masuk simpang,but i still dont know when to break,when to press the clutch.i have to practise more on this.
i totally have to drive more.cikgu as'aari once told me to drive more when i dont have any classes.
yasmin ahmad'slatest film,MUKHSIN, will be aired in cinemas starting this 8th march,2007.tak sabar!!

everyone has a first love story to tell.
Mohd Syafie Naswip - Mukhsin
Sharifah Aryana - Orked
Sharifah Aleya - Mak Inom
Adibah Noor - Yam
lovers' day tahun ni, saya tak sambut.kamu?
happy 18th birthday to liyin n choonkai!
i totally have to drive more.cikgu as'aari once told me to drive more when i dont have any classes.
yasmin ahmad'slatest film,MUKHSIN, will be aired in cinemas starting this 8th march,2007.tak sabar!!

Mohd Syafie Naswip - Mukhsin
Sharifah Aryana - Orked
Sharifah Aleya - Mak Inom
Adibah Noor - Yam
lovers' day tahun ni, saya tak sambut.kamu?
happy 18th birthday to liyin n choonkai!
Monday, February 12, 2007
i'm lee hom's freaking fan.
wang lee hom.
lee hom wang.
alexander wang lee hom.
wang lee hong.
is hot!
and he's coming to town.i adore lee hom damn freaking much.i want to go to the concert. i really do! to be in front of him.to adore him.to listen to the songs that he'll be singing for me.either catchy or romantic,i dont care,i love both.to get any chances that i can get to be on stage with him singing only one or kiss goodbye.it will make my day if i get to meet him backstage.
he's the best chinese performer i've ever known!he has this very unique talent.he doesnt sing sappy songs with cute voice like what i reckon all chinese performers always do,except for jay chou,f.i.r and guang liang,of course.he actually has the talent to sing n he is capable of producing tons of good songs.
he plays the violin,the piano,the drums,the guitars and loads more instruments that i dont even know how to spell them.

he's way hot!
i hope syaf has the tickets.i have to beg my mak to allow me to go or i'll treat myself the ticket after being so frugal with my money.i'll do anything to go to the concert.anything!
lee hom wang.
alexander wang lee hom.
wang lee hong.
is hot!
and he's coming to town.i adore lee hom damn freaking much.i want to go to the concert. i really do! to be in front of him.to adore him.to listen to the songs that he'll be singing for me.either catchy or romantic,i dont care,i love both.to get any chances that i can get to be on stage with him singing only one or kiss goodbye.it will make my day if i get to meet him backstage.
he's the best chinese performer i've ever known!he has this very unique talent.he doesnt sing sappy songs with cute voice like what i reckon all chinese performers always do,except for jay chou,f.i.r and guang liang,of course.he actually has the talent to sing n he is capable of producing tons of good songs.
he plays the violin,the piano,the drums,the guitars and loads more instruments that i dont even know how to spell them.

i hope syaf has the tickets.i have to beg my mak to allow me to go or i'll treat myself the ticket after being so frugal with my money.i'll do anything to go to the concert.anything!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
mak and along liza went to kursus dobi today.they are considering on opening a kedai dobi to earn some extra money.but,i asked mak just now on wether or not they want to open the kedai dobi,mak said,tak tahula.i really really hope that the kedai dobi plan will jadi.i'll pray for it.
mak left me n luqman alone at the house.we did nothing.the weather was so hot,so we cant go out.we just stayed in the aircond room and watch some tv.
telah berlaku satu kebakaran berdekatan rumah saya.apinya sangat merah menyala dan sangat besar.jadi,kami called bomba.tetapi,malangnya,engaged.saya tidak tahu apa telah terjadi kepada api itu.esok pagi saya akan check it out.
saya sangat jelak dengan perangai mereka.mcm hanya mereka sahaja yang ada teman.berpegang sana sini.kalau hanya berpegang tangan,itu boleh diterima,ok?ini tidak.tergedik sana sini.jalan lambat2.bak kata teman saya,farhana,aku sepak karang,terus mandul!muahaha.saya mahu try la sepak orang terus boleh memandulkannya.
kaer is looking for a personal assistant.but sadly,he wants a male p.a.adoi melepas.and,I WANT TO BUY KAER'S MENJELMA CD!!
sweet escape-gwen stephani.
mak left me n luqman alone at the house.we did nothing.the weather was so hot,so we cant go out.we just stayed in the aircond room and watch some tv.
telah berlaku satu kebakaran berdekatan rumah saya.apinya sangat merah menyala dan sangat besar.jadi,kami called bomba.tetapi,malangnya,engaged.saya tidak tahu apa telah terjadi kepada api itu.esok pagi saya akan check it out.
saya sangat jelak dengan perangai mereka.mcm hanya mereka sahaja yang ada teman.berpegang sana sini.kalau hanya berpegang tangan,itu boleh diterima,ok?ini tidak.tergedik sana sini.jalan lambat2.bak kata teman saya,farhana,aku sepak karang,terus mandul!muahaha.saya mahu try la sepak orang terus boleh memandulkannya.
kaer is looking for a personal assistant.but sadly,he wants a male p.a.adoi melepas.and,I WANT TO BUY KAER'S MENJELMA CD!!
sweet escape-gwen stephani.
Friday, February 09, 2007
parkir dan three pointer.
i attended my third driving class today.this time,the teacher was great!good to know you,pak cik hussin.i call him cikgu,but he always call himself pak cik.pak cik hussin taught me how to naik bukit.which scare me most.n,i did very well for newbies.fine,i did some mistakes but at least the engine didnt die,right?n pak cik hussin didnt scold me if i did anything wrong.he just tell me that i did it wrongly.not like cikgu as'aari who always scold me,being effly annoying n never teach me anything.
i learnt a lot today.i learnt how to drive on jalan berselekoh tajam.u have to press the break without pressing the clutch when u were on jalan berselekoh.n i learnt how to park the car without making any mistakes.(but i think i've already forgotten the steps.nevermind,i'll try to recall it later.)without making the palang fall down.yeay for me!n i drove the car to the road which the teacher said will be tested on without the teacher's hand on the stereng to guide me.i did it myself!yeay!but,i'm quite weak on how to belok without getting near to the dividers,how to stop the car not too far from the traffic lights or the stop signs.n i befriended with the cutch today.great job,clutch!
i learnt how to fill in the fuel.which was easy coz arwah daddy taught me before.so,i'm a pro in filling the fuel in the fuel tank.haha.i also did the three pointer.which i think i also forgotten the steps.no palang jatuh.i think i did a great job today.
having a great n funny teacher for 3 tiring hours was fun.although the song choice was not really my taste.i even complaint about cikgu as'aari to him!haha.n the funny part was,cikgu as'aari was there,at the litar,teaching another mazris' student.n pak cik hussin was like,haa..cikgu as'aari..n he was at the bukit when i drove there.n pak cik hussin was like,tunjukkan kat cikgu as'aari tu mcm mane bawak bukit.so,i did it!without any failure.haha.in ur face,cikgu!muahaha.therefore,one must not scold me too much to teach me anything.remember that.hehe.
i learnt a lot today.i learnt how to drive on jalan berselekoh tajam.u have to press the break without pressing the clutch when u were on jalan berselekoh.n i learnt how to park the car without making any mistakes.(but i think i've already forgotten the steps.nevermind,i'll try to recall it later.)without making the palang fall down.yeay for me!n i drove the car to the road which the teacher said will be tested on without the teacher's hand on the stereng to guide me.i did it myself!yeay!but,i'm quite weak on how to belok without getting near to the dividers,how to stop the car not too far from the traffic lights or the stop signs.n i befriended with the cutch today.great job,clutch!
i learnt how to fill in the fuel.which was easy coz arwah daddy taught me before.so,i'm a pro in filling the fuel in the fuel tank.haha.i also did the three pointer.which i think i also forgotten the steps.no palang jatuh.i think i did a great job today.
having a great n funny teacher for 3 tiring hours was fun.although the song choice was not really my taste.i even complaint about cikgu as'aari to him!haha.n the funny part was,cikgu as'aari was there,at the litar,teaching another mazris' student.n pak cik hussin was like,haa..cikgu as'aari..n he was at the bukit when i drove there.n pak cik hussin was like,tunjukkan kat cikgu as'aari tu mcm mane bawak bukit.so,i did it!without any failure.haha.in ur face,cikgu!muahaha.therefore,one must not scold me too much to teach me anything.remember that.hehe.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
kebangangan internet.
i filled up the upu form.i've chosen.
1. asasi pergigian uiam.
2. asasi sains hayat um.
3. asasi sains uitm.
4. asasi farmasi uitm.
5. asasi perubatan uiam.
6. asasi farmasi uiam.
7. tamhidi pergigian usim.
8. tamhidi perubatan usim.
program tamhidi is actually for the sekolah menengah agama students but,letak je la.i wanted to print it but,kebangangan internet merobek kemahuanku.i tried it for so many times but it end up nothing.n it's making me crazy.i cursed n nagged.but it still wont work.urgh!
1. asasi pergigian uiam.
2. asasi sains hayat um.
3. asasi sains uitm.
4. asasi farmasi uitm.
5. asasi perubatan uiam.
6. asasi farmasi uiam.
7. tamhidi pergigian usim.
8. tamhidi perubatan usim.
program tamhidi is actually for the sekolah menengah agama students but,letak je la.i wanted to print it but,kebangangan internet merobek kemahuanku.i tried it for so many times but it end up nothing.n it's making me crazy.i cursed n nagged.but it still wont work.urgh!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
bukit oh bukit.
i attended my 2nd driving class today.i drove the kancil to bangi lama.n the road was really challenging for me.but my driving was better than yesterday though.made a good friend with the gear.the clutch still dont like me though.which was pretty sad.coz the teacher kept scolding me for not pressing the clutch perfectly.n oh yea.today,i realised that i have short legs.that is what i learnt today.i have short legs.haha.i dont really know how to drive on jalan berselekoh tajam.n i dont know how to drive on bukit.enjin mati 2 kali.hoho.n the u-turn.phew!plus, the round-a-bout freaks me out.i've learnt how to masuk jalan n how to see through side mirrors.n my highest halaju today is 50 km/h.yeay!haha.
siapa boleh ajar drive bukit?please la ajar saya.in desperate need ni.
i cant sleep last night.i went to bed approximately 12.00 am but i only slept for 15 minutes.i woke up suddenly.terasa sangat segar.so,i texted zati n nadia.but they left me at 1.00 am.so,i have nobody else to text to.so,i golek2 around the bed.done with the golek-ing and i still cant sleep!i dont know why.thus,i watched spanglish.i watched it from the start to the end.that's 4.00 am.so,i went to bed.again.this time,i slept for 30 minutes.i thought it's already subuh.but the clock said it's only 4.30 am.i was like,oh GOD,why cant i fall asleep?i've prayed.and again.and again.n mak suddenly wake me up for subuh.after subuh,boleh pula tidur!sampai pukul 10 pulak tu.sangat la geram.hish.hish.
i still havent fill the upu form up yet.i discussed it with mak.n she said better put asasi perubatan n tamhidi perubatan for the third and forth choice.then asasi farmasi,then,sains hayat.but mak asked me to ask around.
i'm exhausted,tired,and sleepy.
siapa boleh ajar drive bukit?please la ajar saya.in desperate need ni.
i cant sleep last night.i went to bed approximately 12.00 am but i only slept for 15 minutes.i woke up suddenly.terasa sangat segar.so,i texted zati n nadia.but they left me at 1.00 am.so,i have nobody else to text to.so,i golek2 around the bed.done with the golek-ing and i still cant sleep!i dont know why.thus,i watched spanglish.i watched it from the start to the end.that's 4.00 am.so,i went to bed.again.this time,i slept for 30 minutes.i thought it's already subuh.but the clock said it's only 4.30 am.i was like,oh GOD,why cant i fall asleep?i've prayed.and again.and again.n mak suddenly wake me up for subuh.after subuh,boleh pula tidur!sampai pukul 10 pulak tu.sangat la geram.hish.hish.
i still havent fill the upu form up yet.i discussed it with mak.n she said better put asasi perubatan n tamhidi perubatan for the third and forth choice.then asasi farmasi,then,sains hayat.but mak asked me to ask around.
i'm exhausted,tired,and sleepy.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
kereta n borang.
so i bought the unique id number at bank simpanan nasional yesterday.secare kebetulan met syaf n ean there.which i thanked God coz i wont be bored sitting melanga there on the kerusi busuk bsn.there were loads of people.i've waited for half an hour to buy the number.memenatkan.n i went to the public bank pulak after that to pay for the duit kereta.another hour was spent there.tapi kerusi public bak x busuk.kerusi baru.hehe.cina2 keluarkan duit raya banyak!mcm nak curi!oh duit~.
saya bawa kereta tadi!1st time!hohoho.gila best pengalaman baru ini.saya terasa sgt kacak!haha.tapi,kaki lenguh2 pijak clutch n minyak.gear tu mcm x suke saya.hadoih.harini terus pergi jalanraya.sgt menggerunkan la jalanraya.freaky sungguh.paling tinggi gear saya drive ialah gear 4.cikgu x kasi drive gear 5.ntah mengapa.paling laju saya drive 40 km/h.paling lambat 10 km/h.masa naik bukit nak sampai rumah,engine mati 2 kali.cikgu mcm dah hilang sabar.he gave me the 'la-budak-ni-x-reti2-lagi-ke?' look.sedih juga la.tapi sampai la rumah dgn selamatnye.hehe.esok cikgu tu kata,kena drive dari rumah.Oh tidakk!tapi,insyaAllah saya boleh!hehe.tapi,esok x tahu guru yang mana.harap2 x garang.
borang upu.i'm still thinking on wether to choose asasi perubatan or asasi sains hayat as my third chice n wether to take asasi farmasi or asasi sains as my last choice.ada idea bernas x?
saya bawa kereta tadi!1st time!hohoho.gila best pengalaman baru ini.saya terasa sgt kacak!haha.tapi,kaki lenguh2 pijak clutch n minyak.gear tu mcm x suke saya.hadoih.harini terus pergi jalanraya.sgt menggerunkan la jalanraya.freaky sungguh.paling tinggi gear saya drive ialah gear 4.cikgu x kasi drive gear 5.ntah mengapa.paling laju saya drive 40 km/h.paling lambat 10 km/h.masa naik bukit nak sampai rumah,engine mati 2 kali.cikgu mcm dah hilang sabar.he gave me the 'la-budak-ni-x-reti2-lagi-ke?' look.sedih juga la.tapi sampai la rumah dgn selamatnye.hehe.esok cikgu tu kata,kena drive dari rumah.Oh tidakk!tapi,insyaAllah saya boleh!hehe.tapi,esok x tahu guru yang mana.harap2 x garang.
borang upu.i'm still thinking on wether to choose asasi perubatan or asasi sains hayat as my third chice n wether to take asasi farmasi or asasi sains as my last choice.ada idea bernas x?
Sunday, February 04, 2007
kambing sesat.
mak,luqman n i went to the kubur this afternoon.we saw a group of goats on the other side of the pagar.but we just let them be n continue to recite the yaasiin.but suddenly,two of them sesat into the tanah perkuburan n were running around.other goats were already crossed the road but they stucked there coz the gate were closed n they dont know how to get out.but still,we continue our recitation n the goats were running around tried to figure out how to get out.so after the recitation,we opened the gate n one of the goats stared at us.it walked toward us n stopped suddenly.n went out happily.mcm keluar dari penjara.we dont know what happend to the other goat.it dissapeared.
the goats didnt even langkah the kubur when they were running in the tanah perkuburan.mak said they have this kind of instinct that they somehow will know that there's a kubur there n they wont langkah them.that is why Tuhan itu Maha Berkuasa.
luqman n i went to the billion.met seeling there.she's still working there though.mcm dah bertahun x berjumpa!she said she has succesfully passed her driving test.ah dengki lah!n she helped me to find the stuff that i needed.haha..bagus.
to spm leavers,read today's local newspapers.there's all about UPU advertisment,UITM stuff n telekom scholarships.
the goats didnt even langkah the kubur when they were running in the tanah perkuburan.mak said they have this kind of instinct that they somehow will know that there's a kubur there n they wont langkah them.that is why Tuhan itu Maha Berkuasa.
luqman n i went to the billion.met seeling there.she's still working there though.mcm dah bertahun x berjumpa!she said she has succesfully passed her driving test.ah dengki lah!n she helped me to find the stuff that i needed.haha..bagus.
to spm leavers,read today's local newspapers.there's all about UPU advertisment,UITM stuff n telekom scholarships.
Friday, February 02, 2007
i visited kak long this afternoon.the baby was sleeping when we were there.they're going to register her name either today or tomorrow.but they were still searching for names when i was there.they decided to take nur aisyah something.bau baby sgt fresh!hehe.
i watched amazing race yesterday dgn sgt emosi!i just don't want fran n sandy get the money!fran talked too much!x suke die.padan muke kalah.muahaha.luckily,malaysian team won!zab n jeor jer sgt hebat!!clap!clap!
oh yea.i cooked!hehe.i cooked sayur but it tasted funny.so,that's not good.but hey,habis!suka hatiku!muahaha.n i goreng-ed cekodok.i made it all from buying the pisang,lenyek it,put in the flour n goreng-ed it.i made it.muahaha.yes!yes!n i made special breakfast today.it's kinda my own recipe which i totally forgot what did i put in but it's so yummy.rugi la dah lupe.i will try again tomorrow.harap2 berjaya.haha.
sesikat pisang or is it sesisir pisang?hurm..
i watched amazing race yesterday dgn sgt emosi!i just don't want fran n sandy get the money!fran talked too much!x suke die.padan muke kalah.muahaha.luckily,malaysian team won!zab n jeor jer sgt hebat!!clap!clap!
oh yea.i cooked!hehe.i cooked sayur but it tasted funny.so,that's not good.but hey,habis!suka hatiku!muahaha.n i goreng-ed cekodok.i made it all from buying the pisang,lenyek it,put in the flour n goreng-ed it.i made it.muahaha.yes!yes!n i made special breakfast today.it's kinda my own recipe which i totally forgot what did i put in but it's so yummy.rugi la dah lupe.i will try again tomorrow.harap2 berjaya.haha.
sesikat pisang or is it sesisir pisang?hurm..
Thursday, February 01, 2007
itu kamu.
yang terindah
masih ada
yang tercantik
itu kamu.
we had usrah here yesterday.mak friends came.they had a ceramah on surah as-sajjadah.hani came.discussed loads of stuff.including kak long's new born baby.i cant wait to see n hold the baby!i dont really know what's her name.she just 2 days old.i love babies.i just do.but i'm quite x suke when they suddenly have to call me aunty hannah.mcm dah sangat tua.oh tidakk!!aunty limah spent the night here.
luqman did it again.he ate my lunch!after all i did for him.bought the lauks from pasar,cooked the rice and so.but he ate my lunch!and now i'm hungry.dah la makan orang punye pinggan x basuh plak tu!so i scold him.mule la nak nangis.mengade2.yesterday pon same.i asked him to take my ubat then he said..i dont know which one la..malasla..which was fine..but then he asked me to pick up his bag.so i told him the same thing la kan..biar die rase.then i scold him.rudely.ko ingat aku ape?kuli?hambe?..n he started to cry.kononnye teruk sgt la kene marah sket je?mengade2 betul la.
bawang putih bawang merah has finally came to an end!!i just watched half an hour of the last episode.akhirnye,andre yg kacak ditikam.siska mati dilanggar,dan alya dan ferdi berkahwinlah mereka.happily ever after.sgt la macam cerite dongeng.i hope that ratapan anak tiri wont be as x masuk akal as bawang.
heroes best dowh!!
itu kamu by estranged rocks!!!
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