Friday, December 03, 2010

1 litre of tears

i love to watch sad movies whenever i'm sad or when not in a good mood. i use the sad movies as a platform for me to cry. because people ask me why am i crying, i'll tell them that the movie is just wayy too sad that i cried. betapa emo dan pathetic, i know.

i had a few rough weeks. way too many problems to face.way too much to study within so little time. need a hug, mom's hug. but it's unreachable, i know. but it has nothing to do regarding my post here.

a friend introduced me 1 litre of tears. she said: ' confirm kau nangis tgk cite ni sedih gile!'. after hearing that, i thought, naahhh, i won't cry. but i did cry...... in every episode -.-"

the drama is wayy too sad.
i know that i'm soo outdated that everyone else watched it like 3 years ago and i only watch it 2 days ago but, seriously, it's so sad that in 1 episode i actually pause it for awhile because i was crying too hard. and i woke up the next day with mata bengkak as if i just broke up with someone.

why did i cry so hard? because this drama is based on true story. and 1 litre of tears is based on a diary of a patient who suffered from spinocerebellar degeneration. where atrophy of the cerebellum occur, and slowly, the patient will loose the coordination of hands, feet, speech etc. from being able to walk, to being bedridden. sometimes, the patient may find it hard to breathe. and once she reach this phase, death may occur. it's an incurable cruel disease because a person with SCD retains full mental capacity, but progressively loose physical control.

it does remind me of my late father. although not the same disease, he suffered alot too from his kidney disease. and, eventhough i can get scolded if i say this, but i regret for not spending the precious time with him before he passed away. i didn't even get to say goodbye or even tell him how i love him so much, how i thank him for being the greatest dad, how thankful i am for having him as my father.

so please, everyone, cherish your loved ones before you loose them.
say 'i love you' before it's too late.

Friday, November 19, 2010

adha with love :)

a week of adha break. a week of adha celebration.
it's something special in egypt. we celebrate aidiladha more than we celebrate aidilfitri. it's like THE EVENT of the year.
every year's adha means special to me,like during my 1st year, our imarah was reserved for the slaughtering session and the gotong royong potong sayur session was made in my home(and neighbours').during my 2nd year, i was in charge for cleaning the tulang lembu.and that was hell of one experience!coming home with the smell of a cow, rendam baju sehari suntuk pon tak hilang2 bau. the 3rd year, i was in the committee board. kerja extra really2 teruk. and this year, i went low profile, i do only the sayur. but what makes this year's adha special is, the wedding of my classmate, zaim and his wife, kak una. barakallahulakuma :)

as pictures speak a thousand words, lets just let the pictures do the talking.

1st day of eid:
have a break, snap a picture.

spending the eid with these 2 troublesom housemates. :p

background: bloody road with hanging lembu. for the memories :)

2nd day of eid:
event: zaim and kak una's solemnization
venue: malaysian hall, cairo.

surprise zaim! we made a boria baju kurung just for your wedding :)

si pengantin was speechless for the surprise (or maybe he was just nervous?)

alhamdulillah. congrats newlyweds!
barakallahulakuma wa baraka alaikuma wajama'a bainakuma filkhair

3rd day or eid: as a pengiring pengantin :)
event: MAWAR( collaboration of adha and all 4 pairs of newlyweds celebrations)
venue: mansoura

with the bride :D

mansoura's dikir barat team: sri mansurah.

last but not least: a video

the reason why i love mansoura :)

will next year's adha as special as the previous years'? i hope it will be my last adha in egypt, insyaAllah. oh tibe2 terharu.

SALAM AIDILADHA, everyone! salam perantauan from us.
semoga pengorbanan kita tahun ini diterima dan diberkati Allah. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

for the first time

current repeating the songs of: the script.
current favourite song of the script: a lot actually, but this is like the most into the right now mood song. :)

the script- for the first time.

She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart,
While I'm drinking jack all alone in my local bar,
And we don't know how,
How we got in to this mad situation,
Only doing things out frustration,
Trying to make it work but man these times are hard,

She needs me now but I can't seem to find a time,
I've got a new job now on the unemployment line,
And we don't know how,
How we got into this mess is it gods test,
Someone help us cause we're doing our best,
Trying to make it work but man these times are hard

But we're gonna start by
Drinking old cheap bottles of wine,
Sit talking up all night,
Saying things we haven't for a while
A while ya
We're smiling but we're close to tears,
Even after all these years,
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time


She's in line at the door
With her head held high (high)
While I just lost my job but
Didn't lose my pride
But we both know how,
How we're gonna make it work when it hurts,
When you pick yourself up,
You get kicked to the dirt,
Trying to make it work but,
Man these times are hard,

But we're gonna start by,
Drinking old cheap bottles of wine,
Sit talking up all night,
Doing things we haven't for a while,
A while ya,
We're smiling but we're close to tears,
Even after all these years,
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time.


Drinking old cheap bottles of wine,
Sit talking up all night,
Saying thing we haven't for a while,
We're smiling but we're close to tears,
Even after all these years,
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting, for the first time

(Ooooo...), yeahh for the first time,
(Ooooo...), oh for the first time,
Yeah for the first time,
(Just now got the feeling that we're meeting...
For the first time)

Oh these times are hard,
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby

Oh these times are hard,
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby

Oh these times are hard,
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby

Oh these times are hard,
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby

ps: salam adha everyone!photos n stories up next! :D

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

i miss yu hua

stressed out.i couldn't find any edentulous patient yet,need patient for operative already, and i couldn't find any suitable house for 6.i'm tired.and dentistry needs money but i don't have any because bayan halah is so hard to get and i couldn't give the translate of bayan halah to jpa and jpa will not bank in the money if they didn't get the bayan yes,i am stressed and when i'm stress, not because of exam, i end up wasting my time in front of the laptop doing I DON'T KNOW WHAT.because my punching bag doesn't have internet connection so i don't know to who else i should whine.
and then, start the missing session.and i truly miss the carefree high school moments though. who doesn't, right? and this song below here,made me missing school friends very very much. i have heard once the highschool friends are the ones you will stick to like forever, because they are the ones who really accept you for YOU.and indeed,it's true. wherever i go, no matter how busy i get, i will always go back to them. to whine and to reminiscing the awesome schooling years. i know they're not into blogs and they won't be reading this. but i do love them. if you mess with any of them, then you're messing with me!

it's not the lyrics that made me miss them, it's because it's lee highschool idol, and it's in mandarin.and there was radio yu hua in our school,they played chinese songs everyday during recess.according to my brother,radio yu hua is not working anymore nowadays. i started to listen to chinese songs through there and yes,listening to chinese songs improve your chinese too!so, whenever i listen to chinese song,it will bring me back to the memory lane. where i had my first crush,a malay and the 2nd one,a chinese. and the 3rd,another chinese!and the moments where we bullied the form six students to drive us everywhere.
ahh the memories. it did ease the stress abit though. :)
and i actually cry listening to this song because i'm listening to it as i type this.
aiyoo why la so emotional?!

the school (after renovation here and there of course, it was in renovation during our time,so yeah,the noise.)


Friday, October 01, 2010


my class schedule.enough said.


al-fatihah to arwah mak ngah who has passed away last saturday.
i only know this after a week, after i asked my brother what is mak ngah's current condition since the last time i texted mak, mak said she's on the way visiting mak ngah who was at that time seriously ill.that was 3 days before she passed.
mak ngah suffered kidney failure disease for years, even before dad was diagnosed the same disease.
when dad passed away, she kept on asking, 'kenapa leh(dad) yang pergi dulu?' because she said she's been ill longer before dad was. she asked the same thing when my arwah achik(dad's brother) passed away due to heart attack 2 years back.i remembered her telling me,'mak ngah tak lama dah ni'..but we told her that ajal maut di tangan can live up to 100 years if God willing.

mak ngah was the one who gave me the idea of pursuing dentistry. i still remember at that time, we were at kak ina's open house and i was in form 3.mak ngah asked me about my ambition.i told her maybe i wanted to become a doctor or even a lecturer but haven't really think about it yet.then, mak ngah said,hey why don't you become a dentist?you have the chance of working office hour, and you still have the doctor title! i said, i don't know mak ngah,i'll think about it later. i went home, did a little research of how cool the dentist job will be, and the next morning, i told my mom that i wanna be a dentist and alhamdulillah i am now in my 4th year of studying dentistry. thank you mak ngah, for guiding me in choosing this path.

mak told me that mak ngah was ill during my holiday in malaysia. i told her that i wanted to visit mak ngah but mak said the family just visited mak nyah 2-3 days before i got back, she was still in stable,in the end, i didn't get the chance to visit her and i hoped to see her next year.but,God has a better plan for her, and she passed away last saturday.
mak ngah never fail to remind me of how much i look like my dad and always remind me not to forget dad even though he has passed.i am going to miss her stare because she loves to stare at me due to the dad look i inherited.and also her common 'ni la budak mesir ni!'

Al-fatihah to arwah mak ngah, may she be rest among those who deserved a place in jannah.ameen.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

raya oh yeah.

raya oh yeah.
raya di perantauan oh yeah.
nak tahu tak? bila raya di perantauan sambil dengar lagu INI rasa mcm nak menangis je?
hampir la menangis.tak menangis pon! *tabah*

how do i spend my raya?

1.cooked for raya..*proud!!* :)

2.solat raya with more or less 40 malay students in mansoura.

i love these kakak2 comel,so they deserve a place here :D houses! :D

mansoura girls team :)

the geng gigi rongak.ngahaha

4.rumah terbuka perubatan in cairo..super bosan.(jujur betul) -.-"

5.and we went to city stars to watch movie in baju kurung after the rumah terbuka.

internet was not ok the 1st day of eid so i bought a 50L.E of recharge card which lasted for 7 minutes when i called home and tak sempat to actually apologize to dear mak. -.-"
so i texted her saying i'm so sorry for being a bad daughter blablabla, and immediately after she replied, tears started to fall. adoi.
that's what you get when you celebrate your eid away from get more emotional.(because i never cry during the apologizing session back home) -.-"

now,back to school!
i have 6 schooling days.
13 subjects,which i don't really remember the names.
okok, let's try, i have operative dentistry, crown and bridge, prosthesis, oral pathology, oral surgery, general surgery, internal medicine, pedodontic, endodontic, diagnosis, x-ray, dental public health, and orthodontic.(ok i peeked my schedule)
REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that i can bawa these whole 13 subjects this year.ameen.

mak said:' aktiviti selain study kena tinggalkan.just study, makan, solat n tidur.'

lasttt but not least..

again, the song..

(please please don't laugh at my tudung, i'm wearing it just for the sake of my mom.huhu)

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

at first, i like this iklan because it shows bangi.puncak bangi la..but still, it's bangi!!

then suddenly, a friend ym-ed me to take a look at this iklan and he said ' ada muka yang kau sayang dlm ni'

i was like 'siapa yang aku sayang? atok tu?'

then he said:' manede.makcik tu.rupa dia sebijik mak kau.kat bangi plak tu.'

then only i realized, yeah.. adalah sikit rupa mak.. tp makcik ni muka panjang sikit..and thanks to the friend,i am now homesick, not in the mood of doing anything. mommy, i miss home, i miss you, i miss adik n sisters. i miss helping you out few days before raya from mopping the floor to changing the curtain, from making sure windows are squeky clean to vacuuming the carpets. i wonder who did every of that during my absence.i hope you didn't do it your own.

this is the iklan i talked about..

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

to sir, with love

i did the glee marathon 2 days ago..

ayah loved this song, he used to sing it in the car while driving :(

Those schoolgirl days, of telling tales and biting nails are gone,
But in my mind,
I know they will still live on and on,
But how do you thank someone, who has taken you from crayons to perfume?
It isn't easy, but I'll try,

If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters,
That would soar a thousand feet high,
To Sir, with Love

The time has come,
For closing books and long last looks must end,
And as I leave,
I know that I am leaving my best friend,
A friend who taught me right from wrong,
And weak from strong,
That's a lot to learn,
What, what can I give you in return?

If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start,
But I, would rather you let me give my heart,
To Sir, with Love

this is the original version..

siapa ada cerita ni?mahu!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

an update.

it's been awhile since REALLY post anything here.(the youtube videos doesn't count -.-") so here i am, 2 more days to get myself back to reality. :(

i'm a bit moody these days due to the fact that i have to go back..and i have to celebrate eid there..yelah, siapa nak raya without family,right? am not so lucky like last year, this year i didn't have enough money to come home for eid.which means, i'll be like totally alone because all of them are coming home for eid. but to think that the eid break is just 1 week, i decided to toughen up and err..just try to enjoy it? arghhhh~~!!!! why la egypt is being so mean to me? :(

the summer vacation so far, was the most boring one.ngahaha. went to just a couple of meet-ups, balik kampung twice, accompanied mak here and there (which is fun, but a bit tiring), and the rest of the holidays, i just stayed home, reading.. and oh! yeah la,went to some tafsir classes and terawih. i was supposed to do an attachment at a private clinic, but it turns out that nobody is going to meet the dentist during the fasting month,so there goes my chance.

of the 21st birthday.
my 21st birthday was on the 1st of ramadan, this year. thanks everyone for the wishes.appreciated it a lot :)
had a little celebration at home with family, and of we go straight to the surau to perform out terawih prayer.
what is it like to be 21? erm.. everything seems to be the same, but i can vote now!yippie! :D (haven't lah actually.. haven't daftar yet.)
and once you're 21, you have to face the grown up questions like..' u have a bf already or not?' and some statements like.. ' u have to have a bf now if not u wont get married' -.-" all you got to do is, smile, tell them that you're just 21.too young to get married.haven't enjoy enough being single, and just shove them off by telling them that your sister is not married yet so, being the obedient little sister, you just want to wait in the line.ngehehehe. :D

of ramadan.
the ramadan so far is one of the greatest.because ramadan is the time we(the family) eat together.if no ramadan, no eating together.we eat at separate yeah, when everybody's home, and gather together, with or without arguing, it feels great! but too bad i will not be home during eid, because mak was hoping for the whole family together during eid.takpe mak, insyaAllah next year, i'll be home.. but have to look at the takwim first lah. didn't bother for any baju raya this year. i didn't have the celebration feel.huhu.

of bonding with mak.
tighter bond i must say! i haven't feel so close to mom before.ngee :D
but, she always talk about marriage and life la.oh so boring.huhu.

of shopping.
DIDN'T SHOP!!not in the shopping mood.probably because the absence of the raya, i don't have money pon.if i have some,i would buy a ticket for raya!sedih sedih.dear jpa,faster bank-in the money please.not gonna happen!since they didn't get my results yet..and only after they get it, they'll bank-in the money like..after about 1 month. -.-"
so keep on dreaming,hannah.wish for a miracle to happen. -.-"

bags are 95%, goodbye malaysia.see you in february! :( :(

ps: siapa nak raya dengan saya di mansoura?

Thursday, August 05, 2010

dear eliot,

99 balloons

got nothing to's just that...i don't know how to describe it.just watch it.then you'll get moves me everytime i watch it.and i did watch it a lot~!

Monday, August 02, 2010

the chosen one

this song has been my favourite for quite a while.It gives me goosebumps everytime i hear it. and the lyrics were soo good that i nearly cry. Inspired by the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), the video shows Muhammad(PBUH)'s teaching of life.

be good to people even though they treat you bad. that's the main point in this video. From what i heard, this video is made in respond to the attacks on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through cartoons etc. To show everyone Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)'s true character and his way of life.

try to read the heartfelt lyrics and listen to the sing. i am sure it's gonna give you goosebumps.

In a time of darkness and greed
It is your light that we need
You came to teach us how to live
Muhammad Ya Rasool Allah

You were so caring and kind
Your soul was full of light
You are the best of mankind
Muhammad Khaira Khalqillah
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habib Al Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

From luxury you turned away
And all night you would pray
Truthful in every word you say
Muhammad Ya Rasul Allah

Your face was brighter than the sun
Your beauty equaled by none
You are Allah’s Chosen One
Muhammad Khaira Khalqillah
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habib Al Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

I will try to follow your way
And do my best to live my life
As you taught me
I pray to be close to you
On that day and see you smile
When you see me
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habibil Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habibi Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

i hope to go to another Maher Zain's concert to feel what i felt before,in his last visit to cairo.

Friday, July 30, 2010


kalau aku lupa telefon mak tanya khabar, aku harap kau ingatkan, kau tak biarkan
kalau aku kurang ajar pada mak, aku harap kau marah aku, kalau tampar boleh buat aku sedar, aku sanggup.
kalau aku lupa ziarah kubur ayah, aku harap kau ingatkan, kau bawa aku ke kubur ayah
kalau aku lupa diri, aku harap kau sedarkan aku, tak ikut aku lupa diri.
kalau aku lupa baca tahlil arwah setiap minggu,aku harap kau sedarkan, mengetuai aku membaca sekali.
kalau mak aku sakit, aku harap kau akan suruh aku jaga mak aku, dan tak melarang aku utk menjaganya.
kalau adik beradik aku ada masalah, aku harap kau bantu aku utk selesaikannya.
kalau aku ada masalah dengan adik beradik aku, aku harap kau damaikan.
kalau aku melengahkan waktu solat, aku harap kau marahkankan aku.
kalau aku lupa tuhan, aku harap kau sedarkan aku.
kalau aku membazir, aku harap kau nasihatkan aku, jangan ikut aku jadi boros.

i don't want a perfect guy..
yang aku harap seorang lelaki itu memenuhi ciri-ciri di atas.
aku sayang famili aku.aku harap dia faham.
terasa dengan apa yang mak ckp siang tadi. aku harap besar nanti,bila dah kerja,dah kahwin, aku tak jadi macam ape yang mak aku taknak aku jadi.

*ada sebab tersendiri sebenarnya entri ni..bukan sebab aku dah nak kahwin ye rakan2.huhu

Sunday, July 25, 2010


i was watching majalah 3 last night.they covered about the penjara pudu.which made me interested to the topic,and yeah i fell a tiny bit sad that the penjara pudu is now gone.and is being replaced with some condos.who the hell wants to live in a condo that is used to be the place where the prisoners being hang to death?taknak lahh!!gila ke?

anyhow,what past is past and the condo is under construction i'm just praying for the best.

the thing that i want to share with you is what is covered by majalah 3 after the penjara's about this guy right here..

ever heard of him? well he's aizdean.malay name: mohd aizuddin. a malay singer in japan.singing j-pop.and is curently famous in japan.cakap jepun macam air..tak percaya?let's see the next video..

take that!berhabuk bahasa jepun!

this is an interview video during his short visit to malaysia.

and this link will let you know more about him.a bit confuse here.most of the interviews and majalah 3 said that he's an electronic engineer in a company in japan..but nst said he's a chemical engineer.which is which eh?

his facebook links!!! :

well yeah, i did my research!ngahaha...kinda like him though.but i think he's been living in japan for too long until his malay sounds like a japanese malay.nevermind about that but didn't he ever wanted to come back and serve for his country?huhu...

and plus, he needs braces.yup.yup.yup!

oh btw, i'm currently in Malaysia for about a month! ;)

Thursday, July 08, 2010

special award hikhik *mata gedik2*

hey hey peeps it's been ages since the last time i was like crazy doing this kinda stuff. ie: special award lahh survey lahh etc. and kak mel gave me this award and it brings back,utk kak mel, kita buat eh?tapi sebenarnya flattered juga dapat award ni.thanks kak mel! :)

1. Anda mesti memberi pujian kepada pemberi 'award' ini.

ngeh ngeh kak mel.ohh kak mel.haha.kak mel ni comel,serious!hehe.and she's a doctor now so siape2 nak masuk meminang make sure cukup duit woh nak meminang doktor ni!!hehe. i know kak mel because she's kak ngah's bestfriend kot in UNIMAS.macam takkan lah kak ngah balik semenanjung without mentioning her name kan?and guess what kak mel, you're my bestfriend's senior in KMNS!(ok,takde kaitan dengan saye pon huhu)tapi, ibu2 kami cute!kan,kak mel?hehe.

2. Sila beri 'award' kepada 10 bloggers yang lain.
can i just give it to 1 or 2? ok la 4 je.hehe.
- niksu rashid (oh yeahhh kamu dah lame tak buat bende2 mcm ni kan?)
- izzati ramly ( please note that i just miss both of you.hehe)
- intan dadramaqueen (ini mama saye ye rakan2 :D)
- faridah

3. Anda mesti beritahu kepada 10 blogger ni.
okie problemo. ;)

4. Bagaimana anda boleh di gelar 'blog' yang 'Best and Great'?
she said that she just love me yada-ing.but there's nothing in this blog so i don't really know why actually.hehe.

ok nak tengok cerita.sambung esok.

btw, i am officially single people.SINGLE! dah jangan kau tanya lagi status aku.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

you've got a friend in me :')

siapa membesar dengan tengok cerita toy story please raise your hand~!! *angkat tinggi2, jengket2 kaki*

ho yeah i grew up watching toy story. and i re-watch it again and again without getting bored.heck,who the hell get bored when it comes to toy story?it's like i grow up with this andy kid. toy story 2 has been my favourite childhood movie since forever. no any other animated movies can beat toy story. *ok, sangat fanatic pula*

anyhow, yesterday was the hang out day with gigians and we decided to go to cairo because the last time we went to cairo was like....4 months ago! and we heard there's stock clearance sale in some branded stores so we end up shhooopppiiinnnggg totally nothing. -.-"
nothing caught my eyes lah. plus, mommy told me not to spend money on something not important since there's not much left in my savings and i have to save some for my effing expensive flight ticket which makes me totallyyyyyyy broke. -.-"

so we went to watch toy story since it was the first reason why we wanted to go to cairo like cannot tahan already.huhu. and it was the best toy story ever! i went emotional at the end.aku tengok cerita jiwang pon tak menangis teruk macam semalam tau?huhu..and then i suddenly realize..i cried over a cartoon -.-"
spot us!hehehe..

ok don't wanna elaborate much..nanti orang marah baling tomato semua.ciskek lah.
there's a match tonight! i hope germany wins. i put my trust on you, dear germany.

for those who haven't watch toy story 3, i suggest you to watch it.tak mahal pon..only 35 LE with 3D specs yang tahan lama..not made from paper..tak percaya? see the picture below:

masih tak percaya spec 3D ni best?hoho

andy sangat kacak :)
philipp lahm, i love you.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

hello back people!

the finals is officially over! yup2, it's official. :)
now i can sleep again. i forgot when was the last time i had my beauty sleep sebab the schedule was like really super packed! tapi alhamdulillah, dah lepas.

dah usaha, dah exam, skarang cuma boleh berdoa. and prayer is a very powerful weapon. you just have to believe in HIM and insyaAllah, He'll answer your prayer.ameen :)

i have not buy a ticket home yet. ticket mahalll!!! am trying to get the cheapest one. buy whatever it is, this time, i will book a ticket after the date of the result.takut wohhh!!exam was like 50:50. plus,i sucked my prosthesis practical, so that double the worry. do pray for me, people! thank you :)

i've never been this homesick before. sampai tahap yang macam jumpa orang eh rupa dia mcm uncle xxx! eh this surrounding is like my home in, this road is quite similar to the road back home. eh, i think i saw my mom! oh rindu.rindu! plus, kak yong is on the way home now, kak ngah is now home, making the house almost perfect. i do hope that i can pass the year without any resit to make the house complete. *ok time type ni tibe2 rase mcm nak menangis.ah, mengade kau!*

and there's one time, i was at home revising, and i heard this one car honking( well no la actually, people here honk like almost every second, but this one car's the most stood up one) and i was like hey, mak dah balik!! ok, pathetic.

ok, enough of the homesick moment. been with it for about a month now..i want to introduce you to my new favourite band..

say you don't want it by one night only..(there's emma watson~!)

saya tiba-tiba ada masalah hati..mungkin ke cairo esok akan membantu..mungkinn..

Thursday, May 13, 2010

hey hey there's a doctor in the family! (part 2)

cool gila family Mohd Salleh Sahimi ni. 2 doctors in a year!

congrats dear kak ngah for she is now officially a doctor.
it really worth all the hard works and all arwah ayah's money,right?
i am so proud of you.both of you, kak yong and kak ngah.
macam kagum gila la kan..i really hope to become a doctor too insyaAllah.
now it's time for you to pray for me.hoho :p

called mak just now, she was superbly happy! :)

anyway, congrats again, Dr. Sarah Mohd Salleh Sahimi. selamat mengharungi liku2 hidup seorang Doktor.hoho :)

mak msg, kata: thanks for calling. gile comel!. mak saya comel.sila jeles. hohoho.
found the semangat to study. thank you mom. :)

Sunday, May 09, 2010

shift your paradigm

i was touched when i watch this the 1st time when we had our solat hajat mega and Apang showed this to us.

and it did open my eyes when i watch it again after i learn about the ISK (Ini Sejarah Kita) with kak Hanisah.and i hope that it will touch your heart too,insyaAllah :)

thank you so much kak yong, for pushing me to learn about the ISK, where i learn about the responsibilities of a muslim and made me go to the Shahadatul Haq (SH) when i was in Ireland a couple of months back.

and thank you kak hanisah for finding us and letting us know that there's a sharing group also in egypt and the way they approach us is wayy different than other circles here and thank you for finding me when i need this sharing group the most.

and thank YOU, GOD. for planning this for me.for us. and to open our eyes.

terharu.sangat-sangat terharu.terima kasih,Tuhan. :')

aku tak pandai describe dengan kata-kata.tapi aku harap, kamu dapat rasa apa yang aku rasa. :)

will be hiatus for a month insyaAllah.
saya minta maaf kalau ada salah silap.
semoga semua mendoakan kejayaan saya tahun ini(sbb tahun ni sangat-sangat susah!!)

Friday, May 07, 2010

Gotto envy them!

meet the Jayesslee. they are twins with the nationality of korean australian.
found them when i was just loitering around the facebook, and couln't help to watch other videos too..

what's not to envy?
they are just too perfect!adoi.


speaking of which,i have to do my lab work now!ok buhbye~!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

terasa dekat dgn tuhan

it's finally out!
here's my favourite song..
inshaAllah by Maher Zain.

suka.terharu.terasa dekat dgn tuhan.words cannot describe the feelings,man. :')

Monday, April 26, 2010

hey kids!

it is so cute that i feel like i wanna share it with all.maybe even some of the adults didn't even know these stuff kan.hehe.

brush your teeth at least twice a day kids!(yes,and adult)
or else you'll have to meet your friendly friend the dentist.huhu

Saturday, April 24, 2010

hey hey there's a doctor in the family!

hey hey we have a doctor now in the family!!

this post is to congratulate Dr Hajar Salleh for getting double honors in medicine and surgery. ho yeah the whole family is so proud of you,kak yong!

huish dah habis dahhh...tak sabarnye nak habis jugak!! 2 more years bebeh..2 more years..insyaAllah..

ok back to my practical work...i have loads of them..
due date:
tuesday for both prosthesis evaluation and operative requirements.
thurday for the crown and bridge requirements.

kelas masih berjalan while the exam is just around the corner..cepat la habis wahai desperately need study leave!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

busy bee

a busy bee with extra pinch of sucky internet = no blog update.

just a review of what i've (or, we've) done lately..

Dentistry Photoshoot.
yup. did that. the whole malaysian dentistry students all together! with the boys (forced to) wearing baju melayu and the girls with their baju kurung. feels abit like raya.well the purpose was actually for the dentistry malaysian day(that's another story).big thanks to Taqi for being the photographer of the day! ;)
*hanya meletak gambar yang comel2 sahaja*

ok,bukan ini yang kami beri pada university

3rd year,2009/10.

batch 07/08.

When Maher Zain came to Cairo.
i immediately text my friend to buy the ticket!and it worth every pound!with the orchestra at the back and i have to proudly tell you this,maher zain actually invited ar-raid(malaysian nasheed group here) to be his backup singer and aiman was one of them!!!and he is why we got to meet mr maher zain himself backstage after the concert.lucky me huh?haha.
yang bestnye..
he knew ramai orang malaysia datang, and went like..
'i know that there are many my malaysian fans here tonight,thank you for coming!'
comel ke tak comel?haha.
*mak texted me:' dgr cite awak pergi concert?'
siape la bgtau mak ni??nasib baik konsert nasyid.huhu*

all the best in your career, mr maher zain! m.zain: please make du'a for me.

amek kau capital letter!the plan was wayy back before the winter break.tapi dr ni ngade2 nak tgk itu ini.postponed a week.postponed to another week.another week.finally on the 7th of april 2010,we made it happen.fuhhh!!!puas hati. THANKs everyone for the hardwork throughout the entire dentistry malaysian day ;)
was the director of the event ;)

with the vice dean and everyone else

main dish of the day: sate made by faiz.alhamdulillah cukup :)

i am in the finals mood.
practical exams will be starting on 7th may.
written exams will be starting on 8th june and everything will end on the 29th june.
insyaAllah will go back to dearie hometown mid july tapi ticket belum beli lagi.tunggu result dulu baru beli.
will be busy starting this day.huhu takut ni finals ni.tak mahu pisang berbuah 2 kali,nak balik malaysia cepat2!doakan yang terbaik,please :)

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

life is like an hourglass glued to the table

gotta love this:

2 AM and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake,
can you help me unravel my latest mistake,
I don't love him, winter just wasn't my season
Yeah we walk through the doors, so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to critisize,
hypocrites, you're all here for the very same reason

'Cause you can't jump the track,we're like cars on a cable
and life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button girl,
So cradle your head in you hands
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breathe

May he turn 21 on the base at Fort Bliss
Just today he sat down to the flask in his fist,
Ain't been sober, since maybe October of last year.
Here in town you can tell he's been down for a while,
But my God it's so beautiful when the boy smiles,
Wanna hold him, maybe I'll just sing about it.

Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button boys,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breahte

There's a light at each end of this tunnel, you shout
But you're just as far in as you'll ever be out
These mistakes you've made, you'll just make them again
If you only try turning around.

2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, its no longer
inside of me, threatening the life they belong to
And i feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to

Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button now
Sing it if you understand.
and breathe, just breathe
woah breathe, just breathe,
oh breathe, just breathe

breathe(2am) by anna nalick

Monday, March 22, 2010

err hello?


sesi membersihkan sawang-sawang blog.

hello people,it's been awhile.been busy with some stuff.ada je masa terluang sikit tapi nk cerita everyday life sangat-sangat bosan.(wahh saya dah matang,ho yeahh)
ok back to sesi membersihkan sawang-sawang blog. just a quick review of what happened during my blog post absent.

dental workshop was a success,alhamdulillah.
the dental workshop's aim was to teach the students anything regarding the practical work that they'll face the next year.macam predentistry students belajar macamane nak carve gigi.and the 1st year students belajar macamane nak buat crown,buat tooth preparation and complete denture.syok kan? semestinya idea datang daripada tuan pengarah,acap!!woot woot.
we had 2 sessions of dental workshop.means,2 fridays, because the only cuti we have is friday,nak buat 2 hari berturut is very impossible(ok ok stop whining)
thanks to all program committee members for making the workshop a success.kesian korang penat2 eh?but it totally worth it right?heehee.

pengarah di tengah2.takleh do aku letak gambar kau sorang.biar la orang lain nk tumpang glamer jugak.huhu
the 1st day: as an instructor.hehe seronok.

the 2nd day, as an assistant instructor for kak meen

i missed almost everything this year.i missed the cultural day,the talent show,the dinner,the family day.humph.blame my course for that.
i decided not to go to the annual dinner because,
i do not have the money for it,let alone for the dress.
i need the money i have to buy dentistry tools yang boleh tahan mahal juga harganya.

but but,i am going to maher zain's concert in cairo this thursday!weehoo!

erm, am actually having a writer's block (-.-") so,i don't really know what else to write huhu.

the dentistry malaysian day is coming up. but the date is yet to be known. i'm handling quite a big part of it but yes, the job comes along with stress foc. humph. the vice dean nak tgk ni,tgk tu before the actual event, dia puas hati, barulah boleh organize. sabar hannah sabar~huhu.
i just hope that the dentistry malaysian day will run smoothly and will not interfere with our studies,insyaAllah.

talking about studies, i still have alot to cover.yeahhh, the common student's everyday talk.but seriously, the final will start on 22nd may and ends on 30th june.practical belum tahu lagi.could be next month!speaking of which, i havent practice setting teeth for prosthesis yet!huhu freaky.freaky.freaky.

back to books peeps.will not update the blog sangat frequently,sadly.
the internet connection pon not being too friendly nowadays.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ok the holiday post!

it's going to be a full with pictures and a bit diary-ish bare with me. :D

1st day
boarded a turkish airlines flight to istanbul. and this is a must say,turkish air is worse than egypt air.thanks! it's like air asia, only more expensive.egypt air, i heart you. (omg,what did you just say hannah?haha egypt air boleh 40 kg okay?seronok)
slept for almost the entire 4 hours in istanbul airport. And, istanbul airport is big, but more or less macam pasar jual ikan.. serabut gila masa check in.urghh tak suka..but that's another story.
and so, from istanbul we boarded another turkish airlines flight straight to DUBLIN!ho yeah..
where nadia lost her bag. haha. so like yeah, met kak yong there, hugged!rinduuuu..yada-yada. settled down at her house,yang best.dapur yang best.jeles.benci

and then at night, we went to jalan-jalan at the dublin city centre,because dear nadia has nothing to wear the next day because her bag is still at cairo. perfect kan?haha. akmal as the tourist guide.showed us here and there. kedai dah tutup pon..and it was only 7. kedai kat mesir buka sampai lewat malam ok?(haha tiba2 bangge :p)


2nd day.
next destination: london.
ryan air is abang to air asia. but we don't really mind because the journey was about 1 hour or so.settled down at the london malaysian! better than the cairo malaysian hall la yang pastinya.then, off we go loitering around london!

nampak sgt la kan korang tau aku pergi mane.haha :p

oxford street at night.
day 3.
ripley's tak bukak lagi when we got there. super sedih. teruskan perjalanan menjelajah london.and then off we go to bristol.met haziq and afiq.went to the clifton suspension bridge where afiq told a long story about it.penciptanya si brunel. tinggi bridge tak brunel tak cukup duit.sebab tu bridge tu pendek je.and si brunel tak cukup budget untuk beli bahan,so digantikan dengan ape entah.tak ingat dah.

trafalgar square.

buckingham palace

the clifton suspension bridge

day 5.
terus 5th day sebab nothing much happened on the 4th day.hehe.
so on the 5th day, kami merajinkan diri ke kelas di rcsi!! ho yeah. we followed akmal, ok jalan ke rcsi from kak yong's house was like so tiring.envied the super comfy lecture hall.envied the english lecture.envied the way they study.urgh benci orang-orang yang belajar di rcsi.thanks.
after that, we visited kak yong's college, trinity college dublin, and went to the famous library yang ada the book of kells, which is believed to be the oldest book ever. and the long room tapi tapi!! no photographs allowed.sedih sedih.
and then, we went to Powerscourt,bray by dart. the scenery in powerscout is super amazing!it is believed that it was owned by some lord hundred years back and the lord died (obviously) and something happened here which i cannot remember..and yeah the powerscout is now for people to come and enjoy the scenery.tapi serious besarrrr!! and there's waterfall but we didn't get the chance to go there because it was closed.
trinity college dublin.


this is bray

day 6
was planning to go to the Malihide castle or Glendalough. i really wanted to go to Glendalough because it was the place where p/s: i love you filmed. but we went to the Grafton street instead to buy some souvenirs. spent the entire day looking for souvenirs and had dinner at the kebabish original with kak yong. ziarah-ed some kak yong's friends. made new friends. chatted and laughed until mid night.
sian bdk ni kena buli.haha :p

day 7
went to galway for a program kak yong asked me to join. shahadatul haq. an awesome program i must say. i enjoyed every bit(eh tipu) most of it.the talk about the shahadatul haq was really an eye opener.and this,i will tell, in the next post, insyaAllah. :)

galway :)

ain,the new friend. salam ukhwah ;)

day 8
still in galway and went back to dublin later in the afternoon.

day 9
ok tiba masa untuk kembali ke reality. :(
thanks kak yong, for everything! especially the shahadatul haq program. me love my sister so much! :)

more photos?see here :D

backpacking was fun! but for girls macam mahal sikit lah kan sebab tempat tinggal agak mahal sebab kitorang taknak amek dorm backpackers sebab nak solat n stuff a bit susah. and kitorang like jalan macam sukati je nak jalan mane sebab entah..malas lah ade group tour etc! tp survive je and duit pon tak banyak habis.sebab bawak segala macam maggie n segala 3 in 1.ho yeahh!

overall, saye kurang belanja dan ada duit extra yang agak banyak la jugak! :) (cehhh bangge pulak..huhu :p)

thanks kak yong, kak fatimah, kak yana, kak siha, kak sheeda, kak amy for the hospitality.
thanks akmal, for the tickets, and for teman-ing us shopping.haha
thanks haziq for the sardines.haha :p
thank you ireland for giving me sooo much experiences, both good and bad.haha

till we meet again!insyaAllah, biiznillah. :)