Tuesday, January 30, 2007

oh no!

Iklan borang UPU akan keluar pada 4/2/07.Permohonan boleh dilakukan pada 5/2/07 dan akan ditutup 10 hari selepas keputusan spm dikeluarkan.nombor pin boleh dibeli di bank simpanan nasional yang terpilih.pelajar2 dari negeri selangor,wilayah persekutuan,serta sekolah berasrama penuh wajib mengisi borang UPU secara online.Keputusan kemasukan ipta akan diketahui seminggu sebelum bulan Mei.

Updates untuk borang matrikulasi boleh dilakukan pada 5/2/07 dan akan ditutup pada 15/2/07.Updates boleh dilakukan melalui internet menerusi laman web matrikulasi.Pelajar boleh memasukkan salah satu daripada no ic atau no lembaga peperiksaan berserta angka giliran spm.sebarang pertanyaan boleh hubungi 03-88844100 bemula 5/2/07 hingga 15/2/07 dari pukul 8.30 pagi hingga 4.00 petang.

hint!hint!bangun!bangun!apsal semua borang dah keluar?mengapa?mengapa?i think the rumors are true.keputusan spm akan keluar either 27/2 or 28/2.oh no!

n to all spm leavers,belilah surat khabar pada 4/2 ini.pasti banyak iklan akan dikeluarkan.let's get busy!

my result mesti teruk ni!mesti teruk sgt.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Di antara ibadat puasa yang disunatkan kepada umat Islam ialah berpuasa pada 9 dan 10 Muharram. Ini kerana tarikh 10 Muharram (atau dinamakan hari ‘asyura yang bermaksud sepuluh) mempunyai nilai sejarahnya yang tersendiri di dalam sejarah manusia khususnya umat Islam. Manakala disunatkan juga berpuasa pada 9 Muharram sebagai mukhalafah (membezakan) di antara kaum Yahudi yang turut berpuasa pada 10 Muharram.

Di antara perkara penting yang berlaku pada 10 Muharram ialah Allah menyelamatkan Bani Israel dari kekejaman Firaun dan tentera-tenteranya serta menenggelamkan Firaun ke dalam laut akibat keingkaran dan keangkuhannya. Oleh yang demikian tarikh 10 Muharram ialah merupakan tarikh di mana bermulanya episod baru dalam kehidupan Bani Israel setelah berabad lamanya ditindas oleh rejim Firaun di bumi Mesir. Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud : Dan Kami bawakan Bani Israil ke seberang Laut Merah, lalu dikejar oleh Firaun dan tenteranya, dengan tujuan melakukan kezaliman dan pencerobohan, sehingga apabila Firaun hampir tenggelam berkatalah ia (pada saat yang genting itu): "Aku percaya, bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan yang dipercayai oleh Bani Israil, dan aku adalah dari orang-orang yang berserah diri (menurut perintah)". Surah Yunus, ayat 90.

Manakala hujah yang menyatakan bahawa peristiwa ini berlaku pada tarikh 10 Muharram ialah hadis yang bermaksud : Diriwayatkan daripada Ibnu Abbas r.a katanya: Sewaktu Rasulullah s.a.w tiba di Madinah, baginda mendapati orang-orang Yahudi berpuasa pada hari Asyura. Ketika ditanya tentang puasa mereka itu, mereka menjawab: Hari ini adalah hari kemenangan yang telah diberikan oleh Allah kepada Nabi Musa a.s dan kaum Bani Israel dari Firaun. Kami merasa perlu untuk berpuasa pada hari ini sebagai suatu pengagungan kami padaNya. Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Kami lebih berhak daripada kamu dan Nabi Musa dalam hal ini. Kemudian baginda memerintahkan para Sahabat supaya berpuasa pada hari tersebut. – Hadis diriwayatkan Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah dan Tirmizi. Kesemuanya di dalam Kitab Puasa.

Di dalam hadis yang tersebut di atas, Nabi SAW tidak menolak dakwaan Bani Israel bahawa pada tarikh 10 Muharram itu ialah tarikh di mana nabi Musa dan kaumnya diselamatkan oleh Allah SWT. Secara tidak langsung, perintah baginda supaya para sahabat berpuasa pada hari tersebut ialah satu pengiktirafan kepada dakwaan Bani Israel.

Manakala peristiwa lain yang berlaku pada 10 Muharram juga ialah pembunuhan Hussein RA di Karbala semasa perselisihan faham dengan tentera Yazid bin Muawiyah. Persitiwa ini membawa kesan besar di dalam sejarah yang seterusnya menjadi amalan penganut-penganut mazhab Syiah untuk merayakannya setiap tahun. Perayaan ini dapat dilihat dengan jelas di Iran dan sebahagian besar kawasan di Iraq.

Peristiwa lain yang dikatakan berlaku pada 10 Muharram ialah mendaratnya kapal Nabi Nuh as di atas bukit Judi sebagaimana yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Abbas. Nabi Nuh kemudiannya berpuasa pada hari tersebut sebagai tanda kesyukuran kepada Allah SWT. – Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi

Mengenai ibadat puasa pada hari ‘asyura ini, Syeikh Sayyid Sabiq di dalam kitabnya Fiqhus-Sunnah menyenaraikan beberapa hadis yang menyatakan kelebihan berpuasa pada hari tersebut. Antaranya :

1. Daripada Abu Hurairah RA : Rasulullah SAW ditanya, apakah solat yang paling afdhal selepas solat fardhu? Baginda menjawab, “Solat pada pertengahan malam.” Kemudian ditanya lagi, apakah puasa yang paling afdhal selepas puasa Ramadhan? Baginda menjawab, “(Puasa pada) bulan Allah yang kamu gelarkan sebagai Muharram” – Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim, Ahmad dan Abu Daud.

2. Daripada Muawiyah bin Abu Sufian bahawa dia mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Hari ini ialah hari ‘asyura dan tidak diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sedangkan aku berpuasa. Maka barangsiapa yang ingin berpuasa, berpuasalah manakala barangsiapa yang ingin berbuka, berbukalah.”

3. Daripada Aisyah RA berkata, “Sesungguhnya hari ‘asyura merupakan hari yang berpuasa padanya kaum Quraisy di zaman Jahiliyyah. Adapaun Rasulullah SAW juga berpuasa padanya. Apabila baginda memasuki Madinah, baginda terus berpuasa dan memerintahkan manusia berpuasa. Apabila diwajibkan puasa Ramadhan, baginda bersabda, “Barangsiapa yang ingin berpuasa, teruskan. Barangsiapa yang ingin meninggalkan (juga dibolehkan). – Muttafaq ‘Alaih

4. Daripada Ibnu Abbas RA berkata : Nabi SAW memasuki Madinah dan melihat orang-orang Yahudi berpuasa pada hari ‘asyura. Baginda bertanya, “Apakah ini?” Mereka menjawab, “Ini ialah hari yang baik, Allah menyelamatkan di dalamnya Musa dan Bani Israel daripada musuh mereka, lalu Musa berpuasa.” Maka Rasulullah bersabda, “Kami lebih layak terhadap Musa daripada kamu.” Baginda kemudiannya berpuasa dan memerintahkan para sahabat berpuasa. – Muttafaq ‘alaih

5. Daripada Abi Musa Al-Asy’ari RA berkata, : “Ini ialah hari ‘asyura yang dimuliakan oleh kaum Yahudi dan dijadikan hari raya. Maka Rasulullah SAW berkata, “Berpuasalah kamu semua.” – Muttafaq ‘alaih

6. Daripada Ibnu Abbas RA berkata : Apabila Rasulullah SAW berpuasa pada hari ‘asyura dan memerintahkan para sahabat berpuasa padanya, mereka berkata : Wahai Rasulullah, ini ialah hari yang dimuliakan oleh Yahudi dan Nasrani. Maka Rasulullah SAW berkata, “Pada tahun hadapan – Insya Allah- kita berpuasa pada hari kesembilan.” Maka tidak tibanya tahun hadapan itu sehingga wafatlah Rasulullah SAW. – Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim dan Abu Daud. Di dalam lafaz yang lain disebut sabda Rasulullah SAW : “Seandainya aku masih hidup pada tahun hadapan, aku akan berpuasa pada hari kesembilan (iaitu bersama hari ‘asyura) – riwayat Ahmad dan Muslim.

Berdasarkan kepada hadis-hadis di atas, para ulama mengambil kesimpulan bahawa disunatkan berpuasa pada hari ‘asyura di dalam tiga kaedah:

1. Puasa pada tiga hari iaitu 9, 10 dan 11 Muharram.
2. Puasa pada hari ke 9 dan 10 Muharram
3. Puasa pada hari ke 10 sahaja.

Seandainya timbul persoalan, bagaimanakah Nabi SAW menyontohi kaum Yahudi berpuasa pada 10 Muharram padahal baginda sendiri melarangnya di dalam sabdanya, “Berbezalah kamu dengan Yahudi serta Nasrani… berbezalah dengan Musyrikin..”. Maka kita menjawab bahawa puasa Nabi SAW pada 10 Muharram bukanlah semata-mata menyontohi kaum Yahudi bahkan kaum Quraisy telah terlebih dahulu berpuasa pada hari tersebut sebagaimana yang disebut di dalam hadis di atas yang diriwayatkan oleh Aisyah RA. Oleh yang demikian, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahawa sunnah berpuasa 10 Muharram dimulakan oleh syariat Nabi Ibrahim sebelum diamalkan oleh kaum Yahudi. – Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi.

Manakala kelebihan beramal pada 10 Muharram disebut di dalam satu hadis yang bermaksud : “Sesiapa yang meluaskan (memudahkan urusan) ke atas dirinya serta ahlinya pada hari ‘asyura, Allah SWT akan meluaskan padanya sepanjang tahun..” Hadis ini diriwayatkan oleh Imam Baihaqi dan Ibnu Abdil Barr. Hadis ini mempunyai sanad-sanad yang lain namun dikatakan kesemuanya ialah sanad yang dhoif. Bagaimanapun jika digabungkan sebahagiannya dengan yang lain, ia boleh diterima sebagai hadis yang kuat. – Syeikh Sayyd Sabiq, Fiqhus-Sunnah.


Sunday, January 28, 2007


cikde,pak ude,kak fati,alang ct n her kids spent the night here yesterday.along n her family joined us but she had to go home early.

last thursday was cikde's 59th birthday n last friday was syifa's 15th birthday.they came her to celebrate la kan.with the creamy orange cake n pizza-huts plus there were loads of cute kids playing n running.sgt happening la rumahku semalam!dah lame x happening.

so we watched the malaysia vs singapore game last night.x gune la yg last sepak bola tu dungu!sape ntah namenye!lagipon,singapore import players la..sampai 5 orang.that is so unfair.kate asean je.aku tgk org putih yg main ni ape kes?geram di hati x terkate!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


got my L licence!i've been waiting for so long to get it.finally,it's in my hands!but seriously,gambar amat buruk.takkan ku sekali2 menunjukkannye kepada sesiapepon!mukeku kembang n merah!oh tidak!!

so,i scheduled my driving classes n i can only start on the 6th of february.n my driving skills will be tested on the 27th of february.so,kalau tidak fail,saya akan memandu dgn pelekat P itu pada bulan march!

the ta wau ya wau lam did it again!it stole hani's rm100 which was placed inside the quran.mereka2 yg halus2 ini benar2 melampau!grr..

Sunday, January 21, 2007

a ghost story.

ever heard of 'ta wau ya wau lam'?.spell it in jawi n u'll get the word right.so,this ta wau ya wau lam(twywl) thing always appear in hani's house n steal some money.even aunty faridah came to our house and ask mak to keep her money safe here.she said,she cant even keep a ringgit in her house,the twywl will somehow,find a way to steal it.huh,creepy huh?n i heard from kak long that this twywl went into the house through lubang jamban.huhu..

so,this morning,ustazah maznah came to teach me how to sharpen my reading when i recite the quran.hence,i took my bath after subuh.when the sky is still dark.when i was taking my bath,i heard some noise.mcm bunyi org ketuk2.i was wondering dtg dari manakah la kan.i thought it came from dapur but it's impossible sbb bunyi mcm dekat.n then,it ketuk2 again.i started to freaking out.i immediately get dress n tell mak about it.cikde was there.so,mak said:'ntah2 ta wau ya wau lam tak?'i replied:'ntah la..menakutkan!'..then mak asked me how was the sound like?i told her that it's like ketuk2.then mak started to laugh.n she suddenly said it was her who porpusely ketuk the toilet window when she was picking some daun pandans.i was like..hah?mak ni sengaje je!!urgh!sgt la bengang.mengejutkan orang je.nasib baik x lemah smangat.haduhai.dan semua org ketawakan saya.including luqman,cikde,pak ude n ustazah maznah.malu la woi.

semalam tahun baru!salam hijrah 1428!ini baru new year!hopefully,korang dptlah tunaikan azam2 korg n maafkanlah andai ada tersalah atau tersilap kate.

salam hijrah!

Friday, January 19, 2007

spare a thought.

We are the foremost perfect creation of Allah however things that we do are often not perfect.

View of our eyes always deceiving,
View of our thoughts always wrong,
View of our nafsu always wining,
And view of heart is the truth,
If our heart is purely seeking for the truth…

The birth of a day doesn’t need to be ask,
The death of a day cannot be prevent…

When eyes meet eyes grow care,
When heart meets heart grow love,
But…when the forehead touch the sajadah then only grows whispers of Subbahannallah, Allah SWT Greatness…

“Apply on the ilm’(knowledge) is taqwa(faith),
Pass on of the ilm’ is ibadah(act of faith),
Repeating the ilm’ is zikr(strengthen of the faith),
Seeking of ilm’ is Jihaad.”
(Imam Al-Ghazali)

“Every hardship will enlarge when counted,
But will fade away when we care no more…”
(Imam Malik)

If we are in a land of reality of existent,
We do not feel its beauty,
Doesn’t mean the land is not beautiful,
But it’s our soul that is not beautiful…

Death of body is due to roh (soul),
Death of soul is due to no ilm’,
Death of ilm’ is due to no amal(deeds),
And Death of deeds is due to no istifar (seeking forgive)…

Sadness is a pure-nature.
Remembering them back may not be enough to cover the cuts of life still,
But weighing them again with the heart’s eyes might change,
Might be enough to put strength in soul and body so to move on with courage…

Ilm’ is the basic of deen of ISLAM,
Without Ilm’ human will be lost forever,
Following their hearts and their nafsu,
Neglecting their intellect from the truth,
Till it comes to

“Their deen becomes just a game”…

Deen is the pillar.
Influence is the Care-Taker.
If with no pillar, the life will tumbled down.
And If with no Care-Taker, the age is destroyed.
Because that Care-Taker is a Well-Respected person…
His Respect that he earns is the one who prevent him from Mungkar(evil deed).

Seeking for pearl, dive in the sea,
Seeking for happiness, struggle through hardship,
Seeking for success, sacrifice is given,
Then acknowledge, that every hardship is actually has thousands of sweetness of relieves in return…

People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But People will never forget how you made them feel...
Then seek forgiveness with people
To gain His Mighty Forgiveness in Here-After

Life needs sacrifice,
Sacrifice needs effort,
Effort needs strength,
Strength needs believe,
Believe determine success,
Success brings happy ending…

Life with no ambition is just a death,
Ambition with no effort is just a dream.

Ilm’ enlighten a heart that’s pure,
Sacrifice requires efforts with strings of strive and courage,
The truth in the end, success will be won,
Smiles of beauty will be carved on one’s face,
Barakah of Doa(s) to the Mighty One Most Gracious, Most Merciful…

Silence in reality is a decision of retribution,
The best of the best of wordings are the one with less word,
Nevertheless, still can be guidance ,
Safety of a person lies in the guard of his/her wordings,
Those with sweet words is a definite to win many friends.

Born from heart is ikhlas (pure intention),
Born from mind is logic,
Unite these Heart and Mind,
Battling nafsu that soon will perish…

The greatest Richness is Patience,
The most loyal Company is Amal(deeds),
The most alert Guardian is Silence,
The most beautiful Language is Smile,
And The most perfect Ibadaah is Khusyuk,

Shy of Men is good,
Shy of Woman is better;
Adil(Justice) of Every person is good,
Adil of a Ruler is better;
Taubat(Repentance) of Old person is good,
Taubat of Young person is better;
Sadaqah of Rich person is good,
Sadaqah of Miskin person is even better.

Seek deep in your heart anxiousness in the breath of your Solat,
Gather your pains of suffer in grasp of your Doa,
Cover up your regret with Taqwa,
And value your purity with Ikhlas of your heart.

Enliven the Feelings of “Having One God, Allah SWT”,
Enrich the Feelings of “Insan the Slave, Belonginess to God” ,
Litten up the word of ISLAM with every breath,
With full of Submits,
With full Fear of His Wrath,
on each of our acts…

Be Syukur (Thankful) for everything,
Be Honest to every syukur you felt…
And Never take things for granted,
For everything that occur is His Will,
And He Knows Best…

“Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, “Be! --- and it is!” [Sura Yassin 36:82]


Thursday, January 18, 2007


today is the first day that i feel...erm..bored since 8th december.didnt do anything at home.n the mazris havent call me yet.bile lesen L aku siap weih?i'm excited to learn how to drive.after all the sindiran n kutukan they threw towards me.hannah nanti mesti bawak lambat 10km/h.xpe2,sabar saje la.

i watched cinta medik on tv9 just now.it's quite ok.but the gaduh2 part was not really...err..real..plus,i hate the theme song.wassup with the song dude?taktahuantaradua which lyrically so stupid that i quoted a phrase from it..

kita tak tahu antara dua,
pilihan yang nyata,
sebelah hati inginkan cinta,
sebelah hati ingin kerjaya.

pilihlah kerjaya sengal!tu pon susah nak pilih ke?i hate that song so much that everytime i hear it,i either will switch off the radio,or run away.back to cinta medik,azizan nin is so funny in it!he did a great job in acting as sharif whose a bit sengal.cant wait to watch the next episode!but grey's anatomy,nip/tuck n er are still the best!

i hope there's no adam or farah's fan reading this.or i'll be dead.haha.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

happy 1st anniversary

i went to mak andak's house this morning.she was admitted to the ccu last week.but she's fine now.alhamdulillah.i'm scared.my family has loads of genetic penyakit.ie:kidney failure,diabetes,hipertension n so.so somehow,i'm still have the 50% chances of getting those penyakit.haiz.yakinkan aku,tuhan.

i called zati yesterday.she forgot our anniversary.how could u?i asked her.she said she just..urm..misread the calender.tau la dah habis skola kan?haha.she's currently working though.at mid valley's delifrance.kerje la anda ye?

i went surfing the net today.i found a picture of a malay girl kissing her boyfriend.a french kiss.mmg malay la sbb name die.i was like..what the hell?nak buat dosa pon nak tangkap gambar ke?maybe she's just another spoiled teenager whose father damn rich n mother damn x kisah.but,uploading a frech kiss pic in the internet is way over.plus she's a muslim.it's like way insulting her own agama.it's like..hey,i'm a muslim but i can kiss a guy.a totally bukan muhrim guy.urgh.it disgust me.get ur butt away from me please.if she's not a muslim.it's fine with me.coz i've seen loads of chineses kissing in school (secretly ok?).but a muslim?i know she's a muslim coz she celebrates raya.tanggung la dosa anda.

last year's today.
the day i hate the astro's pak guard.who made me n zati late for the interview together with niksu by abg rizal in xfresh.the day i met niksu,zati n atheera for the first time.oh yeah.and abg rizal too!n oh yea..nana,zz,julia n adi too.not to forget kak faraa-d!hehe.happy anniversary niksu,zati n atheera!!hehe.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


pak ulong sukri telah pulang ke rahmatullah pada pagi ini.AL-FATIHAH.
after accompanying mak service the car,we received the sad news from luqman who was at home having lunch.mak went straight to kampung with cikde n left me alone at home.luqman ada sekolah.syaf dropped by n hang out.we did some crazy stuff together.

1st.we kacau-ed this mat rempit who always kacau her.we went into his ym n deleted all his friends,except one.his girlfriend.

2nd.we chatted with the mat rempit's girlfriend(the minah rempit.) but we menyamar as him.therefore,we made her angry by saying things that are not suppose to be written here.budak kecik macam amelin x boleh tahu.haha.

when u look at the minah rempit's pic.u'll see a really innocance muslim girl who wear tudung labuh n still a high school student.the question is:kenape nak buruk2kan org pakai tudung ha minah rempit oi?..it's like she porpusely wanna insult the tudung itself.hish2.teruk.

then the mat rempit.the mat rempit doesnt seem to love his own life.he's like..life's suck.i hate my life.i wanna die..die..die..what kind of idiot doesnt love his life?senang2 nk benci nyawa yg tuhan kasi.i'm not trying to be an emo here but life is priceless.u cant buy life.u cant choose when to die.so,LOVE URSELF.LOVE UR LIFE.

remember rain is coming to town?syaf got some free tickets.i'm not going of course.malaslah.but nad,husna n jihan are going though.bestnye..

we're planning on having a slumber party in my house a day after the rain's concert.awesome!

n..yeah,niksu,esok anniversary!hehe.
syukri,selamat bercuti.
ab,selamat pulang.

Monday, January 15, 2007


went to the pkns to pay for our apartment that we rent to dad's student's maintanace.then,i went straight to klinik pergigian Lisa Alis.lisa alis is the dentist that i adore.she's my idol.she's so cantik n her teeth is to die for!but sadly,she wasn't in.i was the first patient today.my dentist is dr syikin.she said it's all about geraham bongsu.it takes 3 months to grow.n my gusi has lebam-ed.she gave me some pain-killers,antibiotic n some ubat sapu.i told her that my ambition is to be a dentist.she said:baguslah!...hehe..

mak's friends came over this morning.langsng tak kenal.but one of them suddenly tegur..

aunty1: anak aunty pergi sekolah naik bas..u?mama hantar?
me: err(trying to understand what is she talking about)..ha'ah.
aunty1: anak aunty sekolah yuhua juga la..die naik bas kena keluar awal..pukul 12.
me: ..oh(what's the point of telling me this?)..die primary ke?
aunty1: taklah..form 3..
me: oh..ok..
aunty2: ni tunggu spm ye?faizal dah matriks.
me: (ok now who the hell is faizal?)..hehe.
aunty1: anak aunty ade lagi sorg..kire senior u la..sebaye dgn faizal..muhd shariati..
me: .Oh!..shai!die slalu dtg!
aunty1: iye?tahlil ye?bawak kawan2 yeh?
me: ha'ah..ha'ah..

hadoih.rupenye,shai's mom is mak's friend.hadoih..hadoih..amatlah kecil dunia ini..

i took the antibiotic after i had my lunch.n then,muntah dowh!sekse!pahit tekakku!dh lame x muntah.hadoih.then,stomach ache pulak..macam2!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

geraham bongsu.

sakit gigi!it hurts like hell!i cant even laugh!makan jgn criter la..susah!i have to chew on the left side.even if i was sleeping,gigiku akan sakit immediately after i woke up!sobs..sangat sedih ni!huhu~.

mak said maybe geraham bongsu.normally akan sakit bila ia tumbuh.i went to the dentist yesterday but sadly it was too late.the clinic was already closed.so,i've made an appoinment n i have to go there again tomorrow.thank god!

aunty aisyah told me that atikah just arrived home after a month of helping the doctors in sabah.n she's just 17!she've been to the operation theatre,done the cpr thingy n took blood samples.she helped a lot there!oh.she's so lucky.pesakit pon ingat dia doctor.she even received a testimonial from the hospital itself.she framed it.of course!duh~.mak said i can also do that!i'm going to ask the dentist that i'll be seeing tomorrow and ask her if i can help her there!i just need the experience!hehe...

geraham bongsu..oh..geraham bongsu..

Saturday, January 13, 2007

me n my supporters. Posted by Picasa

kak eida,along,eri,me,nurul izzah,kak fati. Posted by Picasa

mak,me,nurul izzah,kak fati n luqman. Posted by Picasa


last night's tahlil went well.we perfomed isya' prayer before we did the tahlil.uncle yunos lead the tahlil.sgt laju!mcm express!

husna,syaf,shai n ean came to the tahlil as usual.they are my supporters!now n always will be!thanks guys,for coming.they went home at 12.00 am.memang la sgt baik hati menemankanku!hehe.

i'm not being a politician or so.but arwah daddy used to join the keadilan.n nurul izzah(anak anwar ibrahim) was one of dad's students at uniten.but that was then.she's now continuing her studies in the US.she's doing her masters i think.so,she came last night!everybody was like..WOW!she's so low profile.she even wanna lepak with me n my friends!sgt la rendah diri!everybody wanted to take pictures with her.sbb dia sgt la lawa!

everybody else left at 10.30 pm.so,me and my friends took the time to hang out,gossiping,n bullying/playing with the little ones.haha.ada sorg budak tu namenye anuar.terus teringat pada ada lah sorang tu..hadoih.

cikde spent the night here.she n pak uda wanna balik kampung in the morning.they just left.

sgt sorry kalau this post is offending the readers.

Friday, January 12, 2007


kolej komuniti is offering some january to march courses.i received the flyers from aunty faridah.berbaloi weih.rm 5 for each 5 hours session!antara kursus2 yang ditawarkan ialah baju kurung,membuat kek,aneka tart,membaiki telefon bimbit,usahawan n so.mak said i better join these courses so that i wont get bored at home.that's so true.after daddy's stuff settled,i have nothing else to do beside lepak,tv,mengaji n makan!(dah la mandi selang sehari!)haha.

i think i'm going to take the baju kurung,interior home design,membaiki telefon bimbit,membuat kek n usahawan.but i must discuss it with hani first coz we're going there together n i don't wanna take any courses alone.gile bosan mcm kereta!tak mau arh!

some of my classmates has furthering their studies now.each went to private college ie:taylor's,lim kok wing,sunway,ucsi,uniten(where daddy used to teach!i miss uniten!)n so.korg boleh la!banyak duit bleh bayar!uniten actually offering me a scholarship.they said they'll pay everything.tak boleh la tapi.course dentistry takde.sobs.

got a call from travex college.they asked if i'm interested in tourism.jadi tour guide,stewardess n all.Oh that is so not me!so,i didn't take the offer.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


went to kedai lampu,tabung haji n bank simpanan nasional today.
sejak 2 menjak ni byk bende rosak.bumbung bocor la..paip bocor la..kuali patah la..n the newest..kebanyakan lampu terbakar.hadoih.kene bele bulbs.9 of them.dah la mahal!hadoih.bumbung pon dah rm500.xpe2.ni semua cobaan Tuhan.yakinkan aku,tuhan!

quite busy.been cleaning the house.esok ada tahlil kan?penat.n..saya tak mandi for 28 hours!haha..rekod!rekod!bangge sungguh!haha.n rambut tak basuh for 40 hours.hahaha.serabut gile!haha.

n today is kak yong's birthday!happy 22nd birthday kak yong!

last year's today..
last year's today the day i got a call from kak faraa-d.lepas tu terjerit2 sbb dpt jumpe abg rizal..pikir2 balik..hadoih..bodohnye aku mase tu...haha..

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


woke up real early today.(usually lepas subuh tarik balik selimut.)took my bath real early today.(dah la sejuk!).arrived at mazris approximately at 7.30 am n guess what?the theory class just started at 10.30 am.penceramah today was:encik arshad n encik zul.both ex army.pantang nampak org tidur dlm kelas.tapi kedua2 funny.thank god for that!n..saya tukar tayar!gahahaha..what an experience!encik zul asek nak tembak saye je..mcm nak sepak je die.tapi sabar.fuh~..class habis at 4 something.got home terus asar.hariku habis begitu sahaja.hadoih.

baru tersedar..bawak kereta ni amat susah pabila diexplainkan oleh encik zul.saya nak pass.saya mesti pass!hopefully~.

yong tau fu.
akhirnya!i had yong tau fu last night!gahahaha.dah lame mengidam..akhinye dapat juga.kelazatan yong tau fu memang mnusuk kalbu.nasib baik aku puasa.saaayang mak!

and oh!saya terjumpa lagu saya.i mean,tajuk lagu tu..HANNA.haha.sedapp!sang by onefootjapan.band indonesia.rase mcm bangge gile!haha.

currently waiting for my L licence to be ready.lepas ni dah boleh on the road!best..best...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


kia carnival.
when my dad bought it in 2002,the price is rm160,000.now,after the monthly payment and so,we still have another 25 months to pay for the car.the amount:rm50,900.
in 2007,the price has lowered to rm50,000 utk yang baru la.mcm what we pay for the 25 months tu boleh beli satu kia carnival baru.so unfair.we have to pay the rm50,900 first to settle the hutang kereta so that we can sell it.but for a 2nd hand kia carnival,we maybe have to sell it like..rm30,000.i mean,mcm x berbaloi la kan?told mak that..tapi tiada reaksi.patut jual ke x eh?

CIMB bank.
went to the bank today.gile ar.mcm bodoh gile x pernah pergi bank.bende yang sangat simple pon gi tanye orng.settled mak's new account at CIMB.thank god for that!sekarang dah boleh online banking.tak payah buang2 mase duduk melanga kat krusi busuk CIMB tu.haha.

MOSTI(minister of science and technology)called.she asked to speak to my dad.she said the minister want dad to be a panel of i-dunno-what.sadly,hajat tak kesampaian.sorry.

esok ceramah dowh!malasnye!!ku amat berharap esok akan berlalu dgn pantas.hadoih.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


another sad story.my neighbour,datuk ibrahim[PM's brother]'s mother in law passed away yesterday morning in his home.(PM datang weih!lalu depan rumah!haha.escorted by polis2 sekalian.tingkap tinted ar..x dpt tgk muke PM..haha.).AL-FATIHAH.

my other neighbour pulak.he's 18 this year.tried to kill himself.but he survived.he ate 50 pills of sleeping pills.dah banyak kali dah dia try..cut his wrist la..pape la..guess y?let me tell u the story.before this,he was a real manja n rich kid.whenever he need money,his parents will give it to him.keluarga business la kan..business tu dikendalikan oleh the mother.unfortunately,the mother discovered that she has a tumor.she let her husband to deal the business thingy.things gone from bad to worse when the buiness dah linkup.bankrupt la..thus,the parents divorced.talak 3 weih.jangan memain!then,disebabkan ketiadaan duit,dia nak bunuh diri.tried for so many times.semuanye selamat.i was like,aku pon dah xde duit la weih..tapi xde la sampai nak bunuh diri..imagine la..pasal duit nak bunuh diri..dah byk pahale ko kumpul?..mak on the other hand said: nak mati mati je la terus.yes.mak kejam.mmg la kan.apeke bengap sangat?gasak kau la..

kak yong n kak ngah went back to their universities already.kak ngah just called.she just landed.kak yong is still flying though.tinggalla kami bertiga.mak,me n luqman.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


everything went quite well for now.luqman is already a secondary school student.he said he love the school.what a skema student he is.he follows every single rules in the school,ie:dtg awal,potong rambut,potong kuku and so.he was late on his first day though.byk la die nak mengomplen kami yang menghantar lambat.hehe.

epf,faraid n so
.mak,kak ngah n kak yong bz menguruskan hal2 kereta n duit.i,on the other hand,did nothing.they said byk sangat tangan nanti kelam kabut.arwah daddy left some savings for us though.but we have to wait like 5 to 6 months for the faraid thingy settled.for now,we are completely broke.luckily,luqman is the only budak sekolah in the family n i'm not furthering my studies yet.perbelanjaan kurang la.hehe.us,the siblings,decided to give mak our parts of the faraid so that mak able to organise everything easily.tapi,itu pon kena tunggu 5 to 6 months.

mak is planning on selling daddy's kia carnival car.but,itu pun kena tunggu though.i've paid mazris for my PDL licence.even though i havent go to the ceramah teori yet.speaking of that,i have to attend the ceramah on wednesday.

didnt go to the kubur yesterday.everybody was bz doing everything.quite sad actually,but we did recite the yassin together.speaking of yassin.some of mak's friends is organising a tahlil for my arwah daddy in my house on the 12th of january.feel free to come la!kalau senang la kan.

i told mak andak about working.mak andak told pak andak and suddenly abg ewan came to my house n told me that pak andak tak kasi.since pak andak is my daddy's brother,so i have to obey him.nevermind la kan.boleh teman mak.

kak yong is flying back to ireland on the 6th of january while kak ngah is flying back to kuching on the 7th of january.sad.hanya tinggal kami bertiga.sobs.

selamat pulang ke sekolah to all primary and secondary school students.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

i miss him

i'm not in the mood of posting anything now.didn't really feel like typing anything.i jus miss my dad so much.but like mak said,whenever i miss him,i'll recite the quran.we've khatam-ed for 3 times now.i really hope he'll get all of the pahala insyAllah.we decided to visit the kubur daily.it's now kinda a daily routine for us.kinda good actually,it makes me feel like he's just beside me.n i wouldnt feel so sad anymore.

kak yong came home from birmingham last monday.she didn't get the chance to meet my dad for the last time though.but she's ok with that.she didnt cry alot like i did.mak is getting better each day.it's great to see her smiling again.kak ngah cried a lot.luqman is also fine.we just miss my dad so much!

thanks to those who came to comfort me and to the tahlil.especially to husna who lent me her shoulder to cry on.she came to all 3 tahlils.thanks to
hani,syaf,nad,syazwan,shai,ariffah,akmal,kak lin n zati.

words can't describe how thankful i am to have all of u as my friends.

thanks to those who called or sms-ed.
xinwei,syukri,niksu,kak faraa-d,amelin and lots more.

for those who still have their loved ones,cherish them while they are still here.alfatihah to allahyarham daddy.